Is it too early to talk about 2014 goals?

I have three major goals that I want to achieve for 2014 and I want to share them. Is it too early for that kind of talk since we haven't even had Christmas? Who cares, I am going to share them anyway.

1) Find my new look - I am sick and tired of everyone asking me if my 2 year old is my grandson. I am only 40 but because I put all of my effort into taking care of my kids, I sometimes overlook my own personal "fashion" and I tend to wear what ever flowered contraption from Wal-mart that will fit over my stomach. I carry myself like an old lady. I am sure that it is partially due to shame over my weight. Well, no more. I am down 27 pounds and I need to step it up for 2014. I don't know if I am going for rocker chick, bad girl stripper or fashion model. WHO KNOWS? But I need to find it.
2) Find my voice - I want to write a book. I have alot of crap in my head that needs to come out and a book is a great place to store it
3) Find my body - I used to be HOTTT! That body is lost someplace deep down beneath these layers of fat. As I continue to shred pounds and move towards my 100 pound weight loss, I hope to find that HOTTIE again. :blushing:

Please share some of you 2014 goals. They don't all have to be fitness related.


  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    I'm with you on not wanting to look and feel old!:)

    My main 2014 goals are to maintain my weight, continue to develop my lats, pecs, delts, and biceps which I think will bring my bodyfat percentage down at the same time, and to get into the habit of running or hiking every week.
  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    I will be 40 in 2016... I will need to lose as much as 90 more pounds to reach my goal...I guess its never too early to plan..Im planning for 2015. And if I reach my goal in 2014 ,hell yeah Ill definetly have new plans ...skinny dipping and its friends...
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    1. Lose another 30 pounds toward my ultimate goal
    2. Keep drinking at least 6-8 cups of water/day
    3. Exercice at least 30 minutes per day, everyday
    4. Go to bed at a decent time to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night (... ok, most nights)
    5. Finish my course (school)
    6. Log everyday, even when it's ugly
    7. Stop obsessing with the scale and get to a monthly weighing only

    Have a good Christmas!
  • OMG on #2. OP!!!

    You can totally do it. What kind of book do you want to write? In all seriousness do YOU want to write it or would you like to HIRE someone to write it for you? I finished my FIRST erotic fiction novel quite a few months ago. It took a little over a year for me to write but I DID it. Now I need to work on my query letter to send out to agents to get it published.It is SOOOO doable and when you do it it's like Woah. Even if I don't get published I wrote a fricken NOVEL! And you can too!

    Sorry didn't mean to fixate on that but I'm a writer. (I have so many novels "on the shelf" so to speak. A sequel to the one I just wrote and another one I've been working on to clear writers block. Add to that the novel that came to me in a dream last night. . . oy.

    Any who

    My goals.


    I want to eat better (I"d say "cleaner" but I'll get blasted and this will turn into a "what's clean eating?" derailment). I know my downfall is wine but I'm not about to give that up so I need to figure out who to imbibe and eat better

    I want to lose 10 (or so) pounds. I'd be happy with 6 to be honest. I want to lean out and be muscular.

    I want to really focus on my business and figure out the logistics to the new one that I am going to start up and the logistics of my fitness business that I started but haven't done anything with.
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    Mainly to start losing again and get fit. Ive been maintaining the same weight for months which is better than gaining but its time to get fit.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    My short term goal is to keep this thread from getting hijacked. :flowerforyou:

    -lose the last 15 & maintain
    -quit smoking
    -get ALL the use out of my gym membership.

    Oh... And firm my fanny
  • Jenn_N_SC
    Jenn_N_SC Posts: 15 Member
    My goals for 2014 will be to maintain my weight while losing some inches by getting into a lot more toning exercises and strength training. I've lost 80 lbs, but am left with a lot of flab. I may decide to drop a few more pounds after toning is complete. I plan to start Shawn T's Beach body 3-5x a week, and add more strength training in Jan. Then in Feb, a few of MFP friends and I have committed to start Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 5x a week. I am also trying to find my look again after many years of just throwing on something that just covered up my rolls while putting my wants WAY below ALL of my kid's wants. I've worked hard and deserve a little $$ spent on me. My ultimate goal is to be able to rock a bathing suit with my head held high this summer :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Not too early :

    1. Finish my book and start looking for publishers/sellers. Lots of writers in here I see.. we should start a group :laugh:
    2. Realize that I will probably never again be as fit and strong as I was in my 20's as an athlete, but start making some new PRs in my 40's
    3. 10 chin ups. i want to be able to do these, unassisted
    4. Reach my goal size 6 and start maintaining and tweaking from there
    5.Learn to drive :embarassed:
    6. learn to relax and not be little miss firecracker all the time
    7. feel comfortable in my skin once i reach goal
  • Jenn_N_SC
    Jenn_N_SC Posts: 15 Member
    I also hope to remain smoke free. Saturday was 1 month!!! :D
  • Fit2BeFly
    Fit2BeFly Posts: 185 Member
    Been thinking about my goals for a while. It's never too early.
    1. Look sexy and confident in my clothes.
    2. Lose 72 pounds by December 23, 2014
    3. Workout consistently - no less than 3 x's a week
    4. Stay focused and never lose sight of my goals
    5. Be patient, life is to short and work hard to accomplish any and everything
    6. Vacation on a beach in a 2 piece.. ⚡⚡⚡⚡
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    1. Lose 39.1 pounds more before July 16th, 2014 so I can say, "I lost 100 pounds in a year!"
    2. Complete and graduate college by summer.
    3. Park at the very back of every parking lot, and walk to the store. (Snow/Rain days may vary)
    4. Walk 2-5 miles every morning (Snow days may vary).
    5. Get a job in the career I have been working my butt off for!
    6. Survive the 30 Day challenges I gave myself for January!!!

    7. If I can lose between 75-100/110 pounds (Not getting my hopes up, but WILL work for it!) in 2014, that would be super awesome, and then I can see all my family and friends that I have been dying to see again to show them a new me!
    8. ...maybe, just maybe, start trying to wear feminine/women's clothes? (I am still 75% tomboy darn it!)
    9. Try weighing once a week... if I'm lucky later on... maybe once a month? Lol!
    10. Find away to pay back my grandmother for paying my college fees!
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I would really, Really, REALLY like to make it down another 20 lbs.. At 5'9" and 225 that's not asking a lot. I train A LOT. But evidently I eat and drink a lot, too. I've maintained my weight for 10 months now and it's time to go down. Oh, also, , , I want to set another PR in the 10k. In 2012 I ran a 1:20, in 2013 a 1:09, so I'd like to break the one hour mark now.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I will also be 40 soon and I have a 2 year old, 8, 14 and 15 Year old. I want to look as good as I feel. I am also looking for a new look. We can do this OP. 40 is still young!!!!!!!!
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Check out the link to one of my blogs below. It will give you a good idea of where my head is. I don't know what the hell the book is going to be about. I just know that it is in me and I have to write it.

    I stopped using the word "clean" when referring to my eating habits. It causes fights and death threats. =0)))
    I love your goals for 2014 . Get that book published baby. Make sure to report back here so we know where to buy it. Erotic novel sounds ohhhhhh so awesome!. PLus, when they turn it into a movie staring Brad Pitt, I can say "I knew her when"! YOU ROCK!
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    40 is awesome. If I just dress a little better, lose a little weight and put a little color over my grey hair, I can easily look mid 30's. We can do this. Thanks for the support.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    I love these goals. They are all ambitious but realistic.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    I would really, Really, REALLY like to make it down another 20 lbs.. At 5'9" and 225 that's not asking a lot. I train A LOT. But evidently I eat and drink a lot, too. I've maintained my weight for 10 months now and it's time to go down. Oh, also, , , I want to set another PR in the 10k. In 2012 I ran a 1:20, in 2013 a 1:09, so I'd like to break the one hour mark now.

    Totally awesome. Plan it, plot it and then do it. Check back often to let me know how you are doing
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    My goals for 2014 will be to maintain my weight while losing some inches by getting into a lot more toning exercises and strength training. I've lost 80 lbs, but am left with a lot of flab. I may decide to drop a few more pounds after toning is complete. I plan to start Shawn T's Beach body 3-5x a week, and add more strength training in Jan. Then in Feb, a few of MFP friends and I have committed to start Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 5x a week. I am also trying to find my look again after many years of just throwing on something that just covered up my rolls while putting my wants WAY below ALL of my kid's wants. I've worked hard and deserve a little $$ spent on me. My ultimate goal is to be able to rock a bathing suit with my head held high this summer :)

    You DO deserve to spend some money on yourself. KIds love it when their parents are attractive (teenage kids anyway), so in essence you will be doing something for them as well.
  • pinklemonayde530
    pinklemonayde530 Posts: 29 Member
    My big goal is going to be training to walk/jog the color run by 2015

    Of course keep losing weight, making a habit of working out more and more during a week, and try to fit more fruits and veggies into my diet. oh, and as I lose the weight start getting rid of the old clothes that make me feel like I'm a grandmother and buy stuff I actually like not just what fits well :drinker: :heart:
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Not too early :

    1. Finish my book and start looking for publishers/sellers. Lots of writers in here I see.. we should start a group :laugh:
    2. Realize that I will probably never again be as fit and strong as I was in my 20's as an athlete, but start making some new PRs in my 40's
    3. 10 chin ups. i want to be able to do these, unassisted
    4. Reach my goal size 6 and start maintaining and tweaking from there
    5.Learn to drive :embarassed:
    6. learn to relax and not be little miss firecracker all the time
    7. feel comfortable in my skin once i reach goal

    There is nothing wrong with not being able to drive by a certain age. But for the sake of freedom from buses, carpools and trains, it may be a nice skill to learn. I was before I got my driver's license. Go for those goals. I think they are all fabulous.