Driver's License Weight



  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    Ah, vanity!
    I'm the sort of person who has carefully done her hair and make-up in preparation
    for taking a photo ID. After all, the picture is in use for at least 5 years.
    The color of my shirt is flattering; the face is almost perfectly round, but it's not scary.
    As one can see in my MFP ID, my face is a much different shape now,
    and I have a neck. My current state ID card says I weigh 290,
    which was a 20-pound fudge a few years back.
    I need a new ID because I moved, but I think I'll wait another 30 pounds.
  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    I cannot wait to get to my driver's license weight!!!! Woo hoo!! 45 more pounds.
  • BeckyGee84
    BeckyGee84 Posts: 124 Member
    I had to look at my driver's license to see what number I put on it! Lol. In 2009 I said I was 120, I was probably 130. Now I'm 135. When I get down to 125 again I won't lie next time :)
  • fitandworking
    fitandworking Posts: 18 Member
    Lol this is great and I didn't even think about my DL until now. Mine is from 3 years ago when I turned 21 and near my highest weight(about 275, highest 294) and I said I was 220 lol. I now actually weigh 223 so only 3 pounds away. I'll be turning 25 in June and will have to renew my DL. I hope to be more honest next time haha. Hearing how much we all lie makes me realize I should stop judging celebrities talking about their weight. 150 pound Kim Kardashian saying she's 110 or at one time 300 pound Kirstie Alley saying she "ballooned up" to 230 lol. I don't blame them anymore. Anyway congrats original poster and others on the weight loss!
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    My driver's license says I weight 230 pounds, which I did and I look like a big oompa loompa in my picture. Unfortunately, my license does not expire until 2016. Sometimes, I wonder when I buy wine and they card me and look at my picture, if the cashier thinks I'm someone else, since I now weigh 160 pounds lol!
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    I have to explain to airport security that I dont look the same as my license or passport due to the 38 pound loss! LOL it really is different!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    That is so funny! I was just thinking about this! I lied when I got my license 6 months ago and put it 20 lbs less than I really was. Now I weigh 10 less than it says, and I want to "lose" it so I can get a new picture taken! Maybe I'll lie about my weight again, and put my goal weight down - who knows!

    My DL photo was retaken in 2012 when I was at 270 lb...not my HW so I was fine with that, but then a couple of months ago I got a new license with my married name and they wouldn't retake the photo, grrrr. I never really carried weight in my face but there is still a noticeable difference from then to now (down 66 lb)

    Luckily my DL expires in Nov so hopefully by then I'll be at my goal weight! (I have a "high" goal seen in my ticker so it's possible I'll be below that)
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    This is actually my next big goal!!! 10/11 more pounds and I will match my driver's license weight and not void the warranty on my new exercise trampoline :P I will say my defense...I'm pretty sure the last couple times I went to the DMV, they didn't ask me WHAT my weight was but rather "Do you want to keep what your weight says as the same?" Very nice phrasing sir/ma'am, I'll take it! Though I think I might pay the $10 to get a new license/picture when I hit 50 lbs or so, that is one large woman on there!
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Mine says 120, which was accurate. I weigh more than that, now. As for hair? I look like a drowned rat, I had no idea I was expected to take a new picture :(
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