Does anyone need a friend on MFP? I do!!



  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Too bad I wouldn't make the cut! The quote on your profile is cool, but I don't like the term fat a@@ and I eat ALL the desserts!!!
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    The more the merrier - add me to your list
  • I'm a newbie on here too! A little accountability and support goes a long way...feel free to add me :)
  • I do. Please feel free to add me.
  • losingitforsummer
    losingitforsummer Posts: 20 Member
    Add me too
  • myoder98
    myoder98 Posts: 11 Member
    My name is Missy Yoder and I don't have any friends on here. I'm trying to lose weight. I learned this past summer that my thyroid is underactive and I have trouble losing weight. So please add me! I want to have some support on my weight loss journey.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I know I need to be accountable! This site worked wonders for me in the past and, after a dreadful year, I'm back and looking for friends. A few of mine have hung on in spite of my lackluster participation, but I plan to be back to stay and could use more friends who need the same.

    Add away. Friends are such an important part of this process.
  • Annalisa_87
    Annalisa_87 Posts: 56 Member
    me too, need someone to talk to I'm your woman.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Always happy to make new friends...feel free to add me as well
  • MattQuinnFitness
    MattQuinnFitness Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I have about 120 Pounds to lose!
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    me too, please add.
  • chrisclark1978
    chrisclark1978 Posts: 2 Member
    Please anyone feel free to add me, i need some motivation and accountability also.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Too bad I wouldn't make the cut! The quote on your profile is cool, but I don't like the term fat a@@ and I eat ALL the desserts!!!

    ^^ This is why you are awesome, you Mischievous Rascal!! I agree, there's no reason to cut out dessert. Just have a small portion and fit it into your day.

    OP, are you planning on giving up desserts FOREVER? If not, no need to eliminate it now. Just focus on portion control and learning new LIFETIME healthy eating habits.
  • LisaC101
    LisaC101 Posts: 35 Member
    Add me too! I'm in need of some motivation and accountability!
    Lets help each other!!
  • StarGazerP89
    StarGazerP89 Posts: 8 Member
    I also need friends!! Back on after maintaining previous weight loss for the last 6 months! Now on a fitness/tone up/shift a few (maybe 10) more pounds. I need all the help I can get, add away please :)
  • myballew
    myballew Posts: 2 Member
    Add me too. I need the same thing but not just with sweets! I have a hard time with the evenings.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Well, the whole fat @ss thing about dessert turned me off. Why would I say that? What's wrong with dessert?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Add me too. I need the same thing but not just with sweets! I have a hard time with the evenings.

    How many calories are you eating through the day?
  • Add me :)
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    hi plz feel free to add me