First weigh in after christmas - eek



  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Update to my earlier post, I lost 3.2#, vigilance paid off!
  • holagatita
    holagatita Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm up 1 and have been doing horrible at logging in everything I eat. Finding time to workout has been annoying too with all these parties. I know its not going to get better until Jan 1 when all the holidays are over and life is back to normal.
  • 0shifty0
    I had to put my ticker back to 0 lbs lost. Yep, 5 lbs gained. I did not eat much junk food and don't even keep it in the house. But I have indulged in beer and mixed drinks. It sucks to see a months worth of hard work go down the drain. But that's life. Will keep working towards my goal. :O)
  • elliek0101
    elliek0101 Posts: 5 Member
    Gained a couple of pounds, but I think it was mainly due to salt intake and water retention...oh, and eating cookies, pies, and cake. Yeah, that did it.

    Those two pounds are already gone thanks to going back to my regular eating pattern. No crash dieting of cleansing necessary.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    +12 lbs and + 3% bf ah well i REALLY ENJOYED all the great food
  • Angold83
    Angold83 Posts: 61 Member
    Up by 4lbs. Didn't really eat that much but had waaaaay too much champagne and wine and nowhere near enough water. Back on it today. :-/
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I weighed last Tuesday morning (Christmas eve) before the two-day gorge, again on Friday morning, and today. 154.8 EVERY. TIME.

    I'm so happy. I enjoyed all the goodies I wanted, but stuck to my maintenance principles:
    Don't drink my calories
    Eat a good breakfast, lots of protein
    Do my regular workouts
    Stop eating by 7pm.
    Get plenty of sleep
    Don't beat myself up
  • chunky_bird
    update - weighed myself today and 3 pounds lost so must have been water retention etc. Panic over!!
  • amywinzer9
    I gained 4lbs - more dissapointing i was going to the gym quite regularly the last 6-8 weeks and really building up fitness. I had managed a 1.5km run - last time i went (on the 28th) i managed 0.6km before stopping.

  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I weighed this morning. It said 4 lbs. I KNOW I didn't over eat that much so i'm not worried.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I weighed myself the day after Christmas and weighed 179, which is 9lbs heavier than what I was the last time I had weighed myself (the Friday before). Weighed myself this morning and I was back down to 171, which is within my normal maintenance zone of between 169 and 172.

    I didn't log much and watched my portions, but I am sure I went over most days last week since I was on vacation and drank more alcoholic beverages than I normally do while not specifically cutting back on my food consumption.
  • odjit
    odjit Posts: 58
    I went up 5 lbs, and it's incredibly depressing, but i'm trying not to lose my motivation. We've got goals, right? so, one step back then two steps forward. I'm trying to think about it as a conservative, path-independent force vector (which may not help if you're not into math or physics). it doesn't matter what the path looks like, only the beginning and end points.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I was surprised to see that I had lost a pound from the last weigh in (about 1.5 weeks ago).
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Im up 6 lbs this last week. I really didnt overeat though but we went out to eat a few times and then christmas dinner, etc. Im pretty sure most is water weight.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Thanks to the flu, I'm not only down the weight I had put on, but I've lost another half pound on top of that so I'm at my lowest weight so far as of this morning.