No fast food!!



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    What was your reason?
    Did you notice any changes?
    Do you occasionally eat fast food if so what do you get?

    I'm considering giving it up for good. Not only will it save me money but can help with my fatty food cravings too!

    I eat fast food at least 3-4 times a week. I lost over 50lbs while doing this and I'm now maintaining while doing this.

    What do I get? Burgers, fries, pizza, shakes, roast beef sandwiches, mozzarella sticks, onion rings etc etc. For example-this past Friday I went to BK for lunch and got a regular Whopper, small fries (what comes with the value meal) and a diet Coke.

    I love eating out and it's something I'd never cut out of my diet. There's no reason to. I'm maintaining, I'm healthy and I happy because I'm eating foods I like. I just make sure it fits into my calories for the day and then enjoy :drinker:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    That's true, maybe you could try steamed chicken breast, broccoli and rice hehe Mmm much better than a pizza.

    No... just.. no.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I still have pizza occasionally but that's pretty much it. I don't miss it, although you can find healthier options at fast food places... just typically I'd rather make something at home.
  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    Dimethylsiloxane...that's it!!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Dimethylsiloxane...that's it!!!

    Tastes yummy dipped in ketchup and BBQ sauce. :bigsmile: :devil: :smokin:
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    why can't you eat fat?
    you can, and should, still be eating fat!

    I don't eat fast food, I don't like it...I prefer making my own food, or if I don't cook, I prefer good quality, not cheap and fast :P

    My high cholesterol. My doctor told me to replace it with better fats to make my lol level normal again for me more fast food

    Have you seen the documentary Fat Head? The guy eats only fast food for a month and not only loses weight but his cholesterol numbers improve.

    My husband had high cholesterol. He eats out for lunch every day for work and then we eat out a lot on the weekends. His numbers were so bad, his employer was going to restrict our health insurance. So, he started watching portion sizes, stopped super sizing his fries, started getting diet soda or water instead of regular soda, and cut back on bed time snacks (mostly his nightly plate of chips n cheese).

    He's now lost over 20lbs and his cholesterol numbers have improved nicely, to the point where his employer has lifted the restrictions on our insurance. He still eats out every day and still eats out a lot on the weekends. Now he just watches calories and portion sizes and is keeping his weight in the healthy range. That's all he had to do, to improve his cholesterol and be healthier-drop the extra poundage.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm not really a fan of fast food, and never have been. I hadn't even tried a take-away until my second year of university. I think I've been to McDonald's maybe 5-10 times in my 36 years!

    My husband likes to get Dominos occasionally, so maybe 4 times a year I'll have a bit. I had 2 slices of veggie pizza the other day, and just made a salad to go with it.

    The only take-away I like is curry, and it's so expensive that we hardly bother. We husband makes amazing Thai green curry anyway.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I don't like the idea of giving up anything completely(unless it's drugs or some harmful addiction - hmm. is mcdonalds harmful? it could be I guess. anyways lol)

    I think everything in moderation is fine. If you walk by mcdonalds and get cravings, then get it again and again, your body wants it. Go have a meal.

    As much as I enjoy eating clean now, I have my limits as to how many chicken breasts/ lean beef/ broccoli/brown rice/steel oatmeal I can eat. I'm not a body builder or a competetive athlete anymore... Don't need to be single digit body fat.

    Here to live life and be relatively fit and healthy!
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    I travel a lot via car with my job. So while, ideally, I would pack a nice big lunch and all of that good stuff, a lot of time my reality is that I am on the road for a week, diff hotel each night, and end up eating fast food between appts. That being said, I usually just make sure I make the meal small (maybe just a sandwich), load on veggies, no mayo, and usually half a bun. I rarely allow it to be a full meal, just a snack to get to something healthier.
  • goneforawhile
    goneforawhile Posts: 257 Member
    After not eating fast food for a while it looks and sounds so disgusting.

    I went months without it at one point and when I ate it again I felt so sick.
  • Why give it up?

    Diets should just consist of eating less, not quitting stuff....

    Higher blood pressure and high cholesterol

    That is technically a bogus claim. Doctors dont even know the reason why people have high blood pressure, although eating healthily is recommended to lower it. I didnt have high blood pressure when I was overweight.

    Anything is ok in moderation. Diets give the impression that you 'cant' eat stuff. This is wrong. I lost the weight I needed to with a bit of common sense and just eating a bit less of the junk that I used to. However, my 'diet' still included the odd burger, pizza, etc. Still does as well, and I dont have high blood pressure.

    Unfortunately I do and I eat lots of fast food so I don't think I really need it at all
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I eat fast food, but it is probably something I do about once a month or so unless I am traveling. This is because both my wife and I love to cook, so generally someone is making something fresh for dinner, and we make enough to bring for lunch then next day.

    I have my favorites at pretty much any chain, but I enjoy places like Five Guys, Potbelly, Panera, Subway, and Baja Fresh more than McDonalds, BK, and Taco Bell. I also like to find good local places.

    It does tend to take me forever to order when I go to fast food places, unless I have a craving for a particular item already, because I spend a lot of time perusing the menu to see what I can get that will fit into my calorie and macro goals.
  • Subway is one of my favorites. I don't feel guilty when i eat there but the sodium is through the roof with them!
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    I eat fast food maybe once every two weeks or so.... not because I don't like it, I just usually make enough food at dinner to have lunches throughout the week.
  • "What was your reason?"
    I have never been a huge fast food fan, but I would do to drive throughs every now and then because of the convenience of it. The biggest thing that turns me off about it is the low quality meats, fillers, and scary chemicals they put in it. Read about how chicken nuggets are made. Read about Pink Slime. Read about how dirty processed meat is and what they have to do to it to make it fit for human consumption. When you KNOW what you are putting in your body, it's easier to stop. I read and question everything.

    "Did you notice any changes?"
    Not really because it wasnt a big enough part of my life in the beginning. Even when I was oblivious to how bad it really was, I never ate much of it I guess because I didn't like the taste of fast food. It tastes cheap and gross.

    "Do you occasionally eat fast food if so what do you get?"
    I will...during weak moments. Sometimes burgers from steak and shake, although I hate their fries.

    "I'm considering giving it up for good. Not only will it save me money but can help with my fatty food cravings too!"
    It's worth it on so many levels!
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I eat fast food all the time. at one time I was really hardcore and avoided it completely, but it was way too stressful to place that kind of restriction and guilt on such a convenient option. now I only choose meals that stay under my calorie goal and help meet my macros.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    My reason for giving up most fast food? Not knowing the exact ingredients and having a medical conditions where it is very important to know what I am eating the VAST majority of time. Now, I have meds that can help deal with some of the "unknown" but I would rather not have to take as many of them and would rather keep them for better food.

    So what do I do? I make my own. I still eat hamburgers, pizza, chicken tenders, or what have you. I just am more likely to make them at home (though I do have a few "safe" places for when I am out and about all day). Plus, this gives you a lot more control over what you use. The pizzas I make are SO much better then what I can get from a take out place around here. I have also been a lot more creative with toppings for pizza and burgers. Who knew kale tasted amazing on pizza? I didn't, but I do now!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    After not eating fast food for a while it looks and sounds so disgusting.

    I went months without it at one point and when I ate it again I felt so sick.

    For all of you that have cut out fast food for awhile and then felt sick when you had some again after however many months/years ...

    That's normal. The same happens if you cut out other types of food for a long time and then re-introduce it. Has nothing to do with the quality of the food. Don't eat leafy greens for months and then have a green salad. You'll see what I'm talking about.
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    I eat fast food all the time. at one time I was really hardcore and avoided it completely, but it was way too stressful to place that kind of restriction and guilt on such a convenient option. now I only choose meals that stay under my calorie goal and help meet my macros.
    Same here, but the lure of Wendy's and occasionally Taco Bell is too strong to quit completely lol! The reason most people gain weight from eating too much fast food is because it is very calorie dense food (the good stuff, anyway). 4 kcals in 1g of protein and carbs, but 9 kcals in 1g of fat. Plus those types of fats don't keep you very full. In my heyday, I would order a large Bacon Ultimate/Triple Wendy's burger/Double Quarter Pounder with cheese with a Coke (no ice) and at least 3 additional items from the dollar menu.... so many calories but not a lot of volume comparitively. If I know I am craving something like that, I will save plenty of fats of carbs so I can get what I want and not feel deprived. It's all about including foods into your diet, not exluding :)
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I am more of a food snob than anything else so I make my own food & bake my own treats. Even most high-end restaurants are not worth it. But I did inhale a foot-long meatball sub not too long ago from Subway.

    And I licked the paper clean :bigsmile: