I keep falling off the wagon after doing so well :(



  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    If I know I am going to over eat, or if I have a stressful day at work and indulge in my favorite food ( which happens to be pizza ) I count all the calories and then bust my *kitten* even harder when I work out. This way I take accountability for the food I ate and feel proud that I worked them off. If I eat clean my normal workout is hard but not brutal, if I eat like crap, then my workout is brutal.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I am really struggling to maintain compliance with the amount of calories I am supposed to be eating. I will do great for 4-7 days, but then get horrible cravings to overeat. There is a diner place right by my work that has great pancakes. They are my weakness. I never want to go there again but it's hard. The craving is really strong, and it's right by my work.

    I did this today after a number of perfect days. Today was particularly stressful at work and I know this is why I ended up going to the diner. I wanted those pancakes for comfort from stress.

    You will have to break this habit by replacing it with a better one. Yours is a mental battle with the pancakes, not a physical one. Trying to outsmart the pancakes isn't working. Maybe make a deal with yourself in terms of working for them? Burn calories through a different kind of exercise and earn them. That way you get to enjoy them more on YOUR terms instead of letting them lure you in when you are most vulnerable.
  • 2boys111
    2boys111 Posts: 31 Member
    To address the loneliness you mentioned: why not get involved at the gym or a fitness class? I did a TRX class that was a 50/50 mix of men and women. I would do it every Monday and Wed night and started to meet people that way. It was nice to walk into the class and have small talk etc.

    Maybe getting more connected to people will help your loneliness? If not fitness, maybe a class for a hobby you have? Get yourself out there....

    Good luck!
  • freekat
    freekat Posts: 71 Member
    I would move away from the idea of needing to be perfect. Yes you need to eat at a deficit over the long term. However, the occasional treat will not change that. You might like to try cutting back your daily calories so that you can have a treat day once a week. Then you can have your weight loss and pancakes too!
  • Alyssawinter1221
    Don't be too hard on yourself! Everyone makes mistakes! A splurge every once in a while won't kill your diet, just hit it hard in the gym after :)

    Tomorrow is a new day!

    Maybe you can chug a water before you go in and order a half stack? Chugging a water really helps me to not over eat!

    Orrrrr... Maybe you can go in and make a huge scene, so you'll get thrown out and won't be allowed back in :) jk!

    Well best of luck!

    You should add me on here! I love the motivation and accountability and feel free to msg me when the pancake cravings come :)
    Also -- last thing I PROMISE-- cravings generally last 5 minutes! Maybe call a friend, email, Facebook, just distract your self and it will pass... "This too shall pass"
