Can you save calories for the weekend???



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    SURE!!!!! thats what i do
  • qudoos
    qudoos Posts: 26 Member
    This weekly average is all nonsense. Every day matters on its own. If you really want to get fit you need to treat your body like a temple (you must know the saying). Eating regularly in smaller portions will also give you more energy and increase metabolism. So every day is a new day, none of that weekly average.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    My main concern is that you may be way under on those workdays slowing your metabolism down. The more your body stays in starvation mode the more it is likely to hold onto the weight. It doesn't matter if you set your calorie limits for a week/month/quarter/etc. What matters is where your body spends most of its time. If it is constantly in starvation mode those days of high calories will add up quick to plateaus and gain. Basically, be careful. Don't starve yourself during the week. A little under here and there isn't bad. Under a lot frequently isn't good. Be careful.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    No. Everyday is a new day.

    you have no clue what u are talking about.

    Well its working for me so I must be doing something right. :tongue:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    This weekly average is all nonsense. Every day matters on its own. If you really want to get fit you need to treat your body like a temple (you must know the saying). Eating regularly in smaller portions will also give you more energy and increase metabolism. So every day is a new day, none of that weekly average.

    I disagree. I have a calorie deficit each day of 500 calories through eating, but I also exercise and don't eat back all my calories, creating a larger deficit. My exercise calories fluctuate day to day, so according to the math, by the end of the week I have created a much higher deficit than 3500 calories. If I want to splurge one day and go over my allotted calories for the day, but still stay within that deficit, I'm still going to lose weight that week.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    This weekly average is all nonsense. Every day matters on its own. If you really want to get fit you need to treat your body like a temple (you must know the saying). Eating regularly in smaller portions will also give you more energy and increase metabolism. So every day is a new day, none of that weekly average.

    so youre saying that if I eat just my 1500/day for seven days (10500 calories/week) and lose 1lb
    I cant consume
    sun 1300
    tues 1500
    wed 1400
    thurs 1300
    fri 1400
    sat 2200

    and lose the same 1lb?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Your body does not really know its a new day in terms of energy use...

    Sure it does. Your internal biochemical processes and rates are aligned with the diurnal cycle, and what you ate (or didn't eat) yesterday absolutely impacts your internal functioning today.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    There are circadian rhythms that time certain biochemical processes.
    My performance now always depends on what I've consumed previously.

    Those two facts together don't imply that your consumption in any one day is more important than your average consumption over longer periods of time (like a week) when it comes to weight loss.