What exercise do you do and how do you fit it in?



  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I am a full time working mom of an almost 1 yr old, currently a solo parent for a couple of weeks as my husband is away for Army training, and I just started a new routine on Monday after weeks of being lazy and not exercising at all. I am committing to getting up at 4:30 am to do either the 30 Day Shred or hop on the treadmill in our basement ($150 off Craigslist!). In the evening if I can muster extra energy after my daughter has gone to bed, I do a little extra exercise. This is where I'm focusing the energy of missing my husband.

    You have to make the time. If it's not a priority, it won't happen in a busy life.
  • savannahribeiro
    savannahribeiro Posts: 194 Member
    When I find some down time, I hop on the treadmill. Just a moderate pace, just for a walk (It's really cold where I live in the winter, so I ain't going outside in anything short of a parka). Also, work isn't too far for me, so I walk to and from work daily which totals, for me, to about 130 cals a day. I do most of my actual training in the morning when I get up --- circuit training on day 1 and cardio on day 2.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    EACH tabata is four minutes but you can do more than one at a time.

    If you're doing actual Tabata protocol, I defy you to do multiples back to back.

    I did a 4 minute 10/10 split and it's brutal.

    Otherwise like I said- all my HIIT's are 10 rest 50 work for 10-20 minutes- I rarely deviate- but occasionally I'll do like 30/30 with a more cardio based sammiched thing- like push ups for 30- stairs for 30 etc etc

    4's with no rest are brutal.