Does anyone need a friend on MFP? I do!!



  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm trying to start healthy again. Really hate myself had lost 106 lbs gained back 40 I'm so discusted with what I have done. I totally get where you are coming from. Be more than happy to help support eachother.

    You are still 66 down and know what you need to do to get back on track. That's a better place than you were before.
  • Me too. At last weigh in today I was 202.8 lbs. I have never been this fat. I feel and look like such a fat *kitten*.
  • srlib12
    srlib12 Posts: 13 Member
    Me too! I do not get much support at home. I need to stay motivated! :smile: My goal: 1 lbs a week for 20 weeks! We can do this.
  • I need some friends too...I'll keep you motivated!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Me too. At last weigh in today I was 202.8 lbs. I have never been this fat. I feel and look like such a fat *kitten*.

    I was 215 last year, this time. You can do it!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Me too! I do not get much support at home. I need to stay motivated! :smile: My goal: 1 lbs a week for 20 weeks! We can do this.

    My 2 cents is that can be a little aggressive. It's harder to lose if you are that close to your goal weight, and you're at greater risk of losing muscle mass. I'd target a 1/2 pound a week and start resistance exercises to do some re-composition.
  • I need accountability AND encouragement, especially from anyone else who needs to lose 50+ pounds!
  • ME TOO!!! I have SUCH a terrible sweet tooth!!! And bordem cravings!!! ADD ME :) Arizona based, currently living in South Carolina... this southern food is killing me! :)
  • Rebelrich25
    Rebelrich25 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking for friends too :) I can wait to kick 2014 in the butt!! Let's do it together!
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    Okay I added about 15 of you people. lol. I'm always looking for more accountability friends!!! ADD ME!!!:bigsmile:
  • lamm27a
    lamm27a Posts: 5 Member
    I definitely need more accountability!! Feel free to add me too :)
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Me too. At last weigh in today I was 202.8 lbs. I have never been this fat. I feel and look like such a fat *kitten*.

    I started at 210, and I'm down 38 pounds. Step 1: Stop calling yourself names. You have self worth no matter what the scale might say.
  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    Feel free to add me. I love new friends. Anyone else that is looking can add me too. Looking for mutual support and motivation.
  • The more friends the better! I feel more compelled to exercise when I see others post how many calories they burn!
  • Hey hun, add me if you like :)
  • cmira5ol
    cmira5ol Posts: 1,246 Member
    i'm here with an open diary.........feel free to add me :)
  • Feel free to add me! New to MFP and would love some friends to help motivate :)
  • I do, too. I've been using MFP for a little while now, but need to be better about my diary. Feel free to add me (everyone). Best wishes.
  • I absolutely do! I can always use more accountabilabuddies.