Hypothetical questions about ethics in your job field...



  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I don't really care about the law. It's not important to me...especially if I can't be caught, or if it is highly unlikely. you said illegal, so I'm responding to that. i have absolutely no moral responsibility to man-made laws. I follow my own code. I obey laws to the extent the laws have fines attached or jail time, or really sucky consequences. But, I don't follow laws mindlessly and I don't feel that breaking man-made laws is unethical or anything else at all. The only laws I adhere to are the laws of physics. :drinker: ...and thermodynamics, and maybe a few others that are absolutely unavoidable.

    You follow your own code and the law to the extent that there are fines and jail time attached. Isn't that every law? What, by chance, would be something of your "own code" that doesn't involve a fine or jail time?
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I don't really care about the law. It's not important to me...especially if I can't be caught, or if it is highly unlikely. you said illegal, so I'm responding to that. i have absolutely no moral responsibility to man-made laws. I follow my own code. I obey laws to the extent the laws have fines attached or jail time, or really sucky consequences. But, I don't follow laws mindlessly and I don't feel that breaking man-made laws is unethical or anything else at all. The only laws I adhere to are the laws of physics. :drinker: ...and thermodynamics, and maybe a few others that are absolutely unavoidable.

    You follow your own code and the law to the extent that there are fines and jail time attached. Isn't that every law? What, by chance, would be something of your "own code" that doesn't involve a fine or jail time?

    I'm just saying I don't feel a moral obligation to follow the law. The law isn't a moral or ethical issue.

    Maybe not laws that are sanctioned by the State or Government but there are moral and ethical laws guided by ones conscious.

    You didn't answer my question. What would be something that you consider above the "law"? Something that abides by "your code" what ever that may be?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Or teaching human evolution in a USA state where it's outlawed to kids who want to learn about it.

    If that was a law, I'd be breaking that law everyday.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I'm an honest abe, so I wouldn't do it.
  • AyeCorona
    AyeCorona Posts: 204 Member
    My industry is highly regulated- and while other businesses may or may not choose to risk bending the rules for monetary gain, that's not how I operate my business. I'd rather sleep well at night. And it would be my luck to be singled out for any infractrion. There are plenty of opportunities to make money.
  • kbitikofer
    kbitikofer Posts: 43 Member
    If everyone else jumped off a bridge to their deaths, would you do it too?
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I don't really care about the law. It's not important to me...especially if I can't be caught, or if it is highly unlikely. you said illegal, so I'm responding to that. i have absolutely no moral responsibility to man-made laws. I follow my own code. I obey laws to the extent the laws have fines attached or jail time, or really sucky consequences. But, I don't follow laws mindlessly and I don't feel that breaking man-made laws is unethical or anything else at all. The only laws I adhere to are the laws of physics. :drinker: ...and thermodynamics, and maybe a few others that are absolutely unavoidable.

    You follow your own code and the law to the extent that there are fines and jail time attached. Isn't that every law? What, by chance, would be something of your "own code" that doesn't involve a fine or jail time?

    I'm just saying I don't feel a moral obligation to follow the law. The law isn't a moral or ethical issue.

    Maybe not laws that are sanctioned by the State or Government but there are moral and ethical laws guided by ones conscious.


    My question still has gone unanswered: What would be something that you consider above the "law"? Something that abides by "your code" what ever that may be?

    Or perhaps you just simply don't have an answer because there is none.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Sounds close to a slippery slope to me
  • Tigerman999
    If your job is to color and you don't like to color get a new job.... You'd be out of a job if you continually put in poor performance