Anyone else starting the year with Herbalife?



  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?

    Because you are so obviously upset by a powdered vitamin drink.

    honestly, I could care less what OP what wants to do ..if she wants to blow her money on some pyramid scheme that has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss then that is fine with me…I am just suggesting the most reasonable course that will lead to long term success...

    I'm really not trying to be rude. I agree with you for the most part - it's not a long term solution. In fact, nothing besides a normal, healthy diet is. I just think that a lot of the "hate" (and I hope you realized I meant that slang in a humorous - not a literal - manner) ends up being harpy. A lot of people here are new to fitness and while they need to realize the importance of a (natural) balanced diet - shakes can be a stepping stone from whatever nonsense was being consumed before. It might not be the creme de la creme, but it's a start.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?

    Because you are so obviously upset by a powdered vitamin drink.

    honestly, I could care less what OP what wants to do ..if she wants to blow her money on some pyramid scheme that has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss then that is fine with me…I am just suggesting the most reasonable course that will lead to long term success...

    I'm really not trying to be rude. I agree with you for the most part - it's not a long term solution. In fact, nothing besides a normal, healthy diet is. I just think that a lot of the "hate" (and I hope you realized I meant that slang in a humorous - not a literal - manner) ends up being harpy. A lot of people here are new to fitness and while they need to realize the importance of a (natural) balanced diet - shakes can be a stepping stone from whatever nonsense was being consumed before. It might not be the creme de la creme, but it's a start.

    actually, meal replacement shakes are just a way for newbies to get started with bad habits..because more then likely they will use said shakes, under eat, be miserable, binge, and then wonder why they are hunger all the time and cannot lose weight….

    when if they would of created a 500 calorie daily deficit, ate healthy real food, worked out, and hit macros, they would of had long term sustainable success….
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!

    Wow, the gift that keeps on taking money from your bank account. Your SIL must really love you.

    Tracking calories and moving more is free, and best of all, it actually works. You're welcome.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Oh relax. I NEVER said she couldn't accomplish the same thing by counting calories. She absolutely can!

    then why are we "haters" for suggesting the most common sense path?

    I really dislike that term. It used so out of context and just seems a way to try to negate other's opinions/points of view with a not so subtle insult. I guess discussions are out of the question because those that disagree are automatically labeled negative nancies who are just here to sabotage others. It's sad because "these haters" are the ones trying to help people let go of the fads, save themselves money and a possible rage quit, and actually want people to succeed for the long run.

    I apologize if I came across as subtly trying to be insulting. I was actually trying to be lighthearted, not offensive.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I've tried it, the shakes taste good for like a week or 2. Then I got sick of them. Not worth the $$. Not everyone will agree wit my you, that's part of a discussion site.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I don't do fads and gimmicks.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I had a friend do herbalife. She explained how much the "vitamins" were and that she could not keep paying them that amount. She lost a lot of weight, and then just as quickly as she lost it - she gained it all back and then some.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    To each their own. I'm looking for people that are taking the same path I am. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and I am wiser in the end for it. Again - if you're on the same plan, feel free to add me. If you're here to criticize then please move along.

    Wouldn't you rather inform yourself and research something before hand instead of wasting your time?
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I lost 25 lbs in 2 months after the birth of my son using a combination of Herbalife shakes and breastfeeding. I didn't replace meals, but when I craved a snack, I had a shake instead. I didn't regain a single pound. However, it's not going to give you the body you crave. Only exercise combined with a healthy diet will do that. Which is why I'm here - to finish tightening everything up and lose 15 lbs.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I lost 25 lbs in 2 months after the birth of my son using a combination of Herbalife shakes and breastfeeding. I didn't replace meals, but when I craved a snack, I had a shake instead. I didn't regain a single pound. However, it's not going to give you the body you crave. Only exercise combined with a healthy diet will do that. Which is why I'm here - to finish tightening everything up and lose 15 lbs.

    you lost weight because you were in a calorie deficit. and if you had a shake instead of food as a snack, you replaced food with a shake. the shakes still have calories. you could have eaten food and had the same outcome.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I lost 25 lbs in 2 months after the birth of my son using a combination of Herbalife shakes and breastfeeding. I didn't replace meals, but when I craved a snack, I had a shake instead. I didn't regain a single pound. However, it's not going to give you the body you crave. Only exercise combined with a healthy diet will do that. Which is why I'm here - to finish tightening everything up and lose 15 lbs.

    you lost weight because you were in a calorie deficit. and if you had a shake instead of food as a snack, you replaced food with a shake. the shakes still have calories. you could have eaten food and had the same outcome.

    Absolutely! I did the flavored powder (90 cals), with 8 oz milk (100 cals). Sometimes I added fruit. The very same thing could be accomplished without powder. Or with veggies and a small portion of dip. Or with turkey and a couple crackers. Sometimes I wanted the indulgence though. I liked it. It tasted like a milk shake. *shrug*
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    You don't need an expensive, fad diet!!! You just need hard work and dedication. I'm living proof of what works.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    If money is an object, then no, don't waste your money. Losing weight does not need to cost money, and I understand what the other posters are saying when they point that out. For example, one doesn't need to be able to buy a set of weights to do strength training. You can use your own body as resistance. For snacks, try hard boiled eggs. I could eat two huge carrots and a tablespoon of dip for under 200 calories as well.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!

    The first hit is free...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!

    I don't think it was gracious of her at all. Who else are you going to buy them from? She's going to be making money off you.
    This--I'd personally be a little offended that she decided to try to use the holidays to rope me into a pyramid scheme instead of getting me an actual present. Don't distributors usually give you the introductory product for free or close to it anyway?

    No, that's drug dealers. And pharm reps.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Of course! Constructive criticism is the debil.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Of course! Constructive criticism is the debil.

    Apparently so is suggesting that I enjoyed it as a snack.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Of course! Constructive criticism is the debil.

    Apparently so is suggesting that I enjoyed it as a snack.

    You seem to feel the same way I do about slim fast about your herbalife. I think my slim fast is my mean and uncouth S.O. that everyone tolerates just cause they love me so much. I think it's about PERSPECTIVE keeping things in it.

    In this case for instance if OP had not come on here and heard everyone chime in about how it's the actual cal deficit achieved by the shakes that is responsible for the loss, she might have become "hooked" on the shakes thinking there was something about it intrinsically that was causing the weight loss. Most ppl don't put that much thought into adding up cals and whatnot so they aren't sure why or how the shakes work only that they work. That could lead to reliance on them when she really should be learning everything you described all the other foods that can achieve the same low cal goals for her loss. I hope reading this thread and your reply as well as those of everyone else that you are all in agreement that the cal goal is the real hero will help her make an informed decision when her free non-magical gift shakes run out.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    To each their own. I'm looking for people that are taking the same path I am. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work and I am wiser in the end for it. Again - if you're on the same plan, feel free to add me. If you're here to criticize then please move along.

    No, you'd be wiser if you listened to the people who have been there, done that, bought the useless shakes and all they got was a stupid t-shirt.

    We are trying to help you. Don't waste your money. Drinking shakes is not a sustainable way to lose weight.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Of course! Constructive criticism is the debil.

    Apparently so is suggesting that I enjoyed it as a snack.

    You seem to feel the same way I do about slim fast about your herbalife. I think my slim fast is my mean and uncouth S.O. that everyone tolerates just cause they love me so much. I think it's about PERSPECTIVE keeping things in it.

    In this case for instance if OP had not come on here and heard everyone chime in about how it's the actual cal deficit achieved by the shakes that is responsible for the loss, she might have become "hooked" on the shakes thinking there was something about it intrinsically that was causing the weight loss. Most ppl don't put that much thought into adding up cals and whatnot so they aren't sure why or how the shakes work only that they work. That could lead to reliance on them when she really should be learning everything you described all the other foods that can achieve the same low cal goals for her loss. I hope reading this thread and your reply as well as those of everyone else that you are all in agreement that the cal goal is the real hero will help her make an informed decision when her free non-magical gift shakes run out.

    I haven't bought Herbalife in nearly six months because it's clearly not practical for a long-term weight management solution. But I don't think it's the debil either...any more than any other treat. It cost less than $1 per shake, so it didn't cost me any more than the other occasional indulgence people may partake in. And I felt it was a better choice for a tasty treat then a bowl of ice cream.