Don't you fuss at me.... : )



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Any fluid you drink be it water, juice, milk, coffee or tea, counts as water. No worries.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    As long as the sweetners do not add sugars or calories, count them! You have to start somewhere right? Welcome and good luck! FR sent!

    You can count them even if they have added sugars or calories. It's called logging. :smile:
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Basically what the other posters suggested...
    - filtered or bottled water
    - squeeze/slice of citrus
    - Crystal Lite (I only use half of what they say since I find full strength flavor way too strong)

    In the winter, I do hot water with a slice of lemon and a slice of raw ginger... yummy!

    But mostly, I drink flavored seltzer.
  • HappyMeLovely
    HappyMeLovely Posts: 134 Member
    Have you tried using a Brita filter for tap water then refrigerated it? Like others have said, try a little squeeze of lemon or fresh mint leaves.
  • Okay, I've tried several different suggestions over the weekend. How many glasses am I supposed to drink a day?

    And, I think someone asked if I was chronically dehydrated? Yes, I am. But, I'm really working on it. I've actually been the ER a couple time when I was younger because of it.
  • I'm the same with water but have found that Aquafina doesn't have the bad after taste, No taste at all to me. Kool Aid liquid is a pretty good flavor to add without the calories but I don't like anything much with the artificial sweeteners. Good Luck!:ohwell:
  • marlamoreau
    marlamoreau Posts: 3 Member
    Like others have said, avoid artificial sweeteners (they can be dehydrating besides everything else), put some lemon, lime, or mint leaves... and I would suggest some stevia - it's a natural calorie free sweetener.
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    I drink a cup or two of coffee in the morning and could go all day without anything else to drink.

    Same here! Except a cup of tea, not coffee. MAYBE 1 drink of juice or something at dinner. I even went to the doctor because everyone else was like HOW CAN YOU JUST NEVER DRINK ANYTHING but they did a bunch of tests and I came back perfectly hydrated??? I force myself to drink a bunch now but I keep waking up with a sore throat and headache since I started =/

    I totally feel you on hating water though. I get flavoured stuff from ASDA/Tesco which, unlike the Volvic flavoured stuff, isn't full of sugar and is only about 2cal a glass or something. Maybe try that if you can find something similar?
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I drink a cup or two of coffee in the morning and could go all day without anything else to drink.

    Same here! Except a cup of tea, not coffee. MAYBE 1 drink of juice or something at dinner. I even went to the doctor because everyone else was like HOW CAN YOU JUST NEVER DRINK ANYTHING but they did a bunch of tests and I came back perfectly hydrated??? I force myself to drink a bunch now but I keep waking up with a sore throat and headache since I started =/

    I totally feel you on hating water though. I get flavoured stuff from ASDA/Tesco which, unlike the Volvic flavoured stuff, isn't full of sugar and is only about 2cal a glass or something. Maybe try that if you can find something similar?

    This is me, too. Drives my doctor batty (except i drink about 5 or 6 cups of black coffee a day and nothing else, if given the chance). I've started trying to add water and I HAAAATE it, but I know it is good for me. I used to add lipton sugar-free iced tea, and now I just suck it up and do the water.
  • Jishii
    Jishii Posts: 9 Member
    I find that it's hard for me to drink water unless it is freezing cold! (not frozen, obviously.) Have you tried playing with temperatures?
  • TheWretchedFat
    TheWretchedFat Posts: 52 Member
    It is a little weird to get use to, but as soon as it becomes a regular thing it won't taste as bad. I started out with green tea sweetened then started drinking it unsweetened (so bitter at first) but now I drink it multiple times a day with out any fuse!