stuck on my butt in an office alllll day

anyone else stuck in an office all day, sitting on they're bums, wishing they could do lunges to the copier machine without getting weird looks? no, but seriously.. 8 hours a day on my butt sucks and even though i try to incorporate as much movement and exercise in my day, such as doing squats after i pee (tmi? sorry) i still feel like pulling my hair out when i get back to my desk. clearly i'm in the wrong field and my plan is to get my CPT and work my way into the fitness career world, but until then, i'm stuck doing squats in the bathroom.

anyone in the same boat and if so, what do you do to make sitting around all suck a little less?

oh and i asked my boss for a desk that can raise and lower so i could stand and she gave me a lovely "maybe" she's such a treat.



  • Sarasota_Guy
    Sarasota_Guy Posts: 82 Member

    Luckily, I'm upstairs in our building, and I take a break every hour and a half or so, go up and down the stairs and go outside to walk around for a it definitely helps :)
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    LMFO I was going to tell you to do a mini workout session in the bathroom!! I do squats and lunges in there since ours is private. I agree it sucks, I try to move around as much as possible. Our washroom is up a flight of stairs so I try to go every hour :)
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    I get up, walk around, climb stairs, etc. Any excuse to get up and move.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I try to go for a walk on my lunch break occasionally. I also don't care if people give me a weird look when I'm doing lunges in the breakroom while waiting for my lunch to heat up. Maybe ask some coworkers if they would like to join you for a desk work-out challenge and they will all be doing squats at their desk? lol
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Do you get a 15 minute break? If so, that's enough time to walk a mile :)
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    F*** the weird looks. Grab a resistance band. You can do a total body workout seated at your chair (yes, even simulating SQUATS). Plus, walk on your breaks. If it's cold, walk up and down stairs. Screw what people think.
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    Ask for a stand up desk. I love mine.
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    Yes another desk jockey is here. Sitting in the Cubicle Country Club. :grumble:

    I do squats/ strecthes while at the printer too... who cares what they say or what they think when they look at me. I'll just look at their big *kitten* and say... not me!!!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    With you on this one! I work at a college and I have to walk through the student lobby to get to the copier. :laugh: Lunges would be quite entertaining.

    I can close my door and do all sorts of crazy workouts when we aren't slammed. And the resistance bands are awesome, discreet and easy to do!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    lmao i do squats when i go to the bathroom as well. but mostly i do pushups. we have a bench in the big bathroom and every time i go to the bathroom (which is a lot) i do pushups against that bench. i also walk my 2 ten minute breaks. and well the rest of the day im sitting on my *kitten*. so i understand.
  • MoJoPain
    I sit on my *kitten* at a desk 9hrs a I understand what you mean.

    I started doing wall push ups in the ladies room and walking around my building (even in this CRAZY *kitten* COLD weather) on lunch break.
  • aek225
    aek225 Posts: 1
    Unfortunately, I'm in the office all day, but I'm usually at clients so working out at my desk isn't really an option. But I do try to walk to the person's office instead of emailing items and take the scenic route to the restroom and such. When I'm in my office I walk the stairs for a few flights.

    It is so hard to get motivated to work out before or after work, any tips from the follow cubemates?
  • Laquincy
    Laquincy Posts: 76 Member
    I take two 15 minute walk breaks and also we have a anytime fitness downstairs at my workplace. So instead of going to lunch I go workout. I'm sure im very fortunate to have a gym at my work place.
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    I sit on my *kitten* at a desk 9hrs a I understand what you mean.

    I started doing wall push ups in the ladies room and walking around my building (even in this CRAZY *kitten* COLD weather) on lunch break.

    wall push ups are another one of my bathroom go-to's. my triceps are looking pretty dang good!
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    I take two 15 minute walk breaks and also we have a anytime fitness downstairs at my workplace. So instead of going to lunch I go workout. I'm sure im very fortunate to have a gym at my work place.

    um ya, you suck. thats awesome though. apparently my office use to have a gym before i worked here and when the previous dr. sold his practice, he sold all the gym equipment to:(
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    lmao i do squats when i go to the bathroom as well. but mostly i do pushups. we have a bench in the big bathroom and every time i go to the bathroom (which is a lot) i do pushups against that bench. i also walk my 2 ten minute breaks. and well the rest of the day im sitting on my *kitten*. so i understand.

    we're gonna have some rockin booties girl!
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    Do you get a 15 minute break? If so, that's enough time to walk a mile :)

    nope, we dont :/
  • Laquincy
    Laquincy Posts: 76 Member
    Another thing you can do is, if you have a chair that rolls you can work your hamstrings & calves by 1)Almost completly starighten your legs 2) Heels are on the ground, toes are staright up. 3) Pull yourself forward to where knees bend(basically to normal seating position ) 4) Repeat maybe 2 sets of 15....if you want to make it more challenging use just 1 leg to pull yourself forward.
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    Another thing you can do is, if you have a chair that rolls you can work your hamstrings & calves by 1)Almost completly starighten your legs 2) Heels are on the ground, toes are staright up. 3) Pull yourself forward to where knees bend(basically to normal seating position ) 4) Repeat maybe 2 sets of 15....if you want to make it more challenging use just 1 leg to pull yourself forward.

    good idea, i'll deff try that
  • Laquincy
    Laquincy Posts: 76 Member