Anyone else starting the year with Herbalife?

My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    As long as you're in a caloric deficit you can drink whatever kind of shake or eat whatever kind of food you want. There is nothing magical about Herbalife. Good luck!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I prefer to eat my food...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • prettymrsnelson
    To each their own. I'm looking for people that are taking the same path I am. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and I am wiser in the end for it. Again - if you're on the same plan, feel free to add me. If you're here to criticize then please move along.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    As long as you're in a caloric deficit you can drink whatever kind of shake or eat whatever kind of food you want. There is nothing magical about Herbalife. Good luck!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    To each their own. I'm looking for people that are taking the same path I am. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and I am wiser in the end for it. Again - if you're on the same plan, feel free to add me. If you're here to criticize then please move along.

    Its a public forum, you can't dictate who can and cannot comment.

    I wouldnt waste my money on any of these silly diet shakes but you got it as a gift so whatever. A calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight and its cheaper than some diet shake
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    To each their own. I'm looking for people that are taking the same path I am. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and I am wiser in the end for it. Again - if you're on the same plan, feel free to add me. If you're here to criticize then please move along.

    by taking the same path as you do you mean looking for magical solutions that will lead to eventual failure?

    eat in a deficit, work out, hit macros…you will lose weight and meet goals…

    herbalife is bunk.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    These people are making a fortune off of me lots of great ideas though
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    The shakes are only yummy for like the first week or two, afterwards you'll get pretty damn tired of drinking your meals and will say "F, this shake..gimme something I can chew!".

    Seriously though, it was free so whatever use it for now..but I wouldn't advise doing it long term. Prior to MFP I used it for a few months and lost 40 lbs, but I was a total biotch to be around and constantly hangry and depressed because I felt deprived and also jealous of anyone who got to eat and chew. Not to mention broke because it's quite expensive. You could invest in good food and a gym membership and still spend way less in the long run.

    But hey, who are we to deter you from throwing your money away.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can! It seems silly to me when people are so riled up by it that they comment on every Herbalife post. It's powdered vitamins. The end. Yep, it's an unnecessary expenditure. But some people like the flavors and they are more apt to eat their fruit when they may not have otherwise done so.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?

    Because you are so obviously upset by a powdered vitamin drink.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?

    Because you are so obviously upset by a powdered vitamin drink.

    honestly, I could care less what OP what wants to do ..if she wants to blow her money on some pyramid scheme that has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss then that is fine with me…I am just suggesting the most reasonable course that will lead to long term success...
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!

    I don't think it was gracious of her at all. Who else are you going to buy them from? She's going to be making money off you.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?

    I really dislike that term. It used so out of context and just seems a way to try to negate other's opinions/points of view with a not so subtle insult. I guess discussions are out of the question because those that disagree are automatically labeled negative nancies who are just here to sabotage others. It's sad because "these haters" are the ones trying to help people let go of the fads, save themselves money and a possible rage quit, and actually want people to succeed for the long run.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    To each their own. I'm looking for people that are taking the same path I am. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and I am wiser in the end for it. Again - if you're on the same plan, feel free to add me. If you're here to criticize then please move along.

    It's okay to get defensive. I'd be upset too if a family member encouraged me to spend lots of money on an unnecessary product.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?

    Because you are so obviously upset by a powdered vitamin drink.

    Buy a multivitamin, its cheaper