Struggling matching my macros with my meal plans



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    well i could eat steak but not sure how to cook it so its not so chewy i usually cook it in the oven but takes ages for me to eat due to the chewiness i have yet to try fish that wasn't battered so unsure how to cook or even how to prepare such a meal suppose you could say i was lazy not for trying ill look up ways to cook these that i might like in-order to get variety and ill recalculate my macros thanks again for all the good suggestions from most of you i understand when it comes to my nutrition i still have a lot to learn

    get your grill to about 550 and cook on both sides five minutes each = burned
    end thread/

    3 minutes on one side, 2 and a half on the other.

    if you want it suitable for actual human consumption...

    FIFY again.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    why eat so lean if you're trying to bulk? who cares what the macros are, just go to wendys and put protein powder in your soda.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    why eat so lean if you're trying to bulk? who cares what the macros are, just go to wendys and put protein powder in your soda.


  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    with those macros you could eat almost anything--what you eat depends on what you like since you said you are rather picky.

    olive oil
    peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
    grilled ham and cheese sandwiches
    black beans, rice, and chicken topped with salsa and sour cream
    baked potatoes w/ taco meat, cheese, sour cream, and salsa
    pasta--chicken/broccoli/alfredo or marinara/ground beef/mushroom (if you want to sneak veggies in)
    apples or bananas with peanut butter
    protein shake with pb, nuts, or seeds added and a banana
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    You need to eat vegetables. A multivitamin isn't going to cut it. Don't prepare them in the same way you had as a child - it was most likely the texture you didn't like. You aren't a child, so you can't use the "don't like them, not going to eat them" card. Sometimes we have to do things we don't like...eating vegetables is not going to kill you, toughen up and eat them.

    Roast sweet potato is delicious - coated in fat before cooking...even better (ghee or coconut oil is my choice to coat vegies in). Swap that for some of your rice. Other things roast well too - Brussel sprouts, cauli, broccoli, pumpkin, beetroot, carrots, parsnip, onions. For a different mix, grill zucchini, eggplant,capsicum, mushrooms. Lightly steamed broccoli, stir fried vegies (rainbow of colours!), sautéed cabbage with bacon, salads with a great mix of flavours.....endless ways to eat delicious vegies.

    Count all your vegies, and all your fruit. Fruit isn't as nutritious as vegetables so eating a lot of fruit doesn't make up for your lack of vegies.

    If you need fat, add fat. You need to log your fish oil if you're taking it. Eat avo, use coconut oil for cooking, eat fattier cuts of meat, eat eggs, nuts, nut butter, homemade mayo (this is the best, goes on anything!)...just for starters!
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    well i could eat steak but not sure how to cook it so its not so chewy i usually cook it in the oven but takes ages for me to eat due to the chewiness i have yet to try fish that wasn't battered so unsure how to cook or even how to prepare such a meal suppose you could say i was lazy not for trying ill look up ways to cook these that i might like in-order to get variety and ill recalculate my macros thanks again for all the good suggestions from most of you i understand when it comes to my nutrition i still have a lot to learn

    get your grill to about 550 and cook on both sides five minutes each = burned
    end thread/

    3 minutes on one side, 2 and a half on the other.

    30-60 seconds on each side. Just long enough to kill whatever microbs are on the outside. I like my steak blood rare, aka purple. :drinker:
  • mikeabboud
    mikeabboud Posts: 26 Member
    I rarely eat vegees or fruit and I am fine and over 45. I've always hated them. multi vitamin with minerals. I only started doing that in the last month or so. Does that mean I never eat them of course not but they are absolutely not on my meal plan ever. When I do its a can of corn or green beans. they're over rated we do fine on a lot less then they say we should have.