exercising on an empty stomach



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's actually a proven method to work out after sleeping, the body has been in a fasting mode, and would by glycogen depleted, along with low insulin, forcing fat to be the primary fuel sorce so long as you don't go high intensity, keep it low to moderate. Other good reasons are is releases endorphins that make you feel great throughout the day, you'll be less likely to skip it if you get it over with, morning cardio will raise the metabolic rate of your body for the time after your work out, not just while you're working out, to burn more calories AFTER the workout is complete. There are people here saying you'll lose muscle, which can apply if you're diet is sloppy, but if your total diet is in line, then the chances of catabolism are very low. If the human body was so fragile that it lost muscle from doing some physical activity before eating, we never would have survived as a species.

    If you do low to moderate intensity exercise, you are going to use fats primarily as fuel, no matter what. Intensity of exercise is the PRIMARY factor -- perhaps even the sole factor-- in determining fuel substrate mix during exercise. The whole subject is moot anyhow, because the fuel substrate utilized during exercise has no long-term effect on stored body fat. Most of the fats used during exercise come from triglycerides already stored in the muscle.

    Our metabolic systems are active 24 hours a day--what happens during exercise is just one event among many. Studies that have looked at 24 hour fat oxidation have shown that, whatever happens during a workout, the body adjusts it's rate of fat oxidation so that at the end of 24 hours, total fat oxidation is equal between groups that burned a lot of fat during a workout and those that didn't.

    Fasting overnight does not cause "glycogen depletion". Even in a fasted state, the body has enough stored glycogen for 1-2 hours of exercise. REAL "glycogen depletion" sucks big time. Look at a marathoner hitting the wall--that's glycogen depletion.

    All the other effects of exercise--whether it's "released endorphins" or "increased metabolic rate" will occur regardless of when the exercise is performed. And the "increased metabolic rate" will only happen if you have done an intense workout--the average workout doesn't have much "afterburn".

    Scheduling of workouts is a matter of personal preference--there are no physical advantages to working out at any particular time of day.

    Eating or not probably won't make a huge difference for many people. Personally, I think 100-300 calories (that's how I define "eating before exercise") taken on board within an hour of starting makes for a better workout, especially in the morning. But it does depend a great deal on the type and intensity of the workout.
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I had that same question!!! Then a friend sent me this link from Jillian Michaels!!

  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I had that same question!!! Then a friend sent me this link from Jillian Michaels!!


    Holy S--t! That was actually accurate--must go out to check if pigs are flying......
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    i cant eat ANYTHING 1hour before workingout... especially if im running/using the crosstrainer.. i feel sick.. litrally like im going to puke because theres food in me... always gotta be a little bit on the empty side... but then i usually workout at the end of the day around 5.30.. so an afternoon snack around 3 does the job...

    today i couldnt.. too full from lunch so im happy as larry to go for a run in 45mins...

    Whatever floats your boat really...

  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Azdak, I really liked your response and answers to these issues. May I add you to my contacts? perhaps drop in a question or two in the future? Thanks