This girl is crazy i need advice



  • amirmfp
    amirmfp Posts: 2 Member
    Hi,It seems you let her come and go anytime she likes.Is this what your life and feelings are?
    Take the control and manage the situation,first find out what you really want and then with the power of your part in a partnership make decision and go to next step of life.Use time, health, family and friends as heal if necessary.Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Hi,It seems you let her come and go anytime she likes.Is this what your life and feelings are?
    Take the control and manage the situation,first find out what you really want and then with the power of your part in a partnership make decision and go to next step of life.Use time, health, family and friends as heal if necessary.Good luck :flowerforyou:
    Best first post ever.
  • melissalatzel24
    when you went on a euro trip she was jealous if you'd be hooking up with europeans so thats why she kept keeping in contact only then...
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Well...I personally wouldn't have gotten chummy with my ex...Rarely does being friends and exes actually work-at least not until you each find someone else. Chances are she's lonely and she's taking every little thing you do as a signal that you still care...
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member

    dot org
    Before it ends up being .gov

  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    She sounds like a keeper. That being said that was not easy to read.
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    I guess all of u were right , we met.. she kept mumbling and giving out stupid excuses ..shes is not right for me .i'm moving on ,if she tries to fix stuff i'm definitely not going to listen to her bull**** end of story ..thanks alot everyone !
  • dgm82
    dgm82 Posts: 23 Member
    So my x and i broke up 2 years ago after being with each other for 3 years ..but we didn't totally stop talking to each other during this period ..we talked on FB every now and then ..i didn't really get over during that time until i tried to fix it by going to her surprise birthday party ..but it didn't go as i expected lol Happiness = reality - expectations, she totally ignored me all she said was thanks for coming in a freaking cold way and that's it she ignored me for the rest of the party ..of course i left and after that day i never wanted to c her face ever again ..but she did the same my friends threw me a surprise b day party and she showed up ..i didn't open up anything about what happened i just said thanks for coming lol and she looked kinda upset but we didn't talk about it ...we just chilled with our friends ( she knows my friends i know her friends .. ) . After that party we didn't talk that much but i saw her a couple of times by coincidence..we had a quick how is it going , college, family etc .. it remained this way until last summer when i did a euro trip with my friends ..she freaking exploded , she talked to me everyday on phone , FB day and night as if we are together i didn't understand why now but i went with the flow and i was nice to her i tried to forget the past and think about the future to fix things again .. when i came back from my trip it was ok we went out alot , we really good etc.. but then out of no where she ignores my calls & texts ( she see's them ) for a week or so then she calls but i do the same i ignore her and so on its like a cycle.. i just don't get what does she want ..what do u all think ?

    Few things:

    1) She/you still have feelings for each other.
    2) She/you are both confused and you both don't know what you want.

    Three choices:

    1) Sit down and have a serious talk and ask her if she wants to get back together.
    2) Make a move.
    3) Ignore it, move on. If you still want to be friends with her, see #1.

    At the end of the day you need to make a decision and go with it. Women hate indecisiveness and a lack of confidence in a man.

  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Too much drama. Cut her loose. Now. Life is too short!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    i just don't get what does she want ..what do u all think ?

    She wants the D!