To hell with lifting and stick to cardio?



  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    My pics <<<<

    the changes in my body composition are greater than my scale losses reflect. THAT is due to my adding strength training to HIIT cardio when I was over 200 lbs and didn't wait until my SCALE was at a lower #. I was 47 before I learned this lesson.

    I will come back to edit this with a summary of " how I did it "

    WHY on earth would you not want lower body fat, higher lean body mass, a smaller body? Why would you trade THAT for a # on a scale? I get it. We are " trained" to think that the scale reflects what's up and we apply that to a chart designed as a basic tool for the AVERAGE person that doesn't and cannot take body composition into effect. I say : we MUST get the scale weight = healthy weight out of our brains. OBESITY is defined as having more subcutaneous fat than lean body mass. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. THEN : start lifting some heavy stuff and eating well. Leave the scale in the closet.

    ROCK ON.


    Morning! I've been asked and I've told before, but for my newer peeps - here is my answer to " How did u lose your weight?". I changed how I ate and I added exercise back into my life. My biggest food problem was and is EBLS. extraneous bread like substances. I ate them in a compulsive, mindless way that crowded out other foods. I crowded IN protein, healthy fats & complex carbs and was able to crowd OUT EBLS. Protein was my primary focus. I was rehabbing from knee replacement surgery so my exercise for first 3 months was recumbent bicycle. I then discovered strength training and loved it. Incorporated weight machines with bike for 4 months then I started free weights and lifting heavy. Lifted 3x week with HIIT intervals on the bike or elliptical. 2-3 days I also did my own version of HIIT spinning on the bike. I did this routine for about a year. this past year, I mostly lift. Walk when my knee allows it. I do need to add HIIT on the bike back into my routine 1-2 days a week. all of those workouts were an hour or less. The HIIT bike only days were 30/35 minutes from warmup-cool down. My calorie deficit was modest. I primarily ate 160O-1900 calories. in the beginning, for a few months I was eating around 1200, but stalled after losing 20 lbs. I had to up calories to start losing again. I've had greater body recomp than the actual weight loss in pounds reflect. I attribute that to strength training and being mindful of EBLS. I watch my macros only to the extent of ensuring I get my protein in. IDEALLY, I strive for my protein to be higher than my carbs. Usually doesn't work out, but pretty darn close most of the time.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    Sounds to me like you're answering your own questions. Salt, taking a week to eat maintenance, cutting out some cardio, etc.

    What program are you currently doing?
    Oh well I didn't mean specifically this week. It's been like this for a while. I just took this week to try and reset things. I didn't expect to retain as badly as I did but I had stalled out so I was curious as to why when I weigh my food. But I'll start doing cardio again.
  • Autumngolds
    Autumngolds Posts: 30 Member
    I recommend carrying on with the lifting - strength training will help you lose fat faster than doing only cardio. I'm speaking from experience (a while before starting with fitnesspal) - at one point I was doing the same amount of exercise (an hour a day, five times a week, at the time), but only cardio, and my weight loss slowed down dramatically. A session of strength training will leave your body burning calories faster for the next day or two. If you're losing fat but not weight, it's only because the lifting is building your muscle as well as helping with the fat loss. Maybe you can find another way to measure the fat going down: as well as checking your weight you could keep track of your measurements. It would mean you could still see a number dropping as you're working to reach your goals. Hopefully that way you could carry on doing what you love and losing weight at a steady pace, but with the added encouragement.
  • flannery2012
    flannery2012 Posts: 58 Member
    read later
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    if you love lifting well then keep doing it and also make room for cardio. For me, I am not going to lift until I lose much much more weight, like probably in the toning process.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I recommend carrying on with the lifting - strength training will help you lose fat faster than doing only cardio. I'm speaking from experience (a while before starting with fitnesspal) - at one point I was doing the same amount of exercise (an hour a day, five times a week, at the time), but only cardio, and my weight loss slowed down dramatically. A session of strength training will leave your body burning calories faster for the next day or two. If you're losing fat but not weight, it's only because the lifting is building your muscle as well as helping with the fat loss. Maybe you can find another way to measure the fat going down: as well as checking your weight you could keep track of your measurements. It would mean you could still see a number dropping as you're working to reach your goals. Hopefully that way you could carry on doing what you love and losing weight at a steady pace, but with the added encouragement.
    Oh well I could find an alternative way to measure myself (:
  • Jamie22184
    Jamie22184 Posts: 33 Member
    Pitch your scale for awhile and develop a relationship with your tape measure. I did that when I started lifting and it's the best decision I've made when it came to losing weight. Don't get me wrong I still weigh in but just 1 time month when I do my measurements.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I recommend carrying on with the lifting - strength training will help you lose fat faster than doing only cardio. I'm speaking from experience (a while before starting with fitnesspal) - at one point I was doing the same amount of exercise (an hour a day, five times a week, at the time), but only cardio, and my weight loss slowed down dramatically. A session of strength training will leave your body burning calories faster for the next day or two. If you're losing fat but not weight, it's only because the lifting is building your muscle as well as helping with the fat loss. Maybe you can find another way to measure the fat going down: as well as checking your weight you could keep track of your measurements. It would mean you could still see a number dropping as you're working to reach your goals. Hopefully that way you could carry on doing what you love and losing weight at a steady pace, but with the added encouragement.
    Oh well I could find an alternative way to measure myself (:

    What is your ultimate goal? Just to be stronger or to get to a certain size/ body fat?

    If it's just to get stronger, then yeah, don't change anything and don't bother weighing.

    If it's to get to a certain body fat composition that is less than you are now, measure / log your food and make sure you're at a deficit. Adding cardio is a good way to help with creating more caloric deficit and is easier to estimate to see what difference it makes in your caloric output.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    What is your ultimate goal? Just to be stronger or to get to a certain size/ body fat?

    If it's just to get stronger, then yeah, don't change anything and don't bother weighing.

    If it's to get to a certain body fat composition that is less than you are now, measure / log your food and make sure you're at a deficit. Adding cardio is a good way to help with creating more caloric deficit and is easier to estimate to see what difference it makes in your caloric output.
    My goal is to be 15% body fat (:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I do both. Right now at one pound left to lose, my weight loss is SLOW, but I'm seeing inch loss and greater body definition. Just keep doing what you love.

    Losing weight is all about calorie deficit, strength and muscle definition is all about exercise. The combination is all about an EMPOWERED me.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    "I've seen changes in my body fat but my weight hasn't moved. "

    Muscle is denser than fat. You can lose inches and maintain the same weight: in certain instances you can burn fat and build muscle at the same time.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    "I've seen changes in my body fat but my weight hasn't moved. "

    Muscle is denser than fat. You can lose inches and maintain the same weight: in certain instances you can burn fat and build muscle at the same time.
    I was just confused because I still weigh in the 190s
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    I would add in some HIIT sessions (high intensity interval training). If you don't have time for both, perhaps go down to 3-4 weight sessions a week and add in some HIIT. You could do tabata, which only takes a few minutes to get that punch of HIIT.

    I know the frustration all too well of putting all the effort in and not seeing the scale budge! But, if you are REALLY maintaining a deficit (are you sure you are tracking everything??) and doing the work, you need to rest assured that your body is doing something positive, as hard as that is when the scale doesn't budge!

    ^^^ THIS is exactly what I was going to suggest. Design your weight lifting sessions so you are covering all body parts in 3-4 days per week. On the off days, add in some intense cardio sessions. Without getting too long-winded, cardio is better at helping you burn fat and weights are better at helping you build muscle which supports higher metabolic function throughout the day. So both are important. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) will give you more bang for your buck as far as cardio goes, and is more effective than steady state cardio on it's own. You can accomplish this through all types of formats. With your bad ankle, you might trying cycling. High intensity for 30 seconds then back off for 1 minute. Continue this for the duration of your 30 minute cardio session. Adjust and increase times as your endurance improves. Also, if doing both on the same day, better to do cardio after weights due to the different processes that your body uses for energy.

    As far as suggesting some good weight routines, someone above mentioned hiring a personal trainer. If you can afford it, go for it. I see from your profile pick you are working out in a gym. Most gyms offer 1-2 introductory sessions to members upon sign up so if you haven't taken advantage of that yet, that is something you can ask about. You can also start educating yourself by reading on line. A) has some great resources and is my go-to place when looking to change up my routines. In January I will start Jaime Eason's Live Fit 12 week program which you can sign up for (free) at this same website. B) is another site that a lot of folks here on MFP recommend. C) There is a group on this website that many people recommend - run by two long time members who are very much into weight training and are very helpful: If nothing else, a great place to start reading .... D) Many people have recommended the book New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women. I haven't personally looked at it yet, but might be worth checking out ...

    Finally, make friends with a tape measure. If you are not seeing changes on the scale, it is for a variety of reasons that other posters have already mentioned, but a tape measure will help you document your body transformation, and that is a great encouragement when the scale is not giving you the data you are looking for. In the end, it is all just data to help you measure your progress, nothing more.

    Hope that helps and good luck to you!! Keep up the good work and good things will continue to come your way!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Calorie Deficit for weight loss.

    Exercise is for health and fitness. And apart from that, you are talking aerobic vs. endurnace vs. strength. A well rounded exercise regime takes both into account.

    Exercise can promote weight loss, but only indirectly. At the end of the day it all comes back to total calories consumed. Make sure you weigh everything and maintain a calorie deficit.

    exactly this - and when you lift doesn't matter, nor does when you eat, it's the amount of food you put in your mouth.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    From what you have written, you are losing body fat. Personally I would suggest putting the scale away for a month or two. Measure yourself with a measuring tape, and retake those measurements in 2 weeks or so. If you, as you seem to be, are losing body fat, the weight will eventually follow, but the only way to be sure is to know if your measurements are changing.

    There was a thread not too long back of women posting pictures of before and after training with weights where their weight was basically the same or sometimes even higher, and every one of them looked far better in their after pictures. Getting caught up in looking only at weight forgets that if losing weight rather than body fat is the issue, just chopping off your leg will get rid to the weight. The goal is getting rid of fat.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Lifting is not preventing you from losing weight and I think you are very fortunate that you love lifting. Lifting makes one stronger, helps with daily physical challenges, increases circulation, promotes relaxation, digestion, and self regulation, can reduce injuries from running, increases or helps maintain bone density, and thats all I can think of right now! The benefits are endless! Plus, muscles are beautiful.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    body composition is much more important and relevant than weight - your BF% is dropping, whilst your weight remains consistent, that's a great scenario!! I'd keep lifting and learn to appreciate your body for what it looks like, not an irrelevant number on a scale.

    ^^ That
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Me again : )

    I took a look at your profile and peeked at your diary.

    GREAT JOB on your successes!! Tremendous loss. It is now time to regroup, tighten up and stay consistent and persistent.

    I think you need to focus on your FOOD a bit more in terms of quantity and quality. I only looked at a few days, but logging seemed not very consistent and I saw some opportunity for crowding IN some foods. Nutrient dense, filling foods are beneficial. Food with staying power. Food that will fuel you and your workouts.

    Go back and read what I wrote you . You are on the right path. : )

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I get the issue....we all want to see the weight go down...and when we don't it's like "WTH".

    It takes a while to get past this mind set.

    But lifting has too many benefits to stop doing it, esp if you love it.

    As others have said use a tape measure, take pics and only weigh once in a while.

    Keep in mind if you do want that number to go down it's all in the diet.

    I have lost more inches then pounds doing circut training and now weights.

    I prefer this to being soft and lighter...I am 162lbs and wear a size 8...,,most woman my weight wear a bigger size...just to put it into perspective for you.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm back on track in regards to well, tracking. Hopefully I'll see something new. I decided to look into starting strength. It's similar to strong lifts. I have a question about it: can you add exercises to it or is that going to be "ineffective?"