Please Help No Artificial Sweetners Including Stavia



  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Honestly, I am mostly paleo and due to that my diet is low to moderate carbs. The book "It starts with Food" changed things for me.

    On the water thing, I'm going to be blunt. Suck it up buttercup and drink water. You can do, unsweetened coffee and tea as well. It will suck for about 3 weeks, then you will be used to it and it won't be an issue. You can put fruit or cucumber slices in a water pitcher to flavor it as well. But I think it is more reasonable to just face the fact we need water. Water is the most natural things to drink and it is what we should be drinking.

    Learn to read label. Labels do not lie. The advertising on the front of the package can be misleading, but it is advertising. If you look at label, it will list the sugars and artificial sugars. My personal view is if it has to make nutritional claims on the package it likely is not that good for you! Think about it, does brussel sprouts, milk, carrot, meat or fruits have claims on the package? But cereal, bread, and "healthy" cookies all do.

    Finally, cook at home, don't be afraid to try new things. If you don't like something, try it several ways before never eating it again (I never liked brocolli, I tried to roast it and I love it that way.)

    Good luck, don't give up. If you fall down, stand back up the next day.

    Gottcha, and you are right. I am on this today. Listening to you tube videos. Going to check out cooking Paleo on youtube as well.

    Thanks for the response.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    You will have a hard time making low carb smoothies, fruit is almost pure carbs. Erythritol is a natural sweetener however, as mentioned. I find it minty and disgusting. Swerve and Just Like Sugar are brands that have modified erythritol with oligosaccharides (another plant product) to make it taste a little less weird. I use Swerve in my low-carb baking a lot.

    Thank you for the response. But I will not put any artificial sweetner in my husbands diet. He truly becomes the TIN MAN can hardly walk or lift his arms when they are slipped into his foods I buy. I would be poisoning him if I used your recommendation. But thank you for sharing. Now I know to look for this new gmo in his food as well. We are aquaponic farmers. We grow Talapia and veggies. Most of my DH joint pain ( I call him the TIN Man from Wizzard of OZ ) when he started drinking a gallon of Crystal Light and others.
    Now it mostly just water and he wants other drinks with low to no sugar and ZERO gmo sweetners. But I do appreciate you responding.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Sweet potato can be used to sweeten things, it has a bunch of fiber and may work for some of the things that you are looking for. My everyday breakfast shake is unflavored whey protein isolate protein powder (google George's Restore), sweet potato, unsweetened chocolate almond milk, and vitamin powder. Sometimes I throw some gluten free oats in there too.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    You will have a hard time making low carb smoothies, fruit is almost pure carbs. Erythritol is a natural sweetener however, as mentioned. I find it minty and disgusting. Swerve and Just Like Sugar are brands that have modified erythritol with oligosaccharides (another plant product) to make it taste a little less weird. I use Swerve in my low-carb baking a lot.

    Thank you for the response. But I will not put any artificial sweetner in my husbands diet. He truly becomes the TIN MAN can hardly walk or lift his arms when they are slipped into his foods I buy. I would be poisoning him if I used your recommendation. But thank you for sharing. Now I know to look for this new gmo in his food as well. We are aquaponic farmers. We grow Talapia and veggies. Most of my DH joint pain ( I call him the TIN Man from Wizzard of OZ ) when he started drinking a gallon of Crystal Light and others.
    Now it mostly just water and he wants other drinks with low to no sugar and ZERO gmo sweetners. But I do appreciate you responding.

    Hope he's wise enough not to eat the Tilapia.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Not sure if anyone mentioned this before (and I missed it) or not. Have you tried sweetening things with dates? Would that work for him? You can throw them in smoothies and I have an awesome granola recipe that uses them. You blend a couple of peeled oranges and dates in the blender, and then stir it into the oatmeal and whatever nuts or seeds you like. Spread on a baking sheet and bake on low, stirring regularly till they're cooked the way you like. No fat. No artificial sugars. Very yummy.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    P.S. I know that granola isn't low carb, but a little goes a long way.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Not sure if anyone mentioned this before (and I missed it) or not. Have you tried sweetening things with dates? Would that work for him? You can throw them in smoothies and I have an awesome granola recipe that uses them. You blend a couple of peeled oranges and dates in the blender, and then stir it into the oatmeal and whatever nuts or seeds you like. Spread on a baking sheet and bake on low, stirring regularly till they're cooked the way you like. No fat. No artificial sugars. Very yummy.

    Thank you. Sounds yummy and no I never even thought to use dates.
    Thank you also for the granola idea. But that I have to really watch the sugars.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You will have a hard time making low carb smoothies, fruit is almost pure carbs. Erythritol is a natural sweetener however, as mentioned. I find it minty and disgusting. Swerve and Just Like Sugar are brands that have modified erythritol with oligosaccharides (another plant product) to make it taste a little less weird. I use Swerve in my low-carb baking a lot.

    Also Erythritol is no good for anyone with GI issues.