cutting out sugar



  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Processed food = sugar! Ketchup, hamburgers, mustard, cereal, fruit yogurt, chocholate milk, bread, salad dressings, flavoured water, canned food, "healthy" bars, even dried fruit has added sugar. Yesterday I saw so called diet yogurt with 0.1 % of fat and 26 g of added sugar. Oh, well...
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I am not cutting sugar completely but for the next month or two I'm being very focused on making sure I'm under my daily limit for sugars. I've regularly been high everyday in the sugar category and I'm pretty sure thats why I still have that little bit of stomach fat on the lower part.

    I eat two bananas every day. That puts me just under my daily max for sugar. Two bananas a day did not make me fat.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I cut out most added sugars and feel 100% better---I've tried this before [chocolate is my downfall] and couldn't do it---but I did it this time in conjunction with cutting grains [all breads for starters] and starchy vegies [like potatoes] and that seemed to help. Just one idea--

    Good luck!
  • mikeroybal
    mikeroybal Posts: 111 Member
    I don't exclude any food from my diet. I don't eat a lot of sugar but I eat fruits and vegetables. I don't eat a lot of refined sugar but that is because I don't eat a lot of processed foods. There is nothing wrong with any type of food in moderation.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Processed food = sugar! Ketchup, hamburgers, mustard, cereal, fruit yogurt, chocholate milk, bread, salad dressings, flavoured water, canned food, "healthy" bars, even dried fruit has added sugar. Yesterday I saw so called diet yogurt with 0.1 % of fat and 26 g of added sugar. Oh, well...

    yeah exactly - that in eating "diet" food we end up gaining weight
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Processed food = sugar! Ketchup, hamburgers, mustard, cereal, fruit yogurt, chocholate milk, bread, salad dressings, flavoured water, canned food, "healthy" bars, even dried fruit has added sugar. Yesterday I saw so called diet yogurt with 0.1 % of fat and 26 g of added sugar. Oh, well...

    yeah exactly - that in eating "diet" food we end up gaining weight

    No. You gain weight eating in a calorie surplus. Not because of sugar. An imbalanced diet might make you feel crappy but you can't gain weight without eating over maintenance.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    I don't consume sugar and my body feels much better for it. Sugar is one more highly processed food. I do not care what kind of diet you follow (just calorie counting, paleo, "clean eating," keto, ... processed foods are never good for you. Furthermore, if you cut sugar out of your diet, within a week's time you will no longer crave it. Gosh, they even put sugar in canned tomatoes and vinegar. You really do have to watch for it.

    Ultimately, you have to pick the program that works for you and stick to it. Everyone here has his or her own opinion of what works for them. Some even think that their way is the only right way. Find your path and stick to it. It's your journey, not everybody else's.

    Good luck!
  • SierryM
    I feel better when I don't eat sugar...but that's just me.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I think that cutting out PROCESSED sugars from the diet is a great thing! But natural sugars, such as those found naturally in fruit, are not the enemy.
  • Chriztii
    I have been told to cut out as much sugar as possible, my sister is crazy about eating everything 100% clean etc and she tells me to not eat any bread, pasta, rice, sugar in my coffee etc and it's just not a realistic lifestyle for ME.. Not sure about you but i find it a bit excessive to cut out completely everything that has carbs. Changing portion sizes and trying to add healthier options is the way to go :) (Still battling on the healthy options myself)
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
  • FrauMama
    FrauMama Posts: 169 Member
    I agree with the last two posters (well, I was referring to several replies post!) and this:
    I don't worry about natural sugars in fruit and vegetables, but I try to avoid anything with added sugar. . No sugar in my coffee or tea, no sugary drinks. I limit sauces and things with added sugar, like ketchup or bbq sauce.

    You will get all kinds of crap on here for suggesting that sugar might not be so great for you but do what YOU want, and what works best for you.

    For me, cutting out almost all sugar and increasing fat intake means I am WAY less hungry, eat less, have fewer cravings, and much better blood work. Also, I'm very lean, but with healthier bloodwork than when I was this lean as a fitness model and eating a more "typical" low-fat, higher carb/sugar diet.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    Processed food = sugar! Ketchup, hamburgers, mustard, cereal, fruit yogurt, chocholate milk, bread, salad dressings, flavoured water, canned food, "healthy" bars, even dried fruit has added sugar. Yesterday I saw so called diet yogurt with 0.1 % of fat and 26 g of added sugar. Oh, well...

    yeah exactly - that in eating "diet" food we end up gaining weight

    No. You gain weight eating in a calorie surplus. Not because of sugar. An imbalanced diet might make you feel crappy but you can't gain weight without eating over maintenance.

    Sorry, worded that badly. Sugar really, really is the enemy because it is so high in calories, and it is in everything, and we don't notice it in our foods. But low-calorie foods often have high sugar contents, which deliver far more calories than, for example,t he same amount of fat. And a high carb, low fat diet contains loads of sugar - low fat foods are crammed with sugar. a good documentary on this phenomenon. around 39 mins he talks about diet foods.
  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    In cutting out processed sugar I hope to reclaim my taste buds.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I was reading an article today in the Times Style magazine, which said that sugar hidden in food is the reason why we are fatter than ever. Some health organisations even say that we should be eating as little as 6tsp a day for women, and 8tsp a day for men.

    Because of this, I'm considering cutting out all sugar in my diet. Does anyone else do this? The article gave some hints - including how diet foods can have more sugar than the non-diet versions and therefore are bad - but I was wondering if anyone had any experience of cutting out sugar.
    Many thanks

    Umm no, the reason people are obese is because they over eat food…

    you can lose weight AND eat sugar, if you just maintain a calorie deficit…

    I eat sugar and have about 11% body fat...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I still eat fruits and whole grains btw

    LOL doesn't fruit have sugar in it? You just said you cut out all sugar...
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I was reading an article today in the Times Style magazine, which said that sugar hidden in food is the reason why we are fatter than ever. Some health organisations even say that we should be eating as little as 6tsp a day for women, and 8tsp a day for men.

    Because of this, I'm considering cutting out all sugar in my diet. Does anyone else do this? The article gave some hints - including how diet foods can have more sugar than the non-diet versions and therefore are bad - but I was wondering if anyone had any experience of cutting out sugar.
    Many thanks

    People are fatter because they eat too much. However, once I start eating products with processed sugar I find it hard to stop (I have a huge problem with the junk food and sweets at work -- I've told myself I can have a cookie or a dessert, just not at work where the place is swimming in the stuff).

    I've tried to cut out products with high fructose corn syrup because it adds empty calories and causes cravings. Fruit is a better choice for me if I want something sweet. I usually go with apples and melons because they are more filling.
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    I went without sugar for a year and dropped weight consistently until I had lost about 65 pounds. As soon as I started adding sugar back into my diet I gained it all back. Bottom line sugar has no nutritional value, it is not needed for any reason and provides nothing but empty calories. Not sure why so many people are pro sugar but you will be better off without it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The obesity epidemic is not because of sugar. It's from eating too much of anything. Good luck cutting out sugar. Sugar is a carb and carbs are apart of a balanced diet. I've learned, for me, that to make my diet sustainable for life, cutting things were unnecessary. I eat the same things I always do and will, just in smaller portions and being mindful of my macronutrient ratios.

    sugar is a carb, sure, but sugar is not a good choice of carbohydrate for a balanced diet. Sugar is not necessary.

    Carbs are carbs..

    carbs are carbs except when they come from "bad" sources…LOLZ ….
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I agree with the last two posters (well, I was referring to several replies post!) and this:
    I don't worry about natural sugars in fruit and vegetables, but I try to avoid anything with added sugar. . No sugar in my coffee or tea, no sugary drinks. I limit sauces and things with added sugar, like ketchup or bbq sauce.

    You will get all kinds of crap on here for suggesting that sugar might not be so great for you but do what YOU want, and what works best for you.

    For me, cutting out almost all sugar and increasing fat intake means I am WAY less hungry, eat less, have fewer cravings, and much better blood work. Also, I'm very lean, but with healthier bloodwork than when I was this lean as a fitness model and eating a more "typical" low-fat, higher carb/sugar diet.

    ^^ Good post, agree with this.