Low Carb, Paleo. Is this nonsense or science?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The issue with those weight loss studies is that lower carb diets reduce water weight which will lower your total body weight. I don't think weight is a good indicator in these types of studies. I do agree though that protein is most thermogenic . You use more calories to digest protein. It does burn more calories, so very possible and likely you can take advantage of thermogenesis.

    It depends on which style of paleo you're using. Are you using mostly protein? (increased thermogensis) or moderate protein higher fat (atkins style). The later would result in a lower thermogenic effect.

    wha? no, that's not the issue. yeah, the short term loss is water weight on the keto diet but that doesn't really figure into anything. The keto diet changes the way your body burns energy from glucose to ketones (Fat) it's still about calorie deficit. the studies show that over all people on low carb diets lose weight and lose less muscle they also reduce hunger cravings.

    some people do very well on keto diets and it's too restrictive for others. Sweden now recommends this kind of diet above all others. it also is shown to reduce cholesterol and insulin resistance.

    iF sweden told you to jump off a bridge would you do that too?

    Besides, I thought Sweden was neutral…what the hell are they doing giving diet opinions..????
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    The issue with those weight loss studies is that lower carb diets reduce water weight which will lower your total body weight. I don't think weight is a good indicator in these types of studies. I do agree though that protein is most thermogenic . You use more calories to digest protein. It does burn more calories, so very possible and likely you can take advantage of thermogenesis.

    It depends on which style of paleo you're using. Are you using mostly protein? (increased thermogensis) or moderate protein higher fat (atkins style). The later would result in a lower thermogenic effect.

    wha? no, that's not the issue. yeah, the short term loss is water weight on the keto diet but that doesn't really figure into anything. The keto diet changes the way your body burns energy from glucose to ketones (Fat) it's still about calorie deficit. the studies show that over all people on low carb diets lose weight and lose less muscle they also reduce hunger cravings.

    some people do very well on keto diets and it's too restrictive for others. Sweden now recommends this kind of diet above all others. it also is shown to reduce cholesterol and insulin resistance.

    iF sweden told you to jump off a bridge would you do that too?

    Besides, I thought Sweden was neutral…what the hell are they doing giving diet opinions..????
    No Country wants to get in the way of the USA when obesity is on the line.:bigsmile:
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Because even paleolithic people ate some grains and legumes. So completely removing a food group, just because our ancestors thousands of years ago ate less than we do, isn't really a compelling argument for total elimination in modern man.

    Of course, eat what you want.

    Some grains and legumes is not like today where they try and tell you to eat the majority of your food from those type of products.....

    Plus, ancient people would have had to grind it up for themselves, soak it and do other preparation to make it edible, so much work went into the process of making it edible.............unlike today.

    And I have had many Doctors tell me that these things we eat today are no where near what the ancient grains were. The stuff grown today is pretty much toxic to all living creatures.
    Paleolithic era man actually ate a majority of their calories from grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Roughly 50% of their calories were carbs. They actually ate very similarly to today, which is one reason why we still eat that way today.

    This is largely false for paleolithic people that inhabited the higher latitudes.

    Menus varied so much that it's impossible to pinpoint a specific 'paleo' diet. Paleoithic people in the topics and mid latitudes would have eaten more carbohydrate. Paleo isn't synonymous for 'low-carb'.

    But that doesn't change the fact that they were not agricultural. Those are Neolithic peoples. Grains and pulses consumed by paleolithic peoples were still different than today.
    As are the meats, fruits, vegetables, water, shelters, technology, and humans. Saying we shouldn't eat it because it's different now than it was then is a laughably false argument to make, as that would mean we shouldn't eat any food available, or drink any fluid available, as all of it is different now.

    Using that logic, we should all just starve to death or die of dehydration. Seems legit.

    Yes, I agree those are laughable arguments. Good thing I wasn't making them nor addressing the apparent dislike you've got for paleo style diets.

    I was just saying not all paleolithic peoples ate most of their calories from grains and legumes and fruits and vegetables.
  • zerryz
    zerryz Posts: 168 Member
    Jerry, someone just posted this on their wall. Thought I would share as it s likely to be the stuff you were asking to read/hear.

  • zerryz
    zerryz Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you QuietBloom and zerryz :heart:

    There are some interesting studies going on with Ketogenic diets and it's affect on advanced tumors. Who knows our experience at Mayo may help someone in the future.

    I am actually very intrigued by the fact that Mayo is conducting research on nutrition (LCHF in particular) in relations to the development or reduction of tumors. Hope your hub is doing better.
  • carrieebg
    carrieebg Posts: 20 Member
    I can only tell you my story my experience. And I will not argue about it :) It works for me.
    Five years ago I was 133 pounds (5' 2") and I knew I had to make some changes.
    1) I joined this site and started counting calories for a year....Fail :( no weight loss, tired and hungry
    2) Low Carb/Atkins for a year...struggled for a few months..did ok eventually...but a failed attempt..I just did not "get it"
    3) Watched a documentary called FAT HEAD..you can find this group in FB as well....I dropped to 115lbs and have happily maintained this weight for three years :)
    I am a proud "fat head" lchf
    I do not even think about calories..I do not care. I eat a great variety of food, I feel great and I will continue with this forever because I can eat so much even while eating out. I don't feel guilty about food, I can eat confidently when I m hungry...no worries

    LCHF is big in Sweden...Start here...http://www.dietdoctor.com/lchf

    Gosh..I know you are looking for research and I apologize, I do not have the links to just point you in one handy direction; and I think watching the Fat Head movie is a good place to start.

    Best of luck :) I wish you health and happiness with whatever you find works best for you.
  • carrieebg
    carrieebg Posts: 20 Member
    How about something fun :flowerforyou:

  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    in the BBC program Horizon did an episode about the Atkins diet and in there was a study where a pair of twins was sealed in totally (and the researchers measured everything about them) and they were both given identical calorie meals - one low carb as per Atkins and one 'normal'. The result was that there was no difference in the end, no miracle weight loss in one and not the other, etc etc.

    Obviously it was a very small sample size and no I can't remember which Uni in the US did it, but the documentary is on youtube so anyone can watch it.
  • Dissecti0n
    All of the contradictory info online will make ur head want to explode. One study says people did eat grains long ago, another study says they didn't. One study says we should all be vegan and its the best way of eating another study wears we are omnivorous. Like the way a lot of this articles and studies are worded they ALL seem true.

    Something that I have noticed recently is like Christie Brinkley is 60 and looks amazing, she eats mostly a vegan diet. I see all these vegans online that look freaking amazing. So who knows. They say cancer cant live in an alkaline rich environment.