Sleek September Sixers-Week 3



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    it's moving day.

    should have internet this afternoon. will post tomorrow. shanell brought the girls over last night. they were very surprised.

    got to get to packing, later
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Cathy - Hope your move went well today, I do not envy you...

    Today was a quick day, work was busy and the night has flown by. Got home ate some dinner, my honey grilled steak on the grill so that was very yummy, then went for a short walk with dd, did some of her play/excersice for OT. Working on her core muscles so we work on rolling the ball back and forth with her sitting on the floor feet in front of her. She always W sits, so she is lacking core muscle strength. She loved it so that is good. Gave her a bath and just put her to bed. Now I have laundry going and a kitchen waiting to be cleaned. But have a busy day tomorrow and then hopefully a day of rest on Monday. Want to have all house work done, so it will just be a play day on Monday.

    I hope you all are enjoying your holiday weekend. Chat at you tomorrow.

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I'm up late/early because I came home after working Saturday... and fell asleep after a snack! lol so I went to sleep from 7 pm til 2 am and now I'm wide awake! So, I'm up enjoying some quiet time! I have stayed within my calorie limits the past 3 days in a row!!! YAY!!! that's a good thing for me, it's TOM for me so I don't think my weight is doing what I want it to do.

    School is going good... being that I'm a "senior" medical student now, I get to do more... which is good, and that means I have to do more/work lonnnnnggggg hours. So that makes me exhausted. as hard as I have been working out I should see better results by now. I got my thyroid checked to make sure I'm not missing anything - won't know results til tues or so- but I don't suspect anything should be going on. Most likely, I am stalled because I am chronically sleep deprived... And stress makes you keep on the pounds.

    so, my new focus will be on sleeping 8 hours as often as I can, working out (which I already do and love) and staying within my calories. And hopefully, my weight will begin to lower!

    Wish me luck!

    I hope you all are well!!! Thanks for reading these ramblings... just wanted to check in and let you guys know I'm still around.

    oh and I'm wedding planning!!! Securing a final location for a reception... I'm looking at 6 months til the wedding... a short engagement (7 months total) !
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    all moved to get it all put away.
    i read through the posts real quick. where is everyone?
    i will post the new week tomorrow.

    off to rest. everything is here and the old place is cleaned and turned over to landlord. at least it all here. took us both days.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Hiya ladies. I can't find the new thread for this week, but I'm not sure if I have just missed it. Maybe the holiday yesterday threw everything off?

    Well, as of 9 a.m. today, I am officially off work and on vacation for the week. It has been a year since I have really had any time off. Hubby is taking me and kids to the mountains for three days and the beach for four. I can't wait. I get to sleep in every day (that means about 7 to 8 am for me).

    I actually met my goal this challenge already...and then some. I am so excited. My goal since this is an active vacation, is to lose another 0.5 lb when I return next week. I'm now at the weight I was when I got married 4 years ago. My next and last goal is to be what I weighed before I got pregnant with my son, so that is 6 lb. Going to try and do it nice and slow.

    Cathy - Great job on the move. Your efficiency is always impressive.

    Tiff - Congrats on the engagement. I hope the wedding planning goes as stress-free as possible for you.

    Lindsey - How is it going for you? How are you feeling?

    Lauryn - How are you and your precious little girl doing?

    Kristin - Did we pass the year mark yet on your beautiful one? So many things I need to catch up on.

    To everyone I missed - HI!!!!!!

    Gotta get to work. I'll try and find the new thread when it posts later. Hope you all have a fabulous week and a wonderful weigh-in.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    sorry forgot to post it yesterday. was enjoying a day with shanell and not worring about the house.