Toning Up...



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    You can't really gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

    sort of true. you can strength train and burn fat while eating at a deficit. you can get stronger while lifting and eating at a deficit.

    you might not be able to build big muscles doing this long term though. noob gains are a real thing, and can last for months.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    and tbh i dont' think that lifting heavy will make it go away. isn't body weight training considered strength training?

    you know what would be better? if you tried a strength training program (any program, body weight or barbell) and came back in seven months and then told us it didn't work.
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    Wow didn't know I couldn't state an opinion I had without all the "lift things up and put them down" juice heads being snarky. I understand that many have done great but not EVERYONE will get into that stuff. Geese ppl calm down:explode:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Wow didn't know I couldn't state an opinion I had without all the "lift things up and put them down" juice heads being snarky. I understand that many have done great but not EVERYONE will get into that stuff. Geese ppl calm down:explode:

    the only one getting snarky right now is you.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    You can't really gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

    sort of true. you can strength train and burn fat while eating at a deficit. you can get stronger while lifting and eating at a deficit.

    you might not be able to build big muscles doing this long term though. noob gains are a real thing, and can last for months.

    So you agree then?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    You can't really gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

    sort of true. you can strength train and burn fat while eating at a deficit. you can get stronger while lifting and eating at a deficit.

    you might not be able to build big muscles doing this long term though. noob gains are a real thing, and can last for months.

    So you agree then?

    yes. i was just trying to clear things up for some people that think they need to be eating at a surplus if they are going to strength train.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    You can't really gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

    sort of true. you can strength train and burn fat while eating at a deficit. you can get stronger while lifting and eating at a deficit.

    you might not be able to build big muscles doing this long term though. noob gains are a real thing, and can last for months.

    So you agree then?

    yes. i was just trying to clear things up for some people that think they need to be eating at a surplus if they are going to strength train.

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Wow didn't know I couldn't state an opinion I had without all the "lift things up and put them down" juice heads being snarky. I understand that many have done great but not EVERYONE will get into that stuff. Geese ppl calm down:explode:

    I hardly consider myself a "juice head" (I don't even drink juice, but okay...?)

    Not everyone is excited to start strength training, but the results are usually what "gets them into that stuff." Have you even tried it?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    not funny

    I laughed.

    I laughed too.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Are you hitting on my cute newbie, coc?

    She's trying to lose a couple of ponds in 7 months. Not exactly trying to drop 90 lbs in 2 weeks with a cleanse.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yeah, I don't drink juice either. But if you want to really "tone" up, the only way to do that is to "lift things up and put them down." Cardio will only get you so far, and can result in "skinny-fat" instead of "toned."

    (ETA: lift *heavy* things, that is....lifting a beer or a glass of juice doesn't help)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Yeah, I don't drink juice either. But if you want to really "tone" up, the only way to do that is to "lift things up and put them down." Cardio will only get you so far, and can result in "skinny-fat" instead of "toned."

    Sorry honey, but no.

    Resistance isn't always lifting heavy things & putting them down, and resistance works just dandy.

    "Honey" isn't meant sassy, btw. I'm in mom mode right now IRL, so everyone is "honey" right now.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Yeah, I don't drink juice either. But if you want to really "tone" up, the only way to do that is to "lift things up and put them down." Cardio will only get you so far, and can result in "skinny-fat" instead of "toned."

    Sorry honey, but no.

    Resistance isn't always lifting heavy things & putting them down, and resistance works just dandy.

    "Honey" isn't meant sassy, btw. I'm in mom mode right now IRL, so everyone is "honey" right now.

    resistance training =/= cardio :flowerforyou:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Well that escalated quickly.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    But you don't get to do anything about that either, do ya?


    You're arguing in your misunderstanding and I think it is delicious.

    To relay an anecdote, I was in an airport waiting for a flight. I had purchased an absurdly overpriced package of potato chips and a bottled water. In that little food court area all the tables were taken but there was one seat free at a two-top where a woman was sitting reading the paper and drinking a coffee.

    I politely asked her if I could sit and she cordially obliged me. I set my drink down and got the novel I was reading out of my carry-on and started to read.

    After a few moments I opened my bag of chips and ate one. In my peripheral vision I caught that she was looking at me over the paper and she reached over and took a chip out of my bag and sort of made a point of eating it. Didn't say a word, just took it and crunched it.

    I was a little weirded out but figured that was the 'table tax' or something in her world. I pulled the bag back toward me, kept reading and took another few chips.

    She pulled it back toward her, now actually glaring at me, and in an angry way took a handful of chips out and shoved them in her mouth.

    It was the strangest thing. So, we silently warred over the potato chips until the bag was nearly empty and then she just shoved it at me and stormed off.

    Very confused, I just let her go, finished what was left of the bag, and went over to the departure lounge for my plane.

    When they were beginning to board the plane I went into my carry-on for my ticket and found my bag of potato chips.

    Boy did I feel like a dumbass.

    Have a great night sweetheart.
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    well then, i feel dumb :blushing: totally read and took it the wrong way. my apologies
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    and tbh i dont' think that lifting heavy will make it go away. isn't body weight training considered strength training?

    you know what would be better? if you tried a strength training program (any program, body weight or barbell) and came back in seven months and then told us it didn't work.


    ...because it works...

    ...and some of them don't even like it *at first*...

    ...and probably a few of them still don't like it, but they do it anyhow because...

    ...(yeah)... works.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    well then, i feel dumb :blushing: totally read and took it the wrong way. my apologies

    I allowed something to escalate which did not need to escalate.

    Thank you for saying that I look like I'm on steroids. I've worked quite hard for that.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Never mind.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    well then, i feel dumb :blushing: totally read and took it the wrong way. my apologies

    In the future, try to ALWAYS re-read anything with the most positive possibilities. It will get you far on these threads.

    Noob tip #1 from me today. Well only noob tip today from me. :flowerforyou:
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