Always hungry! No 'off button'!!!



  • eabernst
    eabernst Posts: 29 Member
    I have no off button! I've (seriously) placed in eating contests (top woman!) and regularly shock people how much and for how long I can (and do) eat. I have a really hard time stopping (and I hear you about leaving a few bites on my plate--impossible!)- and any time there's a party with a table full of snacks...I'll just say that it does not help if I eat a good meal beforehand. I am always extremely hungry.

    I know for me it's probably a combination of always having a healthy appetite, being very active, and a little hyperthyroid. Adding more fiber/protein/fat/etc doesn't seem to help either.

    What does (sometimes) prevent me from overeating is entering my foods in my diary before I eat. That way I can grab what is a more reasonable amount and then eat it. It at least makes me stop, think, and consider what I'm about to eat. Sometimes I still just eat more but sometimes seeing the numbers does the trick because it makes me think. Good luck!
  • mattbarnett2000
    mattbarnett2000 Posts: 13 Member
    I am the same way too sometimes Nicole, it is hard to break old habits. I feel so crappy after a cheat day sometimes that I try and limit it to a cheat meal now.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I have no off button. Dinner was 16 oz of chicken breast (cooked weight even), 1/2lb spinach & 1/2lb white potato. I could eat three times that. Desert will be: 2 slices of banana nut bread with butter, 2 cups of cereal with 1/2 cup milk, 2 pop tarts, & a pint of ice cream. I will only stop because of hitting my goal, not being full.

    My diary is public.
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    I have no off button either. Way back when I was thin, I used to be able to stop when full. Now I just never seem to get full or hungry. It's just a state of being able to keep on eating.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I could easily eat 4000 calories in a meal if I wanted to, and I have done it often before.
  • This seems to be me, but I think my problem is I am home all day. When I'm busy, I don't think about food nearly as much!
  • saritabonita30
    saritabonita30 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel EXACTLY how you do. My husband says it is because I watch food shows...but my mind never shuts off from food. Yes, I am hungry when I am bored but even when I am not bored, if my mind is not occupied for ONE minute, it goes to food and I want to eat. I feel full, but I give it a little while and I can eat again.
    This is my problem and if I could figure this out I wouldn't need to lose weight.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    YES! I have no 'off button' either. If I was awake I was hungry while dieting. Now that I'm bulking, I'm still freaking hungry even though I'm eating at a surplus.
  • I'm so pleased I'm not the only one with no "off button"!!!!!!!!!! It's always nice to know that you are not alone!!!!

    Someone posted that my meals are very British, which they are (because I am!)... I am trying to eat more good fats (after I was told that I had a 43% body fat by doc :embarassed: but that I should still eat fat?!) but that is difficult because protein and fats are so blooming expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not nor have ever been on a low fat diet! But I do rather feel that buying 2 chicken breasts for a £5 is tantamount to daylight robbery! So lots of my meals are made up of much cheaper veg's, fruits and carbs! Although there is meat with every meal but breakfast!
    (I am also quite a fussy eater and I'm weird about textures - nuts, avocado and most fish don't do it for me!!!!)

    I actually find I am much better at home as I can control what I eat... my tempation always happens at work when there are biscuits around!

    The biggest help I think I have found is logging what I'm eating in advance so I know what calories I can play with and also that I probably wasn't drinking enough before. The more I drink the easier I find not feeling full... also a hot chocolate does wonders for a chocolate craving but with far less calories!

    Other than logging, protein and water are then any other tricks for someone with insatiable hunger?!

  • YES! I have no 'off button' either. If I was awake I was hungry while dieting. Now that I'm bulking, I'm still freaking hungry even though I'm eating at a surplus.

    If the day ever comes that I can deliberately eat at a surplus I will eat my hat (and anything else I can get my hands on !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I could easily eat 4000 calories in a meal if I wanted to, and I have done it often before.

    You an me both but 63lb lost is fab-u-lous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I have no off button. Dinner was 16 oz of chicken breast (cooked weight even), 1/2lb spinach & 1/2lb white potato. I could eat three times that. Desert will be: 2 slices of banana nut bread with butter, 2 cups of cereal with 1/2 cup milk, 2 pop tarts, & a pint of ice cream. I will only stop because of hitting my goal, not being full.

    My diary is public.

    STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're making me hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    You're not alone at all. Once I start eating, I have a hard time stopping. Which is why over time I've gotten to the point where I just don't eat until 6 PM and then eat constantly until I go to bed. It works for me. You might find that something like this works for you, or maybe you need to be careful to not let yourself get too hungry by eating very regularly (every 1-2 hours). Also make sure you're eating plenty of protein, because it is satiating, and vegetables, because you can have a very large volume of them without many calories.

    I agree with this 100%!!!

    I could always go for food too. Putting off eating until I cant stand it anymore works for me sometimes its 10am and sometimes its 5 or 6. But then I have more calories to snack on until I go to bed. So that works for me!
  • You're not alone at all. Once I start eating, I have a hard time stopping. Which is why over time I've gotten to the point where I just don't eat until 6 PM and then eat constantly until I go to bed. It works for me. You might find that something like this works for you, or maybe you need to be careful to not let yourself get too hungry by eating very regularly (every 1-2 hours). Also make sure you're eating plenty of protein, because it is satiating, and vegetables, because you can have a very large volume of them without many calories.

    I agree with this 100%!!!

    I could always go for food too. Putting off eating until I cant stand it anymore works for me sometimes its 10am and sometimes its 5 or 6. But then I have more calories to snack on until I go to bed. So that works for me!

    Me too! I just go with my habit and don't try that don't eat after 6 pm thing. Especially because I can't sleep if hungry. I need my calories for a couple hours before bed to avoid hunger and enable sleep.
  • There is NO WAY I could not eat until the evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to have my 3 meals a day plus snacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise there would be many people's lives at serious risk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus I have to take medication which is very boring but requires an element of being sensible. :grumble:
  • jeridith
    jeridith Posts: 67 Member
    I too have been described as eating like a field hand when I was younger, and yes, I can still pack it in! But I have discovered that eating real fats, like butter and full cream milk, and using lard, tallow and ghee to fry or sauté in has drastically cut down my appetite. For the majority of days I now only eat three meals a day, and have no desire for snacks. So substitute full cream milk for the low fat, and real butter for the spread stuff. And perhaps try a more substantial breakfast like some bacon and eggs (fried in the bacon drippings of course!). Yes, all if it has a much higher caloric content, but it has lots of bang for the bucks.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I looked at your diary and you have a HUGE amount of carbs and very little protein...Set your macros to 40% protein and 30% carbs and fat, and you will see a big difference in your feelings of "hunger"...
    If I eat too much carbs, and especially processed carbs, I will eat all day long...Its cravings, not hunger..
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I can eat a hell of a lot if don't stop myself.

    If you're actually 'hungry', not just liking to eat (which to be fair is my issue)... it might be worth looking to see if you are intolerant to any food.

    I went through a phase of being pretty hungry, especially when going to bed... even though I tried to have some 'protein fluff' when going to bed.

    After a while of this 'hungry' feeling and worse with stomach pains and the like... I worked out I was intolerant to (fairly pure at least) Caesin protein. It turns out the acid imbalance it likely caused gave the sensation of hunger.
    When I ate stuff, it restored the acid levels and ta-da, no longer feel the hunger feeling!

    At one point staying at a friend's house I actually got up and had a couple of bowls of cereal at 4am because of what felt like hunger pangs!
  • I can eat a hell of a lot if don't stop myself.

    If you're actually 'hungry', not just liking to eat (which to be fair is my issue)... it might be worth looking to see if you are intolerant to any food.

    I went through a phase of being pretty hungry, especially when going to bed... even though I tried to have some 'protein fluff' when going to bed.

    After a while of this 'hungry' feeling and worse with stomach pains and the like... I worked out I was intolerant to (fairly pure at least) Caesin protein. It turns out the acid imbalance it likely caused gave the sensation of hunger.
    When I ate stuff, it restored the acid levels and ta-da, no longer feel the hunger feeling!

    At one point staying at a friend's house I actually got up and had a couple of bowls of cereal at 4am because of what felt like hunger pangs!

    I think my hunger probably is as much of "just liking to eat" too!!!!
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I'm like this too which is what caused me to gain 100 pounds in about a year after I lost weight previously. I just ignore it now and eat frequent small amounts to manage. But I'm usually hungry again within a short time. I just try to wait until I absolutely have to eat.