Supplements, Pills, Powders Ect.

Mrbackslap Posts: 145
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
What are you taking and how has it helped you out?

Orange Triad Multi-vitamin> Great for digestion and joints
Fish oil daily

White Flood pre-workout drink> It gives me energy and focus and gives me that extra push I need
Green magnitude creatine> Needed it for muscle building
Purple wraath since I do alot of cardio
Optimum Whey protein > Best bang for your buck plus best protein ive been taking. I usually dont feel sore after drinking this.

Just finished Reduction AM/PM fat burner- wasn't too bad am peps you up and the pm knocks you out for the night.


  • sk_letsdothis
    sk_letsdothis Posts: 44 Member
    Taking GNC Lean Shake as a meal replacement and it keeps me full for about 2-3 hours
    AMP Wheybolic Extreme - keeps me from feeling sore after working out
    GNC Multi Vitamin Pack , energy, fish oil, all the fun stuff I may be missing from my meals
  • Mrbackslap
    Mrbackslap Posts: 145
    You might wanna look into other things besides the gnc brands.
    I find it to be a lower quality product at a higher value.

    I was taking gnc multi-vitamin it made my pee neon almost radioactive looking.
    And was taking gnc AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60, it was over priced and i only got 60g of protein from 3 scoops.

    optimum whey protein 24g per 1 scoop and a 10 pound bag is 80 bucks.

    Those GNC guys will pretty much try to push you expensive GNC junk.
  • sk_letsdothis
    sk_letsdothis Posts: 44 Member
    yeah my friend was telling me that also. to check out the vitamin shoppe and other places too. It was something I wanted to try, but now I got some great tips from here and others that when I'm done with this, I want to try other things. AND you are so right about the neon pee lol! thanks for the tip! Maybe I'll check them out!
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I keep it pretty simple. I've been taking the Kirkland Premium Performance Multivitamin from Coscto for a couple months now and just recently added Origin Fish Oil + Vitamin D. I wanted to add fish oil and VD and was debating taking calcium, but my multivitamin has some calcium and I don't want to be popping 5 pills a day. Recently I was using BSN Syntha-6 protein shake mix (hello again GNC, lol) after workouts, but I've been switching up my intake lately.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I use plenty of whey protein, but I'm looking to add Casein protein as a before-bed fill-me-up. I also currently stack Creatine monohydrate and Beta-alanine. I was stacking HMB in there too, and have another bottle to add when I cycle off creatine in a week or so.
    Other then that I take a sport multi-vatamin. Once I start hitting the gym really hard again I'm going to try Jack3d as a pre-workout supplement.

    The creatine/beta-alanine stack has had a noticable affect on how my muscles feel during a workout. They get weaker as I workout, as expected, but don't give out in pain like they would without the supplementation.
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    I use At Large products, but usually also have Animal products on the shelf since I get several items from them at sponsored discounts. Animal PM, a recovery supp is great, so is Animal Flex, great for joint supplementation. For protein powder I stick with At Large products, simply the best. The ONLY reason I go in to GNC is to make a fool of the sales people for having no idea what they're selling. I've heard good things about Jack3d, but never strayed from my simple $13 ECA stack, best there is.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    This is an interesting thread, I'm curious to see everyone's responses/experiences. I personally don't take anything, other than a daily multivitamin, and I question whether even that is doing anything beneficial for me.
  • Mrbackslap
    Mrbackslap Posts: 145
    I tried Jack3d Monday from a friend.
    Took it while off white flood since Thursday.
    Sort of a clean slate I guess since I just started WF anyway.

    Imo White flood is a way better formulated product.
    Yes I did get a little better pumps on Jack3d but not the same energy or focus as I did with WhiteFlood. Jack3d had me feeling like im on something, the hairs on my body are standing up like im about to turn into a werewolf.
    I guess since you feel like your on crack you tell your brain its better so you get a few more pumps. But overall white flood had me really focus and full of energy without the crazy after feeling or jitters. If your one of those people that gotta feel almost high to know something is working then you'll like Jack3d. Not for me though I had to take sleeping pills to fall asleep that night.
  • the neon "pee" is just vit b extra that your body didn't need, it's water soluble so what your body doesn't need it excretes. it's okay , just so ya know. sure is funny to see though lol!
  • Mrbackslap
    Mrbackslap Posts: 145
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I have a big reaction to stimulants. I can't drink caffiene after 7 or it's no sleep until after midnight. I'll give white flood a try first and see how it works for me. Currently
  • Anyone else?
  • amandasilva
    amandasilva Posts: 50 Member
    Anyone else?
    *sheepishly raises hand*

    Umm...I like SuperPump250 (BlueRazz) for when I have to go for runs....I like how I can run without thinking about running (ya' know?) It also helps on days when I can't get enough caffiene to keep me focused at work (without the jitters)- which I then space a single scoop out over the entire day.
    BTW- I am no-where-near an expert. I just happened to get into it because of my line of work.
    Other than Flintstones Vitamins count? *Laughs*
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I picked up some white flood, as suggested. Took it monday before chest and shoulder day and was rather impressed. I'm getting ready to cycle off creatine, and White flood doesn't have any so I can keep using it as a preworkout supplement. At the end of this week when I cycle of creatine I'll be taking a multi-vitamin, Beta-alanine (2/3 dose because White flood has b-a in it.), white flood and of course plenty of protein powder.

    I'm thinking about trying an E/C stack to help burn fat, but not until I get below 200 on my own. I want to get below 200, then do a bulking phase to get some size, then cut with E/C stack and see if I can really get things going.
  • Kool hope you like it, I just finished a nice set today on white flood so im happy.
    I might try jacked after white flood just to give my body a break from it.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I like it, but I found that I was getting weak pretty quick using white flood. I realized today, when I did arms without WF, that I wasn't resting enough between sets. I was so hyped up that I was doing set after set, and after 15 minutes my muscles were just done. Today without it I was getting enough rest in between sets to keep going on my arms for over 30 minutes. I definitely feel the pump with it though. It's nice to feel muscles in my back I haven't felt before.

    I'm getting ready to cycle off creatine, so I'll stick with WF, then I too plan to try jacked when I cycle back on creatine.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I occasionally take a whey powder supplement to add extra protein on weight lifting days. It contains a small amount of creatine to help increase muscle mass. The downside is it also makes me gain water weight.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Was told today that I am slightly anemic so I need to start on a good multivitiam.
  • I take Green tea pills on occasion. I also take alfalfa pills to help alkalize my body.

    My favorite thing to take is PGX fiber pills. I take 2 or 3 20 minutes before eating and they help lower the glycemic index of my meals and help me feel full. It also helps me feel full longer. I can't take stimulants, etc and this is the most natural thing I've found that has no side effects that I can't handle. The few I've had are gas at first, but it gets better and also makes you regular. This is also a great pill for diabetics. I'm pretty sure that's what it was originally made for and they realized it was helping with weightloss.
  • I like it, but I found that I was getting weak pretty quick using white flood. I realized today, when I did arms without WF, that I wasn't resting enough between sets. I was so hyped up that I was doing set after set, and after 15 minutes my muscles were just done. Today without it I was getting enough rest in between sets to keep going on my arms for over 30 minutes. I definitely feel the pump with it though. It's nice to feel muscles in my back I haven't felt before.

    I'm getting ready to cycle off creatine, so I'll stick with WF, then I too plan to try jacked when I cycle back on creatine.

    Yea I'll probably go to jack3d after my WF runs out lately I dont wanna get my body to use to the same product.
    I even switched my whey recently just to see if I get any different results.
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