Want to start Stronglifts but keep working out 5x week



  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member

    Whilst I don't disagree with the premise of what you say, you can't compare strong lifts and Bulgarian programs. Especially as (I hope) most newbies aren't taking anywhere near as much (or any at all) gear as Bulgarian weightlifters.

    There's no need to be on the juice to do a high volume program like Sheiko, or even a daily lifting program like "bulgarian-style" training. You just have to check your ego at the door and be intelligent about it.

    In response to both replies that quoted me, I made no mention of Smolov or Sheiko in my post.

    Regarding true Bulgarian weightlifting volume, no Bulgarians did it without gear, and the program was designed around juiced up lifters, and finding the best lifters with no regards for the rest or injury costs. In that sense Ivan Abadjiev was brutal, but effective.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I squat and press each to daily max singles 5-7 days a week, and then do some backoff work and then work my mid/upper back. You'd be amazed what you are capable of IF you program to work that way.

    How long have you been doing this? If you are moving any serious weight I can't see keeping this up for too long, it'll burn out your CNS.

    So far around 6 weeks. Note that when I say "max singles" I'm not talking about competition maxes. My daily squat max averages around 3 wheels (high bar unbelted ATG). My all time max squat (low bar parallel) is 385. Yeah it's heavy, but the volume is very low, and it mimics the style of training that oly lifters do (most notably very high frequency without much volume, with the intensity around 8 or so Prilepin).

    It might be more sustainable by virtue of the fact that I'm rebuilding my bench form, so the singles on 25% of my presses are lighter (3:1 ratio of overhead to bench pressing), but I can't imagine that has all that much to do with it.

    http://www.myosynthesis.com/workouts/bulgarian-style-training and http://www.theironsamurai.com/2012/08/23/the-squat-nemesis-program-an-introduction-to-volume-load-and-intensity-zone-training/ are two programs that influenced what I'm doing.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    LOL at people who think squatting every lift is too much- don't tell Smolov that!!!
    If you wanted to do HIIT too, do HIIT on the same day as your lifting, and let the recovery day be a recovery day.
    That's what I've seen recommended, but I do not do HIIT, so maybe someone can back me up or correct me.

    that's brutal. I've done them back to back- lift then a HIIT session.

    I am in pretty good shape and I thought I might actually die.

    If you split AM/PM it would be way more palatable for sure.

    I did my first day of SL yesterday, did not start at the recommended weights since I've been lifting weights since July (squatted 75, rowed 50 and bench pressed 50, so I wasn't too crazy with it) then did a 5 minute HIIT right after. Almost didn't make it down the stairs, lol. I unlike you, am not so in shape! I think I'll listen to the experts from here on out.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL at people who think squatting every lift is too much- don't tell Smolov that!!!
    If you wanted to do HIIT too, do HIIT on the same day as your lifting, and let the recovery day be a recovery day.
    That's what I've seen recommended, but I do not do HIIT, so maybe someone can back me up or correct me.

    that's brutal. I've done them back to back- lift then a HIIT session.

    I am in pretty good shape and I thought I might actually die.

    If you split AM/PM it would be way more palatable for sure.

    I did my first day of SL yesterday, did not start at the recommended weights since I've been lifting weights since July (squatted 75, rowed 50 and bench pressed 50, so I wasn't too crazy with it) then did a 5 minute HIIT right after. Almost didn't make it down the stairs, lol. I unlike you, am not so in shape! I think I'll listen to the experts from here on out.

    Yeah I did a full lift- and rested water break chit chat etc then went straight into a full 15 minute 10/50 second split HIIT. *kitten* me sideways.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    15 minute HIIT after SL?! You're a bada$$!