SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Aug. 30th



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I have periods during which I don't care, MM...I get discouraged sometimes, especially after I go through a particularly "good"/deprived period and I'm not magically skinnier. And, even though most of the time I'm at peace with the body I have been given, sometimes it's hard to not just want to call the wahmbulance because I have a secret desire to be skinny. I'll see a (maybe underweight?) person on the subway and wonder "what does that feel like?" and I envy it. Then, I sort of snap back to reality. So, I don't have it all together all the time, that's for sure...

    In the goal of having at least some of it together, I'm going to get ready and do a yoga workout at home pretty soon. I have a big social event day and don't want to go. (it's a party at which I will only really know my husband. I don't do well at parties.) I once again overslept (stupid allergies are wiping me out this past week. I've slept twelve hours almost every day this week.) and missed gym yoga. I'm going through an unmotivated period as far as working out goes, I think due to the fact that the allergies are making me feel pretty blah, and I feel like I deserve to rest because summer is almost over. There's something so bittersweet about Labour day weekend for me...

    Don't wanna, but will boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Wow. Another week gone! The boys got through their first week back in school. They have good teachers again this year. Jack continues with football. Andrew has decided he wants to take piano lessons again, so I've signed him back up to take on Tuesday afternoons. I played tennis today for the first time in a long time. I called my tennis buddy teacher when I got home and have a lesson scheduled for 8:30 in the morning. Yay!! The temperature is starting to get more bearable. So, I'm hoping to head to the golf course and at least hit out some balls on the practice range.

    My goals are to have fun playing sports and watching the boys play. I need to get that exercise in, drink that water, and make good choices.

    I hope everyone is having a good Labor Day Weekend!


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    MM - we all feel like that - but, like V, I'm fairly comfortable with my body. I also stopped dieting - so I don't have good and bad - there's just nutritious and non-nutritious food. If I eat too much sugar, I feel bad - but only hours later :tongue:

    I spent the afternoon breathing. I don't know how much you guys know about the other parts of yoga - what you do at the gym is just a part of what many people put under the yoga umbrella. Two other major parts are breathing (pranayama) and mediation (there are 8 in all, but usually just breathing and the poses are practiced in a group setting). Anyway, I sat for 90 minutes today and, at least part of the time, I regulated my breathing. I abhor pranayama. I don't know what it is about it, but I cannot stand it. I cried practically the entire time then for another 30 minutes on the way home. This happened last time I did it as well. It made me question whether or not I should become a full fledged teacher - and whether I should even go back to this workshop. I'm going back tomorrow, but I may slip out early and avoid any more breathing exercises.
    BTW, I couldn't tell you exactly why I was crying either time. Trapped? Suffocation? I don't know.

    Anyhoo, I'm better now - at home with my kitty friends. I'm eating very nutritiously - turns out the teacher doesn't eat salt, so I will have to save my locally roasted nuts for myself :laugh:

    Finding the good, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,

    Mary and V, so you are saying I need to just accept my body the way it is? Maybe I do. But I'm afraid if I do that I will gain weight because I won't be obsessing about it. Although obsessing doesn't seem to be helping anyway.

    Bobbie, I wish we lived closer! I need a tennis partner. I was just thinking yesterday how I'd love to go play again. I love tennis.

    Well, DH has the crud. He has to teach Sunday School so he has to go to church this morning. Poor guy. We have waffled back and forth about possibly having a mild case of the flu, though we don't have fevers. We have been achy all over though.
    We got the overheating fixed on the car! At least so far. The real test comes in rush hour traffic. Steve is going to pick n pull this afternoon to look for parts for the driver's seat. I miss going there. I'd go but kids aren't allowed and no one will watch a sick kid. They don't have camaros as old as mine and that's why I would go.
    More rest today, maybe a walk on the treadmill. I am going to try to get some movement today. It might help.

    Ready to be over this boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    That's the balance I struggle for, MM...where is the difference between letting go and letting yourself go? I think it's become for me more about loving my body enough to take care of it. As cliche as it sounds, you have to love the body you have to take care of it, and then it will change. At least that's my theory. I find that obsessing about weight loss leads to stress, which leads to either a bad case of the crazies or stressing enough that I don't lose anything. Also, that obsession leads to a snapback for me. I would super-deprive myself, and then binge because I felt so deprived.

    That being said, today I'm going for a long errand walk in the cooler weather (hooray!) and doing a bit of editing and song learning. All my classes are cancelled because of the long weekend, and I still feel a bit run down. I think my allergies earlier in the week (which have subsided but aren't gone) may have been a cold, because now my husband has it. Poor thing.

    Love your body, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    What she said.

    So I skipped out on the yoga retreat. I decided I didn't like the teacher - and why put myself through that. So today, I will go for a nice walk. I need to get my yoga homework done as well.

    Yeah cooler weather, boogaloo.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Sunday evening. Good day. Started out with a tennis lesson at 8:30 this morning. It was fun. I've scheduled another lesson for 8:30 next Sunday morning. That gives me time to get home, get showered, and still get to church. Gotta get back on the church schedule. We fall out of the routine so easily.

    Went to see The Other Guys this afternoon. Took the kids. Should not have taken the kids. It was funny, but it would have been better if just DH and I had gone. Too much language and too much inuendo. It didn't look that rough when we saw the previews at the kids' movies ealier this summer.

    MM: I wish we could play some tennis together, too! That would be fun. I'm going to try to play with the boys on Wednesday afternoons, play with the "grown ups" on Saturday mornings, and then my lesson on Sunday morning. Jack will have football some on Saturdays, and I'll be out of town a few weekends, but I like the schedule. I also want to get out on the driving range for some golf.

    More activity, boogaloo!!

    :heart: :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Labor Day!

    I am feeling much better today though not 100% yet. Just glad to be getting some energy back!

    I have lost a lot of motivation to work out so I am going to have to push myself. Today I am going to get my general cleaning done, and also try to rearrange things in the living room so I can have a little school area for Alex. We officially start tomorrow. It would be great to have a little table and chair for him but I don't know if we can swing that in the budget right now. Since we start tomorrow that means I need to get on my schedule that I've been trying to get on for three weeks! I'm so lazy though. I am going to try to walk on the treadmill today too. I didn't walk yesterday. Should have. Could have. But didn't. So that's the goal today.
    I'm going to try to focus on getting some daily movement and trying to keep balanced meals on the table, but I'm going to try not to stress so much about how much I do each day or about how the scale and my clothes are not moving down. :tongue:
    I'd better get to work. The longer I sit the more I want to sit.

    Monday holiday boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Labor Day is confusing - feels like weekend but is Monday. Will start a new post.
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