Toning Up...



  • brandnewsnickerpuss
    brandnewsnickerpuss Posts: 111 Member
    "just be patient with your deficit"

    Best advice I've heard all week. Thanks for the voice of sanity. :)
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member

    I've decided to do 30 day shred 2-3 times per week as well as mix in lighter weight training from FitnessBlender

    why 'lighter' weight training? you will get a lot more out of lifting things that you find heavy

    The weights will be the same I meant the videos that I don't find taxing...I'm not going to overdo hence my reason for doing the 30 Day Shred three times per week

    i dont think i really understand, but if the weights arent taxing, you wont get much out of it?

    No no, you misunderstand. The exercises I chose at first were light ones - they were not taxing on my body even though it was new to me. That's what I mean by light. The dumbbells are fine - what I need to do now is amp up my exercises by choosing different ones such as the 30 Day Shred which combines cardio and ST to get maximum effect. However I'm planning to take rest days so will be doing it 3 times per week along with a consistent deficit and relatively healthy diet.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    I've decided to do 30 day shred 2-3 times per week as well as mix in lighter weight training from FitnessBlender

    why 'lighter' weight training? you will get a lot more out of lifting things that you find heavy

    The weights will be the same I meant the videos that I don't find taxing...I'm not going to overdo hence my reason for doing the 30 Day Shred three times per week

    i dont think i really understand, but if the weights arent taxing, you wont get much out of it?

    No no, you misunderstand. The exercises I chose at first were light ones - they were not taxing on my body even though it was new to me. That's what I mean by light. The dumbbells are fine - what I need to do now is amp up my exercises by choosing different ones such as the 30 Day Shred which combines cardio and ST to get maximum effect. However I'm planning to take rest days so will be doing it 3 times per week along with a consistent deficit and relatively healthy diet.

    What people here are saying is that 30DS is not really the strength training they are recommending you do. Lifting heavy things will do more for your body composition (what you want) than maximum amounts of cardio, which is what 30DS is.
  • chrisretallick
    Also, dont forget, if you are doing weight training you may put on weight as muscle weighs more than fat. So i would measure your waist and hips etc as well as weighing yourself! your weight will only be half the story.

    If i was you i would youtube correct ways to squat and deadlift. These compound exercises are great for stomach and all over body strength and toning. do squats and deadlifts twice a week and mix in cardio twice a week.

    Job done
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Also, dont forget, if you are doing weight training you may put on weight as muscle weighs more than fat. So i would measure your waist and hips etc as well as weighing yourself! your weight will only be half the story.

    If i was you i would youtube correct ways to squat and deadlift. These compound exercises are great for stomach and all over body strength and toning. do squats and deadlifts twice a week and mix in cardio twice a week.

    Job done

    She's not going to gain muscle if she's eating a calorie deficit. I wish people would stop spreading this myth.
  • chrisretallick
    Its not a myth though is it...
    Yes, there wont be huge muscle gains compared to eating over your BMR etc etc, but if you are weight training you will break and rebuild stronger muscle fibers, so there is going to be slight muscle gain. Im not talking bulging great muscles, but slight definition and toning of muscles will happen and could indeed lead to an extra pound here or there. Hence, the advice to measure as well as weigh.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Its not a myth though is it...
    Yes, there wont be huge muscle gains compared to eating over your BMR etc etc, but if you are weight training you will break and rebuild stronger muscle fibers, so there is going to be slight muscle gain. Im not talking bulging great muscles, but slight definition and toning of muscles will happen and could indeed lead to an extra pound here or there. Hence, the advice to measure as well as weigh.


    Slight definition and "toning" isn't building muscle, that is stripping fat from it.

    Also, OP isn't weight training.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I would recommend that you don't maintain too much of a deficit since you're so close to your goal. You should be aiming to lose around .5 pounds a week at this point. If you have a small deficit combined with strength training, you'll see more of the "toning" results you're looking for. And as others have said, definitely start now! The biggest mistake people make is thinking they need to reach their goal weight before they start strength training. You can strength train the whole time you lose weight to end up with a lean, "toned" body rather than just being a smaller version of your previous self!
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    I would recommend that you don't maintain too much of a deficit since you're so close to your goal. You should be aiming to lose around .5 pounds a week at this point. If you have a small deficit combined with strength training, you'll see more of the "toning" results you're looking for. And as others have said, definitely start now! The biggest mistake people make is thinking they need to reach their goal weight before they start strength training. You can strength train the whole time you lose weight to end up with a lean, "toned" body rather than just being a smaller version of your previous self!

    Yup! I have 'started' but as I have been busy/under stress with exams, my diet has gone a bit off but should be ok from tomorrow. With the weight training argument, this is my goal:

    To lose the belly fat
    To gain slight definition in my body

    Mainly the belly fat is what I'm concerned with but I thought I'd add weights into now so I can start building the definition as I go along. I've looked at the 30 Day Shred results and they look fantastic - a lot of the body shapes are somewhat similar to mine, my belly fat may be a little less but the results I want are what the 30DS seems to give others which is a combination of weights and cardio
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    i too have a problem with my belly fat, i just want it gone!! i am on day 4 of the 30 day shred cause ive seen b4 and after pics and they look awesome!
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Also, dont forget, if you are doing weight training you may put on weight as muscle weighs more than fat. So i would measure your waist and hips etc as well as weighing yourself! your weight will only be half the story.

    If i was you i would youtube correct ways to squat and deadlift. These compound exercises are great for stomach and all over body strength and toning. do squats and deadlifts twice a week and mix in cardio twice a week.

    Job done

    A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh exactly the same. However, a pound of muscle is more dense and compact than a pound of fat. I totally agree with deadlifts and squats. Ab work pays off big-time as well.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    i too have a problem with my belly fat, i just want it gone!! i am on day 4 of the 30 day shred cause ive seen b4 and after pics and they look awesome!

    Have you noticed any differences at all so far?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Its not a myth though is it...
    Yes, there wont be huge muscle gains compared to eating over your BMR etc etc, but if you are weight training you will break and rebuild stronger muscle fibers, so there is going to be slight muscle gain. Im not talking bulging great muscles, but slight definition and toning of muscles will happen and could indeed lead to an extra pound here or there. Hence, the advice to measure as well as weigh.


    Slight definition and "toning" isn't building muscle, that is stripping fat from it.

    Also, OP isn't weight training.

    Yes, and also even if the OP was weight training, she would be hard-pressed to put on a pound of muscle that quickly. It just doesn't happen. Especially in a calorie deficit.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I would recommend that you don't maintain too much of a deficit since you're so close to your goal. You should be aiming to lose around .5 pounds a week at this point. If you have a small deficit combined with strength training, you'll see more of the "toning" results you're looking for. And as others have said, definitely start now! The biggest mistake people make is thinking they need to reach their goal weight before they start strength training. You can strength train the whole time you lose weight to end up with a lean, "toned" body rather than just being a smaller version of your previous self!

    Yup! I have 'started' but as I have been busy/under stress with exams, my diet has gone a bit off but should be ok from tomorrow. With the weight training argument, this is my goal:

    To lose the belly fat
    To gain slight definition in my body

    Mainly the belly fat is what I'm concerned with but I thought I'd add weights into now so I can start building the definition as I go along. I've looked at the 30 Day Shred results and they look fantastic - a lot of the body shapes are somewhat similar to mine, my belly fat may be a little less but the results I want are what the 30DS seems to give others which is a combination of weights and cardio

    You can't spot reduce fat. The body will burn fat from wherever it wants to matter the exercise you do. A person can do 10,000 situps, chrunches, planks a day, or do 30DS 3 times in a row, but if your body has fat on other places of the body it wants to burn first, it will.

    Mild caloric deficit + work (cardio and lifting/compound movements) + PATIENCE = the outcome you're looking for.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Its not a myth though is it...
    Yes, there wont be huge muscle gains compared to eating over your BMR etc etc, but if you are weight training you will break and rebuild stronger muscle fibers, so there is going to be slight muscle gain. Im not talking bulging great muscles, but slight definition and toning of muscles will happen and could indeed lead to an extra pound here or there. Hence, the advice to measure as well as weigh.


    Slight definition and "toning" isn't building muscle, that is stripping fat from it.

    Also, OP isn't weight training.

    Yes, and also even if the OP was weight training, she would be hard-pressed to put on a pound of muscle that quickly. It just doesn't happen. Especially in a calorie deficit.

    Agreed, the only reason I didn't say it is I didn't want to get boxed up by "noob gains"
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    I would recommend that you don't maintain too much of a deficit since you're so close to your goal. You should be aiming to lose around .5 pounds a week at this point. If you have a small deficit combined with strength training, you'll see more of the "toning" results you're looking for. And as others have said, definitely start now! The biggest mistake people make is thinking they need to reach their goal weight before they start strength training. You can strength train the whole time you lose weight to end up with a lean, "toned" body rather than just being a smaller version of your previous self!

    Yup! I have 'started' but as I have been busy/under stress with exams, my diet has gone a bit off but should be ok from tomorrow. With the weight training argument, this is my goal:

    To lose the belly fat
    To gain slight definition in my body

    Mainly the belly fat is what I'm concerned with but I thought I'd add weights into now so I can start building the definition as I go along. I've looked at the 30 Day Shred results and they look fantastic - a lot of the body shapes are somewhat similar to mine, my belly fat may be a little less but the results I want are what the 30DS seems to give others which is a combination of weights and cardio

    You can't spot reduce fat. The body will burn fat from wherever it wants to matter the exercise you do. A person can do 10,000 situps, chrunches, planks a day, or do 30DS 3 times in a row, but if your body has fat on other places of the body it wants to burn first, it will.

    Mild caloric deficit + work (cardio and lifting/compound movements) + PATIENCE = the outcome you're looking for.

    Sorry, yeah I know you can't spot-reduce but that was is my goal so I'll have to wait for that to happen. I was only doing cardio previously but wanted to try something new so got light dumbbells (got my heavier ones at home - I have 2.2kgs and 4.6kgs here)
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    I haven't noticed anything except my legs and lower "pooch" is sore. its only my 4th day. I really hope i'll get a flat belly by at least July! **fingers-crossed**
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    and tbh i dont' think that lifting heavy will make it go away. isn't body weight training considered strength training?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    and tbh i dont' think that lifting heavy will make it go away. isn't body weight training considered strength training?

    Haha, so many men and women here are evidence that heavy lifting will help. Yes, body weight training is considered strength training.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    not funny

    I laughed.

    I laughed too. Out loud, in fact.
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