Getting rid of muffin top/belly fat and thigh fat!?



  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Since you have gym access, I recommend a compound barbell lifting routine like Starting Strength or Stronglifts, for body recomposition.

    I would not recommend eating at much of a deficit at all, maybe 5-10%, because you don't have very much weight to lose at all.

    thank you for your advice! :) i sent you a request :)
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    work out five times a week an hour each time. Make the muffin leave... I did-u can request me if you'd like......

    i did request you. congrats on your successes!!!
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    burpees planks squats lunges and lots of cardio

    thanks for the tips :)
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    UPDATE!!! here's some pictures (hopefully you can see them).

    the pic on the left is me at 162 lbs. the pic on the right is me at roughly 125 lbs. as you can see, i have exactly the same figure AND problem areas, everything's just smaller.

  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Well you cannot spot reduce fat, you have to lose it from all around, so regardless of what workouts you do, all that matters is your caloric deficit

    This...and this is why weight is not always the best goal to have.

    I would start lifting if I were you. Eat at a smaller deficet...1200-1400 isn't that much food. Try to find your TDEE and do-10%

    yeah my goal isn't to lose weight anymore, since 122 is in the healthy range. what matters to me is the way i look and feel. thanks for the tips!
    I'm confused, you want to lose your muffin top/fat, but you do not want to lose weight?
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    I have about the same problem. I am about 120-122lbs 5'5" and my belly sticks out a tiny bit and i feel like my thighs still have a good amount of fat on them. When i wake up in the morning my stomach is pretty flat, so i think its mostly just bloat? I can see definition in my upper abs but lower abs still a bit fluffy. I just started round 2 of insanity, then i want to start weight training for reals. i was eating 1800 not im at 1700 and not eating back exercise calories (i was before) hope this thread can help me too.
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    you can also request me if you like :]
  • lukeosb
    lukeosb Posts: 10
    Despite what most gimmicky workout equipment adverts would have you believe, you can t spot remove fat from a certain part of your body, all you can do is lose fat and your body decides where it comes from
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    I am the same height as you, and I also have a very small bone structure. To be honest, my starting weight when I joined MFP (not my highest ever, I had already lost 30 lbs a couple years prior) was 119, and I have lost since then. I was certainly within the healthy range, but I definitely had excess fat, especially on the stomach, thighs, upper arms and back. Even though that weight doesn't sound high at all, having such a small frame really makes excess fat more obvious.

    I am not saying you should lose more weight if you don't want to, and staying at a healthy weight is very important, but your height and bone structure mean that the weight will show more on you, and ultimately to get the look you are wanting to achieve will require losing some fat. Definitely strength train, and make sure you're getting enough protein (and calories in general) as well. :)
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    I think strength training can only help. I'm new to it too. I downloaded the You Are You Own Gym app. It's 3 or 4 dollars. You can do it at home with no/minimal equipment, and there are videos and written descriptions of the moves. I know you have a gym membership, so maybe that will work better for you, but this has been an easy, cheap way for me to get started.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Use scissors and be very, very careful to keep straight lines.

    Or read up on the subject. I recommend New Rules of Lifting for Women. Great book, easy to read, fundamental. Even if you don't decide to lift.
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Well you cannot spot reduce fat, you have to lose it from all around, so regardless of what workouts you do, all that matters is your caloric deficit

    This...and this is why weight is not always the best goal to have.

    I would start lifting if I were you. Eat at a smaller deficet...1200-1400 isn't that much food. Try to find your TDEE and do-10%

    yeah my goal isn't to lose weight anymore, since 122 is in the healthy range. what matters to me is the way i look and feel. thanks for the tips!
    I'm confused, you want to lose your muffin top/fat, but you do not want to lose weight?

    I'd be okay with losing weight, but I've heard that when you start lifting, you actually gain weight in the form of muscle. so i guess what i'm saying is that the number on the scale doesn't really matter
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I am the same height as you, and I also have a very small bone structure. To be honest, my starting weight when I joined MFP (not my highest ever, I had already lost 30 lbs a couple years prior) was 119, and I have lost since then. I was certainly within the healthy range, but I definitely had excess fat, especially on the stomach, thighs, upper arms and back. Even though that weight doesn't sound high at all, having such a small frame really makes excess fat more obvious.

    I am not saying you should lose more weight if you don't want to, and staying at a healthy weight is very important, but your height and bone structure mean that the weight will show more on you, and ultimately to get the look you are wanting to achieve will require losing some fat. Definitely strength train, and make sure you're getting enough protein (and calories in general) as well. :)

    how did you lose the weight after getting to 119?
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I have about the same problem. I am about 120-122lbs 5'5" and my belly sticks out a tiny bit and i feel like my thighs still have a good amount of fat on them. When i wake up in the morning my stomach is pretty flat, so i think its mostly just bloat? I can see definition in my upper abs but lower abs still a bit fluffy. I just started round 2 of insanity, then i want to start weight training for reals. i was eating 1800 not im at 1700 and not eating back exercise calories (i was before) hope this thread can help me too.

    yeah part of it for me is bloat, but it is partially fat too :/
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I think strength training can only help. I'm new to it too. I downloaded the You Are You Own Gym app. It's 3 or 4 dollars. You can do it at home with no/minimal equipment, and there are videos and written descriptions of the moves. I know you have a gym membership, so maybe that will work better for you, but this has been an easy, cheap way for me to get started.

    has it been effective?
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    I am the same height as you, and I also have a very small bone structure. To be honest, my starting weight when I joined MFP (not my highest ever, I had already lost 30 lbs a couple years prior) was 119, and I have lost since then. I was certainly within the healthy range, but I definitely had excess fat, especially on the stomach, thighs, upper arms and back. Even though that weight doesn't sound high at all, having such a small frame really makes excess fat more obvious.

    I am not saying you should lose more weight if you don't want to, and staying at a healthy weight is very important, but your height and bone structure mean that the weight will show more on you, and ultimately to get the look you are wanting to achieve will require losing some fat. Definitely strength train, and make sure you're getting enough protein (and calories in general) as well. :)

    how did you lose the weight after getting to 119?

    I ate at a moderate deficit. Keep in mind though, since you don't have much to lose the process will be slow. its very important not to rush it
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Read up on these threads to get a grip on your calories:

    Also check out "Eat More to Weigh Less":

    Also, this group is great:

    For beginner weight training programs:

    You can look into one of these equipment-required programs:

    --Stronglifts 5x5
    --Starting Strength
    --New Rules of Lifting for Women

    I love NROL4W. :) SL 5x5 is another popular program, but I do like the information put forth in the NROL4W book even if you do not follow the routine. There is also a book called Starting Strength that is great for beginners (it has a lot of good information).

    I would recommend really reading up/watching videos on form though. I also HIGHLY recommend getting a trainer for a few sessions just to make sure your form is proper (you don't need to keep them long term).

    You can also look into these non-equipment-required things:

    --You Are Your Own Gym
    --Convict Conditioning

    Good luck! <3
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    I am the same height as you, and I also have a very small bone structure. To be honest, my starting weight when I joined MFP (not my highest ever, I had already lost 30 lbs a couple years prior) was 119, and I have lost since then. I was certainly within the healthy range, but I definitely had excess fat, especially on the stomach, thighs, upper arms and back. Even though that weight doesn't sound high at all, having such a small frame really makes excess fat more obvious.

    I am not saying you should lose more weight if you don't want to, and staying at a healthy weight is very important, but your height and bone structure mean that the weight will show more on you, and ultimately to get the look you are wanting to achieve will require losing some fat. Definitely strength train, and make sure you're getting enough protein (and calories in general) as well. :)

    how did you lose the weight after getting to 119?

    I ate at a moderate deficit. Keep in mind though, since you don't have much to lose the process will be slow. its very important not to rush it

    thanks for the tips :)
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    Read up on these threads to get a grip on your calories:

    Also check out "Eat More to Weigh Less":

    Also, this group is great:

    For beginner weight training programs:

    You can look into one of these equipment-required programs:

    --Stronglifts 5x5
    --Starting Strength
    --New Rules of Lifting for Women

    I love NROL4W. :) SL 5x5 is another popular program, but I do like the information put forth in the NROL4W book even if you do not follow the routine. There is also a book called Starting Strength that is great for beginners (it has a lot of good information).

    I would recommend really reading up/watching videos on form though. I also HIGHLY recommend getting a trainer for a few sessions just to make sure your form is proper (you don't need to keep them long term).

    You can also look into these non-equipment-required things:

    --You Are Your Own Gym
    --Convict Conditioning

    Good luck! <3

    thanks for all the references, i really appreciate them! i've read part of NROLFW, but i don't own it. i do plan on finishing it soon though. i've also looked in to stronglifts 5x5. i also might get a personal trainer soon for a couple of weeks... they're expensive but i think it'll be worth it
  • Although like they said, you can't spot reduce. But if your lifting. You can try IF.. intermittent fasting. Or carb cycling. It helps with body fat. IF is what models and figure competitors use to lower bf%. Wolverine used it to get cut and straited and feathered up for his movie. The rock as well. Although it is a bit different for women. As for some it doesn't help due to our hormones are different than mens. But everybody's body is diffrent. I am a female (23) and I lost about 12 lbs with IF. And am currently on a long term cycle with it now and am doing great. Maybe you can do it too. Just got to try.