Is it too early to talk about 2014 goals?



  • Check out the link to one of my blogs below. It will give you a good idea of where my head is. I don't know what the hell the book is going to be about. I just know that it is in me and I have to write it.

    I stopped using the word "clean" when referring to my eating habits. It causes fights and death threats. =0)))
    I love your goals for 2014 . Get that book published baby. Make sure to report back here so we know where to buy it. Erotic novel sounds ohhhhhh so awesome!. PLus, when they turn it into a movie staring Brad Pitt, I can say "I knew her when"! YOU ROCK!

    LMAO! I hope so!

    Hey, if they can have a 'Fifty Shades Of Grey" Wine (ugh. I read the first book. SO. BAD!) then they can have a Just-Jennie line too LOL
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    1. Lose 39.1 pounds more before July 16th, 2014 so I can say, "I lost 100 pounds in a year!"
    2. Complete and graduate college by summer.
    3. Park at the very back of every parking lot, and walk to the store. (Snow/Rain days may vary)
    4. Walk 2-5 miles every morning (Snow days may vary).
    5. Get a job in the career I have been working my butt off for!
    6. Survive the 30 Day challenges I gave myself for January!!!

    7. If I can lose between 75-100/110 pounds (Not getting my hopes up, but WILL work for it!) in 2014, that would be super awesome, and then I can see all my family and friends that I have been dying to see again to show them a new me!
    8. ...maybe, just maybe, start trying to wear feminine/women's clothes? (I am still 75% tomboy darn it!)
    9. Try weighing once a week... if I'm lucky later on... maybe once a month? Lol!
    10. Find away to pay back my grandmother for paying my college fees!

    Love, Love, LOVE IT! Great goals. Let's stick together because I want to hit that pound mark also. I think you will get there way before me though. =0)
  • Fishshtick
    Fishshtick Posts: 120 Member
    1) Lose another 17 lbs to hit my goal of 170.
    2) Start building my cardio and muscle mass
    3) Go fishing more with my kids
    4) Crush my enemies, see them driven before me and hear the Lamentations of their women.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Check out the link to one of my blogs below. It will give you a good idea of where my head is. I don't know what the hell the book is going to be about. I just know that it is in me and I have to write it.

    I stopped using the word "clean" when referring to my eating habits. It causes fights and death threats. =0)))
    I love your goals for 2014 . Get that book published baby. Make sure to report back here so we know where to buy it. Erotic novel sounds ohhhhhh so awesome!. PLus, when they turn it into a movie staring Brad Pitt, I can say "I knew her when"! YOU ROCK!

    LMAO! I hope so!

    Hey, if they can have a 'Fifty Shades Of Grey" Wine (ugh. I read the first book. SO. BAD!) then they can have a Just-Jennie line too LOL

    I know I am going to piss some people off, but 50 shades SUCKED! I couldn't even get through the first book. Christian Gray is EXACTLY the kind of man my mother always told me to stay away from. Your book is much better. I can just feel it.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    I also hope to remain smoke free. Saturday was 1 month!!! :D

    Ohh wow! I know it must be tough. But if you can lose weight, you can do anything. You control your body, not little white cigarettes (they are white right or are some brown?)
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Not too early :

    1. Finish my book and start looking for publishers/sellers. Lots of writers in here I see.. we should start a group :laugh:
    2. Realize that I will probably never again be as fit and strong as I was in my 20's as an athlete, but start making some new PRs in my 40's
    3. 10 chin ups. i want to be able to do these, unassisted
    4. Reach my goal size 6 and start maintaining and tweaking from there
    5.Learn to drive :embarassed:
    6. learn to relax and not be little miss firecracker all the time
    7. feel comfortable in my skin once i reach goal

    You can do this. Check back often and let me know how things are going. BTW, you have the best profile pic EVAH! I miss Oakland (I am originally from there). Saying goodbye to Candlestick tonight makes me sad.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    1) take the test for my RHIT credential
    2) Lose my school weight
    3) Organize and clean my house and car
    4) get healthy
    5) find my new look
    6) find that forever person
    7) find happiness and peace
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Not too early :

    1. Finish my book and start looking for publishers/sellers. Lots of writers in here I see.. we should start a group :laugh:
    2. Realize that I will probably never again be as fit and strong as I was in my 20's as an athlete, but start making some new PRs in my 40's
    3. 10 chin ups. i want to be able to do these, unassisted
    4. Reach my goal size 6 and start maintaining and tweaking from there
    5.Learn to drive :embarassed:
    6. learn to relax and not be little miss firecracker all the time
    7. feel comfortable in my skin once i reach goal

    There is nothing wrong with not being able to drive by a certain age. But for the sake of freedom from buses, carpools and trains, it may be a nice skill to learn. I was before I got my driver's license. Go for those goals. I think they are all fabulous.

    Thanks! i lived on the east coast and NYC most of my life so having a license wasnt that important. now im in cali and i dont necessarily need a license but it's good to have in case i want to take road trips and go places i cant get to on public transportation.

    pls there's a closed circuit stunt driving class i want to take!
  • I'm 27 (which most people consider to be still young) but I have 5 children aged 11 and under and I'm a stay at home mom of my honey of 12 years. I've gained 85 pounds since I've met him and I've finally decided to be serious about getting it off. I know it will take a long time but I'm only looking to lose about 50 pounds of it. So NO it's not too early to start talking about 2014 goals because I'm right there with you! Good luck to you on all your goals!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Drop another 30 - 40 pounds to put me right in the middle of "normal" BMI range so that when i start getting more muscle (almost toning time) it doesn't put me back into "overweight".

    Try to get rid of some of this excess skin with toning.....may or may not work. Not really anything i can do to control that beyond working out. If it won't go it won't go.....please dear Lord, rid me of my hang glider arms :P

    Give away a kidney....though thats up to the donor team.
  • Finish my book and start looking for publishers/sellers. Lots of writers in here I see.. we should start a group

    Well why the heck not????
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    I also hope to remain smoke free. Saturday was 1 month!!! :D

    Awesome!!! One day at a time!! I quit 25 years ago. It got easier every day!!

  • JHB2011
    JHB2011 Posts: 153 Member
    way too many goals to list!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Goals for 2014 just a few to name

    1. Ultimate Goal by next Dec I will be 35 so I am hoping to be at my initial goal of 150ish, I'm at 208 now. As I get close to my goal I will reassess, I am mostly looking for body comp and a normal BMI.
    2. I am doing a challenge group of Charlean extreme starting in Jan I want to finish the program.
    3. Then start either Strong Lifts or TNROL4W New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    4. I want to go and buy a swimsuit that I feel sexy in, instead of trying to hide.
    5. Enter and walk/jog some 5K's, I did 1 this year with fam and had fun.
  • shan7naf
    shan7naf Posts: 2 Member
    To get to my " happy weight" I'm thinking another 15lbs lost.
    So sick of constantly thinking about my weight. I'm still going to track once I'm in maintence but I'm ready to be there.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    My number one goal is to start doing those things I don't want to do, for 10 minutes at a time.
    #2 work out like a bad a**
    #3 drink more diet coke. It makes me happy, when I have given up so many things!!
    #4 spend more time/energy on the people who deserve it, and who return the favor.
    #5 Take care of the mother of my children. (me, duh) but whenI think of it that way, it doesn't feel selfish.

    Yep. Five is good.
  • lovebig30
    lovebig30 Posts: 167 Member
    1. Lose 40 to 50 lbs should put me at about my goal weight.
    2. quit smoking I cut my habit in half this year baby steps lol
    3. lift weights 3 times a week
    4. run at least 3 5k race I had signed up for 3 this year but 2 got cancelled due to weather.
    5. work out 5 times a week.
    6. enjoy life
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Eat the baby-
  • Just__Bethy
    Just__Bethy Posts: 7 Member
    Not too early :

    1. Finish my book and start looking for publishers/sellers. Lots of writers in here I see.. we should start a group :laugh:
    2. Realize that I will probably never again be as fit and strong as I was in my 20's as an athlete, but start making some new PRs in my 40's
    3. 10 chin ups. i want to be able to do these, unassisted
    4. Reach my goal size 6 and start maintaining and tweaking from there
    5.Learn to drive :embarassed:
    6. learn to relax and not be little miss firecracker all the time
    7. feel comfortable in my skin once i reach goal

    I was 40 when I learned to drive .. You can do it!!
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    My goals for 2014 are:
    1) Lose my 100th pound (weigh 169)
    2) Stick with the strict exercise/weighing/measuring schedule I've set myself up for)
    3) Eat a lot cleaner than I did last year.