Have you heard of Juice Plus+



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Juice Plus is the best change in my lifestyle I have ever made! :) Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest. All the fruit, veg and berries that go into Juice Plus are picked at their ripest so full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

    Also, the problem with vitamin supplements is that they are manmade and synthetic. How can that be healthy? If you're putting money into vitamin supplements then why not put money into real vitamins from real food.

    If anyone has any questions about Juice Plus, fire away! :)

    Just heard this exact same pitch about Herbalife on another thread.
  • well I can't change what I said due to that is all Juice Plus is. :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest.

    The frozen was were ...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A friend of a friend did juice plus, she lost loads of weight... and then put it all back on over christmas when she ate normally...

    why not just eat plenty of fruit and veg and take a multi vitamin?
    I have a friend who's a rep and through FB I know WAY more about this stuff than I want to. I don't think it's supposed to be used as a diet plan. You're supposed to use it like you would a multivitamin and the shakes are to boost your fruit and veg intake, not to replace meals.

    Anyway, I think it's better to just increase your intake of real fruits and vegetables. I very, very rarely get sick and usually (though this current cold is an exception) when I do, it lasts about two days. I just eat a big salad every day and have a smoothie with berries and a banana every night. I don't put any dairy in my smoothie -- just fruit, chocolate peanut butter and ice.

    thats interesting, as the impression i got was it was meal replacement shakes for 2 meals and a healthy low carb tea - thats what she seemed to be doing anyway.

    I know I'm late to this, and you may or may not see my response, but they DO have shakes now. However, I don't *think* they're meant as meal replacements in that sort of way. Doesn't mean people don't use them that way, though.

    As for how it's pronounced, I actually don't know. Maybe it is Juice Plus Plus? I know how it's spelled. I can't remember if I've ever heard anyone who sells it say it out loud ...
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Juice Plus is the best change in my lifestyle I have ever made! :) Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest. All the fruit, veg and berries that go into Juice Plus are picked at their ripest so full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

    Also, the problem with vitamin supplements is that they are manmade and synthetic. How can that be healthy? If you're putting money into vitamin supplements then why not put money into real vitamins from real food.

    If anyone has any questions about Juice Plus, fire away! :)

    Do you think fresh 100% natural fruit and vegetables are healthier OR processed chemicals with added sweeteners that are turned into a powder/tablet? Have you ever read the ingredient list for JuicePlus+ items? I honestly can't believe someone would slate vitamin supplements in such a way and then go on to endorse JuicePlus+ :explode: :grumble: :flowerforyou:
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    As for how it's pronounced, I actually don't know. Maybe it is Juice Plus Plus? I know how it's spelled. I can't remember if I've ever heard anyone who sells it say it out loud ...

    Perhaps they're embarrassed? :wink:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    As for how it's pronounced, I actually don't know. Maybe it is Juice Plus Plus? I know how it's spelled. I can't remember if I've ever heard anyone who sells it say it out loud ...

    Perhaps they're embarrassed? :wink:

    Ha ha! They should be. ;-)

    I may have heard it spoken out loud at some point, but I think I've subconsciously blocked it.
  • KazzaKemp
    KazzaKemp Posts: 5
    I have just finished my third week of JP and am 12lbs lighter. I find it relatively easy, whilst the shakes aren't meant as meal replacement, I fill mine with fruit and use them as meals, if that makes sense. So, for breakfast, I will have a vanilla shake with raspberries and blueberries, made with coconut milk. Then I will have a snack a couple of hours later, then another shake (choc with strawberries and banana). I have set my calorie intake to 1300 per day also and try and follow the JP rule of clean eating (so long as you can pick it from a tree, pull it from the ground or kill it).

    I did fall off the wagon a little last week but still worked hard to keep under my calorie goal. A shake is on average of 320 calories each, so yes I could have a very healthy proper meal with that amount, but I feel that it would be easier for me to cheat with that option.

    I have made it clear to my rep that I am not at all interested in a pyramid scheme, I do not want to make money on this stuff, I have a busy enough lifestyle as it is!

    If there are any other JP members who would like to add me, please feel free :)
  • Look up and see how juice plus is made. It's juiced and then dried at low temps so that it doesn't lose it's nutrients. Chemicals aren't added to it. Vitamins don't get into the blood stream and have terrible long term effects along with having a warning label. Juice plus doesn't have that and you can give it to children without them over dosing like they would getting into a vitamin and swallowing multiple doses. It's whole food nutrition.

    As for the shakes, in the UK they advertise their products for weight loss. In the USA we don't do that nor can we do that. Our shakes and the complete bars can be used as a meal replacement but we always encourage to eat real whole food along with taking the juice plus. There is a 6 week transformation program to get your body started into the right direction of getting healthier and fit if that's what you want. It's a jump start to healthy living.

    As far as he business goes, it's not a pyramid scheme. It's not a get rich quick scheme. It's actually a franchise and has 21 different offices in 21 different countries. You can never get demoted and once you reach a certain spot in the business, you get health, dental, vision, disability and life insurance, holiday bonuses, long term care, tuition reimbursement for immediate family members. It's definitely a business that people can make residual income from. It can also be a full time job that you can have the rest of your life making that money along with your retirement. You can make money and not have to work at all if you took a break from the business.
  • Juice Plus is a whole food nutrition supplement, which means the whole fruits veg and berry is used. Nothing is added to Juice Plus due to the fact that there doesn't need to be as you are getting the nutrition from 26 fruits, vegetables and berries everyday! All sugar is removed, roughage and water, so you are left with what you're body needs and doesn't get from UK fruits and veg unless you grow it yourself!
    I could tell you the list of ingredients for juice plus if you'd like? I don't see anything wrong with whats in the product at all.

    The problem with vitamin supplements is that they are produced in factories... like Vitamin C supplements... That isn't from an orange, its chemically made, and the chances are it isn't even going to digest into your body because you don't have the enzymes etc to break down the vitamin and digest it. JuicePlus however has the whole orange in (rind and everything) meaning it can be digested.

    Any other questions just let me know! :)
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    Any other questions just let me know! :)
    How long have you been working for Natural Alternatives International and/or National Safety Associates?
  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    I took them as a child growing up for years and I attribute them to why I rarely got sick. I wish could afford to take them again!!! Seriously they're amazing. I still rarely get sick & continue to take cheap vitamins
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    As far as he business goes, it's not a pyramid scheme. It's not a get rich quick scheme. It's actually a franchise and has 21 different offices in 21 different countries.

    Um, yes it is. Just like Mary Kay, Avon, Tupperware, etc., are pyramid schemes. They call themselves "multilevel marketing," but that is just another name for a pyramid scheme. If it wasn't, why do the reps constantly try to talk their friends into selling it as well as buying it? Oh, I know -- because the more people you have beneath you IN THE PYRAMID, the more money you make.

    Everything in your post I have seen posted on Facebook or sent to me in a PM or email 100 times from my friend who sells it. She sounds like a robot with the spoonfed marketing mumbo jumbo from the company.

    The most ridiculous thing I've heard so far is that JP is BETTER than eating fresh, whole fruits and veggies because somehow our bodies don't actually absorb the nutrients from real food, but do absorb the nutrients from JP.

    And, by the way, there are several vitamins that you can overdose on, even if you get them from "natural" sources and not supplements (and JP is a supplement, no matter how you spin it). Too much of certain vitamins can poison one's body and that's why you can OD on vitamins. If JP has the amount of nutrition/vitamins it claims, then having too much of it can poison a body. If that isn't the case, then JP doesn't have the vitamins it claims, at least not in the amounts it claims.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I took them as a child growing up for years and I attribute them to why I rarely got sick. I wish could afford to take them again!!! Seriously they're amazing. I still rarely get sick & continue to take cheap vitamins

    I take no vitamins/supplements and I get a cold about once every six years that lasts about two days.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'd be suspicious of a doctor who believes in "boosting the immune system"


    eta: DAMMIT Zombie thread. Oh well, leaving it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Juice Plus is the best change in my lifestyle I have ever made! :) Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest. All the fruit, veg and berries that go into Juice Plus are picked at their ripest so full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

    Also, the problem with vitamin supplements is that they are manmade and synthetic. How can that be healthy? If you're putting money into vitamin supplements then why not put money into real vitamins from real food.

    If anyone has any questions about Juice Plus, fire away! :)

    Wait, are you saying that the Juice Plus vitamins are NOT man made? Now I'm interested.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Here are my rules:

    -If the product recruits sales reps, I ain't buying it.

    -If those sales reps make miraculous claims, I know it's garbage.

    *adds Juice Plus to list of scam products*

    If I ran the forums, I'd put all the sales reps/coaches in a thread and make them fight for their very lives.

    But, but, but.....double plus, bro! Surely the FDA limits the number of pluses that are allowed on products, so if this has 2, then it's GOT to be legit.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Look up and see how juice plus is made. It's juiced and then dried at low temps so that it doesn't lose it's nutrients. Chemicals aren't added to it. Vitamins don't get into the blood stream and have terrible long term effects along with having a warning label. Juice plus doesn't have that and you can give it to children without them over dosing like they would getting into a vitamin and swallowing multiple doses. It's whole food nutrition.

    As for the shakes, in the UK they advertise their products for weight loss. In the USA we don't do that nor can we do that. Our shakes and the complete bars can be used as a meal replacement but we always encourage to eat real whole food along with taking the juice plus. There is a 6 week transformation program to get your body started into the right direction of getting healthier and fit if that's what you want. It's a jump start to healthy living.

    As far as he business goes, it's not a pyramid scheme. It's not a get rich quick scheme. It's actually a franchise and has 21 different offices in 21 different countries. You can never get demoted and once you reach a certain spot in the business, you get health, dental, vision, disability and life insurance, holiday bonuses, long term care, tuition reimbursement for immediate family members. It's definitely a business that people can make residual income from. It can also be a full time job that you can have the rest of your life making that money along with your retirement. You can make money and not have to work at all if you took a break from the business.


  • Juice Plus is the best change in my lifestyle I have ever made! :) Unfortunately the fruit, veg and berries haven't got the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in them as they are meant to due to the fact they haven't been picked at their ripest. All the fruit, veg and berries that go into Juice Plus are picked at their ripest so full with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

    Also, the problem with vitamin supplements is that they are manmade and synthetic. How can that be healthy? If you're putting money into vitamin supplements then why not put money into real vitamins from real food.

    If anyone has any questions about Juice Plus, fire away! :)

    Wait, are you saying that the Juice Plus vitamins are NOT man made? Now I'm interested.

    Juice Plus is not man made AT ALL.
    No, Juice Plus is made from 100% fruits veg and berries, nothing added because nothing needs to be.

    All the fruit, veg and berries that goes into Juice Plus is picked at its very ripest, juiced and then dried at a very low temperature to keep all the vitamins and minerals and other nutrition all the fruits, veg and berries.

    Then the sugars, roughage and water is removed to you are left with the good stuff of the 26 fruit veg and berries! :)

    Any other questions let me know! :)