Lets try this again. How long did it take YOU to lose 30lbs?



  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I'd probably spend the time building a flux capacitor, buying a Delorean, get it to 88MPH, set the time machine back 6-8 months and then set the goal of 30 lbs by Valentines Day.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have lost 61.5 lbs as of this morning :). I just looked at my report and it took me about 6 months to lose the first 30 and 6 months to lose the next 30 ..... basically I am OBSESSIVE about logging my food and have only gone over my calorie limit a few times the past year In June I bought a fitbit flex and although the exercise ups my calories allowed, I sometimes have a hard time eating all my calories -- stopped obsessing about that and worry more about whether I am truly hungry.

    I have 30+ more to go so if I can do this in the next 6 months it will be just in time for a new spring wardrobe! :bigsmile:
    Congratulations! That is incredible. Keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    My 1st 30 usually melt away but thats because I was obese , then it slows to a snail pace lol

    I lost my 1st 30 lbs in a month
  • lizj0nes21
    You don't look like someone who has 30 pounds to lose...

    What's your height and weight?

    she said in her original post shes 5"3 and 149...Shes at a normal weight for her height. http://www.ask.com/question/if-im-5-3-how-much-should-i-weigh

    Actually, if you go by the BMI chart, (which many people think is bunk), she is in the overweight category at this height and weight. If she has a large frame, the healthy range goes up to 147, yet if she has a small frame, it could be as low as 111. This number would also vary, depending on how much muscle mass she has.

    To the OP, I lost my first 30 lbs on here in about 4 months. I had quite a bit more to lose than you do, but I was also 49 and partially disabled, so it is a bit harder to lose now than when I was 20. It took another year for me to lose the next 20 lbs. I have done it so far by mostly diet alone, but getting in extra activity as much as I can. I am insulin resistant, so lower carbs have worked well for me. I try to stay away from processed sugars and grains, and eat more protein, healthy fats, and fruits and non starch veggies. All the extra sugar and goodies during the Holidays have put a few lbs back on, but I am starting to get them off again.

    A 500 calorie deficit per day will give you 1 pound loss a week. A 1000 cal deficit will give you 2 lbs per week. After the initial first week extra water weight loss, you should be able to lose 1-2 lbs per week fairly easily. Consistency is the key. Log everything you eat, and stick with your calorie goal. No binging on the weekends after starving all week. That rarely works.
    Exercise consistently and do some lifting as well.
    Read the other good advice on here given by those who have succeeded long term. There are no easy quick fixes.

    Yes you are correct but in all actually shes only over weight by 2 lbs. Not that much compared to others. So her weight loss will more then likely slow

    I have a very small frame. 149 or even 147 is not a healthy weight for me at all. I understand what your saying but considering I have a small frame I should be nowhere near 147.
  • lizj0nes21
    I'd probably spend the time building a flux capacitor, buying a Delorean, get it to 88MPH, set the time machine back 6-8 months and then set the goal of 30 lbs by Valentines Day.

    My goal isn't to lose 30lbs by valentines day..
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm with you op. Even though I am a couple inches taller than you are since I have a small body frame so I look really big at 147. I need to be between 120-122 to look the way I want to look. I have friends who are about the same height as I am but since they have larger frames they look great at 150.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    About 3 months but i started out close to 200. The last 10 lbs as i got smaller were the hard ones to lose. I ate very clean and worked out 5-6 days a week.

    You look small, is this a realistic weight goal?

    <<<< because this is what 158 lbs looks like and i don't mind toning but don't want to get puny
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    My goal is to lose 45 lbs. I started in October with an exercise program, and lost 0 lbs. and a few inches here and there (but gained inches also, for a net loss of 0.5 inches overall) after 4 weeks. Started tracking my food and eating my macros, and it took another 3 weeks for the scale to move. I'm down about 8 lbs. total now from where I started, losing 1-1.5 lbs a week at the moment. That pace is going to slow down significantly as I lose more weight. I was hoping to have lost the weight by May, but realistically July might end up being more accurate.

    Based on your timeline, you might end up losing 8 lbs or less by Valentine's Day doing 1 lb per week (which is what is healthy given you only have 30 lbs to lose). I don't know if you consider that significant or not, but it's probably close to reality. I should also mention that while my clothes are a little looser, I haven't gone down a size in any article of clothing. Just wanted to put that out there in case you had visions of being able to fit into a smaller dress for the occasion, because weight comes off of whatever area of the body that it wants to.
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    I generally lost 20 lbs every 2 months but then I would be steady for a week or two. Re-evaluate what I was doing and adjust. Easily I can fluctuate 5 pds due to water weight and salt intake. I took all of xmas week off and ate crap! Weighed myself yesterday I was at 135. This morning weighed myself already down to 132. Figure by end of week I will be back at my maintenance of 129-130. And I KNOW its all water! No way can I lose that quickly. Try to limit salt intake and see what happens. Also I drink 2 liters of water a day not including coffee! I walk also. Dont stress! Stressing makes you gain weight. Also dont stay up super late and be tired because you will find yourself eating for no reason other than to eat. Good luck.
  • primpixie
    It took me 1.5 years to lose 28 Ibs if that's any help?
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    about 4 1/2 months for me.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    You don't look like someone who has 30 pounds to lose...

    What's your height and weight?

    she said in her original post shes 5"3 and 149...Shes at a normal weight for her height. http://www.ask.com/question/if-im-5-3-how-much-should-i-weigh

    Actually, if you go by the BMI chart, (which many people think is bunk), she is in the overweight category at this height and weight. If she has a large frame, the healthy range goes up to 147, yet if she has a small frame, it could be as low as 111. This number would also vary, depending on how much muscle mass she has.

    To the OP, I lost my first 30 lbs on here in about 4 months. I had quite a bit more to lose than you do, but I was also 49 and partially disabled, so it is a bit harder to lose now than when I was 20. It took another year for me to lose the next 20 lbs. I have done it so far by mostly diet alone, but getting in extra activity as much as I can. I am insulin resistant, so lower carbs have worked well for me. I try to stay away from processed sugars and grains, and eat more protein, healthy fats, and fruits and non starch veggies. All the extra sugar and goodies during the Holidays have put a few lbs back on, but I am starting to get them off again.

    A 500 calorie deficit per day will give you 1 pound loss a week. A 1000 cal deficit will give you 2 lbs per week. After the initial first week extra water weight loss, you should be able to lose 1-2 lbs per week fairly easily. Consistency is the key. Log everything you eat, and stick with your calorie goal. No binging on the weekends after starving all week. That rarely works.
    Exercise consistently and do some lifting as well.
    Read the other good advice on here given by those who have succeeded long term. There are no easy quick fixes.

    Yes you are correct but in all actually shes only over weight by 2 lbs. Not that much compared to others. So her weight loss will more then likely slow

    I have a very small frame. 149 or even 147 is not a healthy weight for me at all. I understand what your saying but considering I have a small frame I should be nowhere near 147.

    I know. Im not picking on you either. And as I stated on your other post im the same height as you so I know how small you are.....May I ask where do you carry the weight the most? For me it was my thighs
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    It took me 3 months exactly to lose the first 30 lbs. Its taken me exactly 1 year to lose these last 30 lbs. The next 10 im guessing will be another year :laugh:
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I can tell you how NOT to lose 30 pounds like i did initially. ;)

    I ate 1200 calories a day
    I paid no attention to protein intake whatsoever (looking back it was about 30-40 grams a day)
    I did only cardio (mainly elliptical) and refused to do resistance training
    I would consistently be under my daily goal (about 1000-1100 cals)

    I lost about 25 pounds in 4 months doing this.

    And then i looked just as fat as when i had started. It took less and less and less to maintain my weight. My skin looked horrible. I still had stomach flab.... uh... yeah.

    Then I switched to:

    Eating 1450 calories a day
    Eating minimum 90 grams protein per day
    Resistance training which switched to heavy weight lifting

    This is the difference of 14 months on this new regimen. I gained about 5 pounds total.

    Before at goal weight-

    After 14 months of lifting and eating enough cals/protein:

    I guess what I'm trying to get at... is... TAKE IT SLOW! Do it the right way the first time so you dont have to go back and start over like i did. It took months and months and months to undo the mistake i made when i first started.

    Can you tell a difference? Yeah... i'm pretty sure you can.

    Focus on your body fat percentage.... NOT the "weight". Even if you are losing less "weight" atleast you'll be on the road to improving your physique.
  • Mommyand4
    I am a mom of 4 beautiful kids and I lost 30 pounds in about 8 months. I did it by eating smaller portions. I never stopped eating pizza. I could never give up on pizza. YUMMY!!! I did not have Chinese or mcdonalds or burger king. I ate a lot of cereal, water, fiber products and definitely a lot of water. I didn't drink juice and if I did it was small portions. I also exercised a lot. I exercised about 5 days a week. I changed my routine almost every day. I have 4 kids so I don't have time to go to the gym. I did it all from home. I own a lot of workout dvd's and I always did something different. I also purchased dumbbells and lifting weights is awesome.

    That is how I lost my weight.

    Good luck
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I don't recall how long it took me to lose 30 lbs. I've lost close to 4 times that much by now. I eat right, workout, get plenty of sleep, and the fat burns off.

    It is not really the best plan to make scale weight time-based goals. They very often fail because you can do everything correct & the scale might not say what you think it should. The scale weighs things other than fat loss & those are all includedc in the number you see. Just eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, and the fat will burn off. The scale will reflect that in its own time. Take your measurements. They are more telling of fat loss.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    It took me 6 months to lose 30 pounds, then 6 more to put it all back on.

    When I was losing weight. I generally kept my calories between 1700-1900 (I did go over maybe once a week, but I knew it wasn't the end of the world), I lifted heavy weights (for me) 3x a week, and I tracked everything I ate. I also weighed myself once (sometimes twice) a week.

    To put on 30 pounds in 6 months: I stopped tracking, ate way over 1900 calories multiple times a week (most likely over 2500), didn't weigh myself at all, and exercised irregularly.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I lost my first 20 pounds in five months by eating slightly less than my TDEE. I also did some lifting and running for muscle preservation and health. (I then added 20 pounds in about 18 months by eating slightly more than my TDEE while continuing to lift and run. For the past few months, I have been eating substantially more than my TDEE while lifting considerably more (and running considerably less) with a plan to bulk then cut.)

    Of course, this is my own unique situation that will apply to no one else...

    ...except the eating under and over TDEE leading to losing and gaining weight, respectively, which applies to everyone else.

    ETA: I'll plan to lose the inevitable extra 20 pounds I finish adding in the next month or two in about two months, but that's not really applicable to your situation.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    It's taken me just about 10 months to lose about 30lbs with a total of between 40-60lbs to lose altogether.
    I eat about 300-500 cals less than tdee on days when I actually manage to stay within my calorie goal (which seem to be less often than I'd like, but COOKIES).
    I do resistance training and some aerobics at home via short workout videos (t25, jillian micheals nonsense, some yoga, a few things off youtube I can't name off the top of my head). I'd love to be able to lift heavy but for now it's just not an option so I do a lot of body weight exercises.
    I'm losing weight slowly but steadily and doing strength/resistance training has really helped maintain muscle and made me less jiggly. Which, when it comes down to it is my ultimate goal. To be more leaner rather than jiggly, I'm not quite near my goal weight but I'm much happier with my body composition. I credit that to the strength/resistance work.
  • seb3k
    seb3k Posts: 14 Member
    30lbs lost in 70 days :)