Hungry every 2-3 hours



  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Eating every 3 hrs keeps me sane but it's hard for me to take so many food breaks at work. I bring a protein bar and a fruit & nut bar with me.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    My favourite part of this thread? People saying "don't worry about what others think about your eating" and then say "those only with soup probably go home and BINGE/GORGE/whatever".

    Let's make it go both ways....don't worry about what they're eating. And don't worry about what they may think about what you're eating.

    I eat very little during the day sometimes because I prefer to eat most of my calories in the evening. It just works for me. But some days, I have lots of little snacks because I'm just having one of those days.

    My success is based on keeping to my calorie goal. Not by the frequency and volume of each of my meals. Yours will be too. And if being successful means every 2 hours, go for it. If it's every 10, go for it. Whatever.

    Now, if the co-workers get all judgemental to you *for real*, then by all means, just make sure they know it's none of their business, and you will let your results speak for themselves, and that they can do the same thing. Throw that gauntlet down ;)
  • brandnewsnickerpuss
    brandnewsnickerpuss Posts: 110 Member
    When I weighed 350+ lbs I rarely ate at work. Then I'd go home and eat the whole house. That's just me. :)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    My favourite part of this thread? People saying "don't worry about what others think about your eating" and then say "those only with soup probably go home and BINGE/GORGE/whatever".

    Let's make it go both ways....don't worry about what they're eating. And don't worry about what they may think about what you're eating.

    I eat very little during the day sometimes because I prefer to eat most of my calories in the evening. It just works for me. But some days, I have lots of little snacks because I'm just having one of those days.

    My success is based on keeping to my calorie goal. Not by the frequency and volume of each of my meals. Yours will be too. And if being successful means every 2 hours, go for it. If it's every 10, go for it. Whatever.

    Now, if the co-workers get all judgemental to you *for real*, then by all means, just make sure they know it's none of their business, and you will let your results speak for themselves, and that they can do the same thing. Throw that gauntlet down ;)

    there's a difference between people being judgemental about what they can physically see someone eating while at work, and them eating nothing but a bowl of soup (or some veggies and yogurt, as in the case of my coworker), and then remaining large while acting self-righteous about their own eating. Just because someone doesn't see you eat doesn't mean you aren't doing it. It was a comparison of how she shouldn't feel shamed about eating publicly vs. privately, in my post. That she shouldn't feel ashamed of doing it where others can see, because it shouldn't matter what they think about her, and that she should realize that just because she doesn't see them eating, doesn't mean they aren't doing it.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I'm the same way and my co-workers aren't. I hardly ever see anyone 'snacking' and it seems like they don't need lunch most of the time either. Me on the other hand? I'm eating way more than everyone (though no where near as healthy as your choices!!). I've noticed my diary consists of mostly snacks through the day.

    I wouldn't worry about it for you. You're not eating junk or anything.
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    I seem to get hungry every 3 hours, on the dot, regardless of including proteins and fats. So annoying, but I've gotten used to it. It doesn't seem to go away no matter how much I eat. If I eat a big meal I can stretch it to 4 hours.

    Like many here, I get smack for it, but I shrug it off. Especially as many of those giving smack end up being bigger than me. Whatever. The media pushes this ideal of girls eating like birds and that's stupid. Eat what works for you. Experiment around with different things like macros. But at the end of the day you might just be a 5-6 squares a day person.