Always hungry! No 'off button'!!!

Does anyone else have no "off button" when it comes to food?

People talk about cheat days and cheat meals but on a cheat day I could seriously eat a week load of calories (which is why I don't do it!) But seriously I am always hungry... even after a big meal... whether I'm on a healthy eating kick, a diet or just eating rubbish.

Am I alone?

Please say I'm not!

Nicole xx


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Get a grip, Nicole!

    Also, look at your macros and make sure you're getting enough protein/fats.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    You're not alone at all. Once I start eating, I have a hard time stopping. Which is why over time I've gotten to the point where I just don't eat until 6 PM and then eat constantly until I go to bed. It works for me. You might find that something like this works for you, or maybe you need to be careful to not let yourself get too hungry by eating very regularly (every 1-2 hours). Also make sure you're eating plenty of protein, because it is satiating, and vegetables, because you can have a very large volume of them without many calories.
  • Get a grip, Nicole!

    Also, look at your macros and make sure you're getting enough protein/fats.

    Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just choked on my drink!!!! You made my day!!
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I have no off button.

    I wouldn't say I am always hungry, I just am never un-hungry. I could ALWAYS go for food. I have never once turned down food because I was unhungry.... I've turned down food because I knew I had to.

    So you are not alone!
  • I have no off button.

    I wouldn't say I am always hungry, I just am never un-hungry. I could ALWAYS go for food. I have never once turned down food because I was unhungry.... I've turned down food because I knew I had to.

    So you are not alone!

    What a relief! You worded it exactly how I meant it! I could ALWAYS eat! Even after a big meal.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Are you really hungry or just want more food?
  • mariah_papaya
    mariah_papaya Posts: 39 Member
    I feel your pain - I have a COLOSSAL appetite. My husband is still talking about the first Christmas I took him home and the sheer quantity of Christmas Dinner I put away - haha! But, I do find something that works well for me anyways, is watching the glycemic index. If I eat stuff like white rice, bread (in any form whatsoever, even the most organic multigrain hippie food loaf) or sugar of any kind, I am STARVING a couple hours later. The more I can cut this stuff out (and replace it with high fiber, high protein stuff) the less I want to chow down! I really think everyone is different though, so I hesitate to say "THIS IS THE ANSWER" - it's just something that has worked for me.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    You're not alone at all. Once I start eating, I have a hard time stopping. Which is why over time I've gotten to the point where I just don't eat until 6 PM and then eat constantly until I go to bed. It works for me. You might find that something like this works for you, or maybe you need to be careful to not let yourself get too hungry by eating very regularly (every 1-2 hours). Also make sure you're eating plenty of protein, because it is satiating, and vegetables, because you can have a very large volume of them without many calories.
    Agree with all of this. I have days when I could eat all day and I've often had most or all of my calories at night (18:6 or the Warrior Diet, whatever you want to call it). Sometimes that strategy really works for me. Meal timing and frequency is mostly personal preference so just find something that works for you.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    If you're still actually feeling hungry, try drinking water before and after the meal to help you feel full while your body realizes it's satisfied. Also, agree with above poster about making sure you're getting enough fats and protein.

    If you just want more food, you gotta just push through that. Believe me, I have that problem all the time and there's no trick to overcoming it. You just have to.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have no off button.

    I wouldn't say I am always hungry, I just am never un-hungry. I could ALWAYS go for food. I have never once turned down food because I was unhungry.... I've turned down food because I knew I had to.

    So you are not alone!

    Yeah, this is me. If the food is good, I'm like a puppy and can eat until I explode. If I let myself.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I remember having a discussion with my dietician where I told her I was still really hungry all the time. She looked at my food diary and just said very plainly, 'Eat more fiber." It has really helped a lot.

    I've started having Chocolite protein bars ( - they have about 10 g of protein, about 10 g fiber, they're sugar free/gluten free, and are about 100 calories.

    I like the triple chocolate fudge. Hubby likes the caramel cashew and peanut butter. We both like cookies and cream.

    I'll have one usually around 10:00-10:30, and maybe around 3:00 -- both are "hold overs" until the next meal, but it will easily help you get in the daily fiber totals.
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    I'm the same way! no matter what I eat I always still feel hungry after the meal is done. Sometimes if I eat a lot of protein at a meal I feel semi fine, but otherwise I'm in the same boat as you. I have recently been training my body to eat dinner at 6 or 7, so I no longer go to bed hungry.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Yes, or I used to be that way. Eating LCHF makes my appetite normal. I get hungry, I eat until I'm full and satisfied (really full from eating delicious food; not "tricks" like drinking water before you eat, bulking up on vegetables, putting your fork down between each bite or any of that nonsense) and then I don't eat until I'm hungry again; usually 6 or 7 hours later.

    It's a wondrous feeling to have a normal appetite and worth severely restricting the sugar and starches to get it.
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I have the same problem. I find that air popped popcorn is a good filler with lots of fiber and very few calories. Some people suggest it could just be boredom and have suggested chewing sugar-free gum after a meal. I personally don't do that (I hate gum and have TMJ) but my friend swears by it. I also found that if I eat a specific food after each meal (like a small piece of chocolate or something) that tends to "trigger" my brain that eating time is over.
  • Hey everyone thanks for replying! And all your hints and tips. I mostly manage to just manage my "always a bit hungry" but it's probably worth giving you a tangible example of what I mean when I say I could always eat... You know after a sunday meal when at the end everyone says "I'm stuffed"? I coul usually still eat 3-4 krispy kremes if offered.

    Now I no longer actually do that but that's because I make a conscious effort not to and NOT because I couldn't eat anythin else! No matter how much water, vegetables, protein... I always would have space for a little more!

    I am very envious of those people who 4-5 bites before the end of their meal can push their plates away because they are full! I'd love to feel full!!!!
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Nicole, you're really not eating enough fat. You're not eating enough for good health or to feel full, IMO. I think the MFP fat limit should be considered a minimum and most days you're significantly under. Fat is essential and you're not giving your body what it needs.

    I hope you'll look into some of the current fat recommendations so you'll know eating fat is healthful and not something to limit. As a bonus you may actually feel full for once. Best wishes. :smile:
  • L1zzydarcy
    L1zzydarcy Posts: 15 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough sleep. When you are tired your body wants more food that it can convert to energy.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Me too. Even at maintenance I have to have little rituals to stop before I'm full (ie bursting at the seams) it's just always been my way after I left home where there wasn't enough food. I find maintenance really hard, but I'm learning.

    Anyway, your diet looks very British... And not at all filling! I would die of starvation on it. Can I recommend you build your diet around a higher protein intake with more fats from fish, eggs, meats, Greek yoghurt, avocados nuts etc. also omega 3 tabs are good at night. More veg? Munch it raw?

    Yes you'll still experience hunger but it will be manageable.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I feel your pain - I have a COLOSSAL appetite. My husband is still talking about the first Christmas I took him home and the sheer quantity of Christmas Dinner I put away - haha! But, I do find something that works well for me anyways, is watching the glycemic index. If I eat stuff like white rice, bread (in any form whatsoever, even the most organic multigrain hippie food loaf) or sugar of any kind, I am STARVING a couple hours later. The more I can cut this stuff out (and replace it with high fiber, high protein stuff) the less I want to chow down! I really think everyone is different though, so I hesitate to say "THIS IS THE ANSWER" - it's just something that has worked for me.

    This for me too.
  • I have no off button.

    I wouldn't say I am always hungry, I just am never un-hungry. I could ALWAYS go for food. I have never once turned down food because I was unhungry.... I've turned down food because I knew I had to.

    So you are not alone!

    This is how I often feel. I mean I've actually been full but if something sounds good and is available I can ALWAYS fit it in.