Want to start lifting...



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    If your looking to tighten and tone your muscles and (Other areas) you need to be doing a light weight with lots of reps.

    So for an example, if you want to squat for glutes legs and abs, just use the bar - google weightlifting for women to tone and you will be able to watch lots of videos.

    you will be able to come up with a routine, but im not a professional, this is just advice of what ive been reading when i started to get into lifting.

    Take light weights and do sets of 15+ rest for over a minute in between. and add reps as the weeks go on, you will tone up quick!


    Not quite sure what was wrong with what I said, Considering I stated that " im no professional and what I was stating is just what I read when I started lifting" Considering Im not female and i am looking for mass gains, it was just some stuff I had come across.

    And considering NONE of you said why it was incorrect yet just spouted some stupid stuff just means Im still none the wiser - and there for can "still be a problem with the industry" wait what?

    If my advice was incorrect then correct it....

    What you are stating is a common myth that women shouldn't lift heavy because it infers women will bulk like a man. The issue with this though process is even a man won't gain any new mass if there isn't a surplus of calories nor does a women have enough testosterone to gain bulk. The main difference between 8 reps and 15+ reps is the type of muscle fibers you are working. Low rep high weight will work slow twitch muscle fibers; essentially explosive power muscle fibers. High weight low rep works fast twitch muscle fibers with works endurance. So when you lift heavy, you get a lot stronger than if you lift light.

    Toned, is just a fancy word for fat loss. You lose fat through diet. So if a person wants to look tone, they need to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass. You can do this much more when you fuel your body correctly, with adequate protein and continuously hypertrophy your muscles so they keep rebuilding themselves.

    Essentially, the wrong part is that you infer low weight high rep will tone muscles. And you can be tone and lean with either approach but you won't be a strong if you go by your approach.
  • irNathaniel
    irNathaniel Posts: 178 Member
    well i now appreciate the correction

    but as you stated
    What you are stating is a common myth that women shouldn't lift h

    it was a myth that i thought to be true, but now I have been filled with CORRECT knowledge, thus making me 1% less of "what is wrong with the Industry"

    Yeah me, and please dont say it was common sense, just for the fact when your new to something and read about it you take it ( majority of the time ) as fact as you start out clueless.

    So thanks!