I want to start jucing



  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Oh, and cleaning a juicer is a huge pain in the *kitten*


    I went on a juice fast years ago and I was almost late to work every morning because I had to clean the juicer out and it took forever!

    Oh yeah I lost weight on the juice fast but I also went crazy and got a crazy infection because I was juicing so many fruits. By the 12th day I was staring at my ceiling for an hour and then I just said eff it and ordered Chinese food.

    Juicing gets really expensive after a while, 1 pineapple does not yield as much juice as you think.
  • JesRuizz
    JesRuizz Posts: 215
    I'm actually trying to keep my calories at 1200 a day... I'm also working out 3 times a week and hiking once a week. Its a matter of making all this a habit that is going to be hard for me!.. totally gonna need a lot of support or *kitten* kicking either one should work I guess.. lol

    I wanted to start juicing because well I had heard it was good for you. but as I keep reading all the comments not sure if I should or not.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I try to get in 4-6 servings of vegetables daily and 2-3 servings of fruit. I supplement my diet with juicing, but it generally amounts to 1 or 2 servings of veg...the rest of my intake comes from just eating fruits and vegetables. I usually have my juice in the morning with my eggs as I find it odd to eat vegetables in the morning...but other than that, my rule is to have a serving or two of vegetables with every meal and I snack on fruit and veg as well.

    I also eat a lot of lean protein and healthy fats and some whole grains...and I drink beer and eat ice cream and pizza, etc. Losing weight is all about consuming a deficit of calories from that which would be required to maintain your weight. Having a diet that is high in nutrient dense whole foods like fruit and veg and lean proteins, healthy fats, etc is an excellent way of helping to control your calorie intake as well as get your proper nutrition...but you don't have to deprive yourself of indulgences either, you just have to make sure they fit into your daily calorie requirements.

    Deprivation and avoidance generally lead to short term success, but rarely are they sustainable in the long run.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Here is a three day one if you want to give it a try over a long weekend:

    Dr. Oz + Juice + Cleanse = NO

    OP, this isn't necessary.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'm actually trying to keep my calories at 1200 a day... I'm also working out 3 times a week and hiking once a week. Its a matter of making all this a habit that is going to be hard for me!.. totally gonna need a lot of support or *kitten* kicking either one should work I guess.. lol

    I wanted to start juicing because well I had heard it was good for you. but as I keep reading all the comments not sure if I should or not.

    Well, it's definitely not BAD for you. I can't see myself ever doing it because I'm too lazy to clean a juicer, and too cheap to buy fruit/veggies and see it go to waste.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Here is a three day one if you want to give it a try over a long weekend:

    Didn't take long for Dr. Oz to crop up in a questionable dietary practices thread! :laugh:

    Seriously, I know people who juice and love it. However, by juicing, you are removing a very important component of the items juiced: fiber. Much healthier for your body to just eat the fruits and veggies. I know some folks will blend a few veggies in their smoothies. Much better option!
  • AprilLizbethWire
    AprilLizbethWire Posts: 38 Member
    I would say start with buying a juicer and look up some recipes. Try looking on amazon.com at some and read their reviews. I know that a lot of juicers come with recipe books as well, but you could google "juicing recipes" and find some pretty good ones. I will say they aren't cheap, but I bet you could get a pretty decent one for $100 - $150, maybe even less.

    Personally, I think juicing is a great option for getting your nutrients. I know some people who don't really like to eat their veggies and fruits, but they'll drink them. If that's the only way they'll have their fruit and veggies - more power to them! It's not a magic potion to weight loss, but If you incorporate it into your healthy eating plan I bet it will help.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I love orange juice but it's really not great with weight loss. Simply because you get the calories you get in the fruits but without the fiber. Same calories (or more), but feeling less full.

    So I try to just eat oranges now and lay off juice in general and just drink water.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I jusice when I am too busy or lazy to eat fruit and veggies or feel that I need more of them.... start slow with an apple, celery, cucumber and some spinach. Its easy. Also like others said it's not to do all the time. Onb Pinterest is a bunch of juicing recipes. Best of luck
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    Juicing is a great way to get alot of nutrients fast and is very beneficial for those who have lived off of processed foods. The best way to start juicing is to start slowly. Start by juicing once every 2 to 3 days before doing it every day. You may experience headaches at first, but that's your body detoxing. Start with a small amount of juice and make it simple, no recipe needed. I started with carrots and apples, then added celery and lemon and it took off from there. Once I started juicing, I noticed I wasn't hungry as much and I wasn't craving all those foods that are bad for me. I asked my trainer why that was and he said it's because when your body gets what it needs, it's not screaming for the next big meal. Now I juice regularly and I feel AMAZING!! Oh, and be sure to wash your produce well!!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    well besides weight loss I would just like to be healthier.
    make it apart of my daily life

    How does juicing help you lose weight?

    And what about juicing is healthier than actually eating the whole fruits and vegetables you get the juice from?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm actually trying to keep my calories at 1200 a day... I'm also working out 3 times a week and hiking once a week. Its a matter of making all this a habit that is going to be hard for me!.. totally gonna need a lot of support or *kitten* kicking either one should work I guess.. lol

    I wanted to start juicing because well I had heard it was good for you. but as I keep reading all the comments not sure if I should or not.

    1200 net, right?
  • JesRuizz
    JesRuizz Posts: 215
    I'm actually trying to keep my calories at 1200 a day... I'm also working out 3 times a week and hiking once a week. Its a matter of making all this a habit that is going to be hard for me!.. totally gonna need a lot of support or *kitten* kicking either one should work I guess.. lol

    I wanted to start juicing because well I had heard it was good for you. but as I keep reading all the comments not sure if I should or not.

    1200 net, right?

    what's the difference? .. excuse my ignorance but I'm very new to this =(
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'm actually trying to keep my calories at 1200 a day... I'm also working out 3 times a week and hiking once a week. Its a matter of making all this a habit that is going to be hard for me!.. totally gonna need a lot of support or *kitten* kicking either one should work I guess.. lol

    I wanted to start juicing because well I had heard it was good for you. but as I keep reading all the comments not sure if I should or not.

    1200 net, right?

    what's the difference? .. excuse my ignorance but I'm very new to this =(

    1200 gross = eating a flat 1200 calories every day, without adding exercise calories back in (no bueno)

    1200 net = eating 1200 calories AND any exercise calories you earn
  • JesRuizz
    JesRuizz Posts: 215
    I'm actually trying to keep my calories at 1200 a day... I'm also working out 3 times a week and hiking once a week. Its a matter of making all this a habit that is going to be hard for me!.. totally gonna need a lot of support or *kitten* kicking either one should work I guess.. lol

    I wanted to start juicing because well I had heard it was good for you. but as I keep reading all the comments not sure if I should or not.

    1200 net, right?

    what's the difference? .. excuse my ignorance but I'm very new to this =(

    1200 gross = eating a flat 1200 calories every day, without adding exercise calories back in (no bueno)

    1200 net = eating 1200 calories AND any exercise calories you earn

    ahh.. okay.. see I didn't know the difference.
    yes I am doing 1200 net then!.. =)
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I juice almost every morning for breakfast, for two reasons: because I don't like to eat breakfast during the week, and because I am terrible about fruits & vegs in my diet. I have tried a few juicers, but there is a lot of waste. My most recent purchase was a Ninja with the single serve cups and I LOVE IT SO HARD! I only have to peel/core whatever I wouldn't eat anyway, it is super fast, and the clean up is way easier. Plus, since it whips up the whole fruit, I am not losing precious fiber. The biggest difference has been texture: the Ninja makes fruits more like a smoothie as opposed to juice, but I got used to it real fast (add a bit of liquid and blend a bit longer)(ginger ale and milk are my two go-to's).
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Please check these links




    First one is the best introduction to MFP you will find.

    Second one is if you'd like to find a MFP mentor, who would work with you, one on one, for FREE, which anyone just starting out here, would be crazy not to consider.

    Third, is a juicing group. We run the gamut there, from casual users, to hardcore, mainlining, juicing addicts. I've got a couple of threads there, that might be of some interest to you.... describing my experience with juicing ( the good, the bad and the ugly ) as well as another thread, where I just did a 3 day, juice / protein powder experiment, and the results, ( so far ).
  • Resistive
    Resistive Posts: 212 Member

    Check out this website for more information on juicing if you decide that is what you want to do. There is also a documentary on this called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

    I am not for this or against it, just passing on some information I have viewed and watched.

    Good luck
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just eat the fruits and veggies.
    Tastier and cheaper.

    And fiberier. :-)

    Juicing gives you a lot of sugar and some vitamins, but you leave out the fiber and other things that actually fill you up and are good for you.

    I agree -- eat your fruits and veggies and forget juicing. I do make a smoothie almost every evening as my "dessert," but it includes the pulp from the berries and banana.