Get rid of that sweet tooth: How to quit sugar



  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    "The second way is to eat a diet that has a low "glycaemic load" (GL). The "glycaemic index" tells us how quickly the sugar from certain foods is released into the blood stream. What it doesn't tell you is how much of that food is sugar. Holford says that it is better to control the amount of sugar we eat. "Atkins limited the amount of carbs, but didn't pay so much attention to the GI," says Holford. "The GI diet limits the fast-releasing GI sugars but doesn't pay enough attention to the quantity eaten."

    For example: any food with a GI food of more than 70 is considered bad. Watermelon scores 72, but in a 120g slice there are only six grams of sugar. The sugar is released very quickly into the blood stream but there is not much of it.

    GI has no real world relevance, the GI index was created feeding isocaloric amounts of different foods on fasted subjects, since not many of us consume foods totally fasted or isocalorically it has little relevance

    and if you are using GI for instance, watermelon as you pointed out is "bad" yet Snickers bars and Nutella is fine since it has a low GI. (I love me some Nutella and that will never be cut out of my diet)