Getting rid of muffin top/belly fat and thigh fat!?



  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I used to be a swimmer and my thighs have ALWAYS curved outwards at the front (if you look at me side on if you see what I mean) but I think this is the shape of my muscle there. Are you sure it's fat and not just your shape? Sounds like some more toning/strength training could help. The machines at gyms might be a good place to start as they give you some experience before going on to free weights.

    Personally I love the weighted crunch machine!

    my thighs do have quite a bit of muscle (when I flex, parts of my thighs are rock solid) but they do also have fat :(
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    muffin tops are more a factor of not wearing correct style or size of bottoms.

    i have over 50 pounds to lose and have a big belly yet when i'm wearing the correct style and fit of pants i dont have muffin top
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Is that really fat or excess skin?

    i'm pretty sure it's fat. i can post pictures so you can see
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Well you cannot spot reduce fat, you have to lose it from all around, so regardless of what workouts you do, all that matters is your caloric deficit

    This...and this is why weight is not always the best goal to have.

    I would start lifting if I were you. Eat at a smaller deficet...1200-1400 isn't that much food. Try to find your TDEE and do-10%

    yeah my goal isn't to lose weight anymore, since 122 is in the healthy range. what matters to me is the way i look and feel. thanks for the tips!
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    I really enjoy the Body Space app from You can pick a beginner level program and go from there, great mobile tracking. I started with the Dumbell Only Workout by 'silentforge.' It made a big difference with just three days a week.

    If you give it a shot you are welcome to add me on there, RBrayEasyDay :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    work out five times a week an hour each time. Make the muffin leave... I did-u can request me if you'd like......
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I think you Need to add resistance training to your routine. Hopefully you have or can gain access to a fitness facility. The internet is an amazing tool... Videos that will demonstrate form, lifting routines from beginner to advanced. Body for Life is a great starter lifting program, has a list of options.

    It sounds like you need some lean tissue built to move from the "skinny-fat" look.. Congrats on your weight loss!

    thank you so much!! :) i do have a gym membership, i'll look into body for life :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Since you have gym access, I recommend a compound barbell lifting routine like Starting Strength or Stronglifts, for body recomposition.

    I would not recommend eating at much of a deficit at all, maybe 5-10%, because you don't have very much weight to lose at all.
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    122 with excess weight in belly and thighs sounds like me. You just carry weight in your lower body (healthier but frustrating :smile: ). I have the same issue - the muffin top/ belly thing happened more after having kids. If you've had kids, it can really change where you hold fat - it did for me.

    I've started lifting heavier weights. One poster mentioned stronglifts 5x5. I do something similar and it has worked wonders for my lower half and I've only been doing it for two weeks. When your weight is already on the lower end, the results will show faster. Don't worry about bulking up. As the guys will tell you, it's really difficult for men to put on muscle weight so women don't need to worry. It will feel like you are gaining weight because your legs can feel heavier after a workout. Just give it time.

    Look at nutrition too. Get rid of the processed and sugary foods. My weight has not budged a pound since I started lifting but I can definitely see results.

    wow only 2 weeks?! that's incredible!! this was really encouraging to me. good luck with all your efforts :)
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    122 with protruding belly and thighs? How tall are you?

    First thoughts on reading OP was that she's a midget. Only way for this to make sense to me.
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I would recommend a checking out They have excellent programs/info/articles to help you meet your goal. On that website there is a 12-week program by Jamie Eason, I think it would be a good one to start with. And then maybe you can read some of their supplementation articles too if that will help. Great job on losing the 40+ lbs. I hope this helps.

    thank you so much :) i am looking at their website right now, thanks for the tips :)
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Firstly you are at a good weight for your height I would suggest the following, some of which earlier posters have mentioned.

    Eat at TDEE - 10%
    Do some strength Training as well as cardio, maybe also try some Yoga or Pilates as these are good for toning.
    Maybe if you have a big tummy you are bloated due to a food intolerance. Have you tried cutting wheat out of your diet and see if that helps? Substitute with brown rice and potatoes for a couple of weeks and see how you go!
    Ask for advice at the gym about working specific areas.

    Also bear in mind that it takes a while for our skin to re-adjust to our new size and also our minds. Be patient and apply the above and things should improve.

    i hope to start taking yoga and pilates classes again when my schedule becomes a little more set in stone. i did replace wheat with brown rice today, hopefully that'll help. thanks for the tips and encouragement :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    122 with excess weight in belly and thighs sounds like me. You just carry weight in your lower body (healthier but frustrating :smile: ). I have the same issue - the muffin top/ belly thing happened more after having kids. If you've had kids, it can really change where you hold fat - it did for me.

    I've started lifting heavier weights. One poster mentioned stronglifts 5x5. I do something similar and it has worked wonders for my lower half and I've only been doing it for two weeks. When your weight is already on the lower end, the results will show faster. Don't worry about bulking up. As the guys will tell you, it's really difficult for men to put on muscle weight so women don't need to worry. It will feel like you are gaining weight because your legs can feel heavier after a workout. Just give it time.

    Look at nutrition too. Get rid of the processed and sugary foods. My weight has not budged a pound since I started lifting but I can definitely see results.

    wow only 2 weeks?! that's incredible!! this was really encouraging to me. good luck with all your efforts :)

    I'd caution you that it takes most people a month to six weeks to see results.
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Weight train.

    Weight Training for Dummies is a Good start for form and exercises. It's inexpensive on Amazon and your local library may have it.

    Chris Gethin's 12 Week plans are also free and good for beginners - and he gives you nutrition plans and workouts grouped by body part.

    i will look into it! thank you :)
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Join a gym. The subscription fee normally includes 1 session with a personal trainer who will show you what to do according to your fitness level and your targets. Remember, one size doesn't fit all, so be sceptical about generic advice.

    unfortunately my gym membership didn't come with any sessions :(
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I can relate. When I reached my "goal" weight, which was well within a healthy weight for a person my age and height (138lbs, 5'9"), I still carried a lot of body fat (especially around my midsection) and was not happy with how things looked. I started weight training and within 5 or 6 months I saw huge changes in my body shape and continued to drop body fat. I ended up dropping down to 125, which, according to BMI charts, is "underweight" or at the very end of "healthy", but I certainly did not look underweight or scrawny by any means - I just have a smaller frame than I used to think. I agree with everyone else who has suggested weight training. Start now, and lift heavy. Keep eating at a MODERATE deficit , like -10% of your TDEE. Get adequate protein and fat in your diet. Don't worry about cutting sugars or whatever (unless you've got a medical reason to do so) - eat food you enjoy that allows you to hit your calorie and macro targets and make you feel energized for your workouts. (Here's how weight training, non-restrictive eating and a moderate deficit helped me get to where I really wanted to be:

    wow your progress has been incredible, congratulations!!! your stomach in the before picture is pretty much like my stomach currently, so this definitely gives me a lot of hope :)
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    muffin tops are more a factor of not wearing correct style or size of bottoms.

    i have over 50 pounds to lose and have a big belly yet when i'm wearing the correct style and fit of pants i dont have muffin top

    no i mean i have fat around the midsection in general, but more so on the sides.
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I really enjoy the Body Space app from You can pick a beginner level program and go from there, great mobile tracking. I started with the Dumbell Only Workout by 'silentforge.' It made a big difference with just three days a week.

    If you give it a shot you are welcome to add me on there, RBrayEasyDay :)

    thank you, i will definitely check it out :)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    burpees planks squats lunges and lots of cardio
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    122 with protruding belly and thighs? How tall are you?

    First thoughts on reading OP was that she's a midget. Only way for this to make sense to me.

    i'm not!! i'm 5'3 (5'2.5 MINIMUM) lol. i just have very, very small bones, and a very small frame. i carry all my weight on my lower body (lower stomach, thighs). i have tiny calves actually. my upper body is bony! you can see the outline of my ribs and collar bones.