Turbo Fire 90 Day Challenge



  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I finished week one of Turbo Fire and started week two on Monday. Holy cow -- the fire drills and HIIT workouts are INTENSE! Loving it so far. My biggest challenge will be controlling my diet. I do love my sweets and chardonnay!

    You'll find yourself getting stronger after a few weeks, especially those fire drills!! Focus on getting your eating on track. Did you get a chance to watch the video I sent you? Any thoughts about shakeology too?
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning All,
    I started TF on Saturday - thank God for the new to class option!!:laugh: Even though I am a TJ regular i felt so all over the place - nice cal burn for TF30, Sun did HIIT15 TF30/Stretch 10 in that order and I was like a pool!! I didn't want to be off of the "regular class schedule sooooooo I hit TF 30/Stretch 10 yesterday and HIIT 15/stretch 10 plus something outside(the weather is just gorgeous here in south Texas) on for later.
    I feel great and love these work outs!!

    Chalene is such a super motivator and I like to see old friends for the TJ dvd's hanging in there.

    Make it a great day everyone,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    I finished week one of Turbo Fire and started week two on Monday. Holy cow -- the fire drills and HIIT workouts are INTENSE! Loving it so far. My biggest challenge will be controlling my diet. I do love my sweets and chardonnay!

    You're not alone there - i am writing everything down!!!! It's the late at night before bed little snacky snack that is killing me.
    Any suggestions? I am so over sugar free chocolate pudding cups:laugh: there has got to be something else!!!
  • amicklin

    I just received Turbo Fire as a gift and had a few questions for those of you who have been doing it.

    Do you find that the workouts rely too much on one group of muscles? ie, overuses the calves or the quads but doesn't do much for the butt?

    I tried out the Insanity workouts DVD's as I was trying to find something really intense (while I still do them spiratically) I find the only muscles sore the next day are my calvesand my calves don't need to be built up anymore! :laugh:

    I am going to 'jump in' tonight after work. haven't even had a chance yet to sit through and watch some of them.

    Thanks for the thoughts/ info! :drinker: