
millerll Posts: 873 Member
Somehow I managed to pass the entire 48 years of my life so far without ever sampling Nutella hazelnut and cocoa spread. I'd heard of it, and how good it was supposed to be, but I never got around to trying it. While I like peanut butter, I don't eat it much since it carries such a heavy calorie and fat load. Once in a great while, and it's OK, but..........I like hazelnuts, and who doesn't like chocolate, so I thought I'd change things up a bit. Enter the Nutella. I decided to buy a jar this weekend, just to sample it, in the interest of science, you know?

Oh my God, I am in serious trouble! :love: This stuff is like crack in a jar! What sadist invented this evil concoction? :devil: I tried a teaspoon of it and came to on my kitchen floor 10 minutes later. OK, I'm kidding about that last part, but not by much. Now I can't stop thinking of different ways to eat it....bananas, on toast, in yogurt, over ice cream, oh, hell, why not just fill up the bathtub and jump in? When I die, I want to be buried in this stuff!

This little jar could be my undoing. I may need to give it away before I totally self-destruct. :noway: I don't know how you guys keep this stuff in your house, but I bow to you. You are discipline gods. :drinker: I am a peon of gluttony and a weak-willed philistine. Pray for me. LOL! :ohwell:


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    You know what's doubly evil? Costco sells the jars in a two pack! Mu-Hu-Ha-Ha:devil:
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    Freeze it! lol. Put it behind all the veggies and take it out only once in a while. I love that stuff too.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    :laugh: I won't buy almond butter anymore either.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I just bought my 2nd jar. My husband jokes that he's going to find me with my head stuck in the jar. My co-workers joke that I'll lick it off of anything :blushing:
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Hahahaha, I saw the title here and thought "OMG YES!" I'm the same way... crack in a jar is a perfect description for the stuff. And it's Italian, which makes it that much better. Siigh.

    A comedienne that I love once said that when people ask her why she's single, she says "Nutella." :laugh:
  • ambercole
    ambercole Posts: 426
    That stuff is not allowed in my house!!!!!! It's the DEVIL!!!!! LOL
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I won't even start on a jar of Nutella but my girls love it! It's my 9 year old's favorite snack... a banana w/ a spoonful of Nutella or a Peanut butter & Nutella sandwich (on whole grain bread of course! :wink: ).

    There's also a dark chocolate peanut butter called Dark chocolate dreams from Peanut Butter & Co...
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I'm hungry and over my calories, but I think I'm going to go have some nutella and bananas and work out afterwards :bigsmile:
  • sandrabutterfly
    Got to thank the Italians for this wonderful stuff.
    I have lived on this for years...and saves me especially at that time of the month!

    My mom used to make me sandwiched with nutella and put hershey's kisses in it! Now that is evil.

    Good luck with the least you didnt start eating it in the womb like me :)
  • Karisha2010
    Thanks for the warning ... I will never go near the stuff, now.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I can't keep it in the house, even behind the veggies. If someone spread it on the floor, I'd probably lick it off of there! LOL
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    LoL! Yes, it is AMAZING! I love love love it! I often use it as a post exercise snack. One tablespoon is 100 calories of pure delight, and it has a decent balance of carbs and protein, which is what I want for a recovery food. Not to sound gross, but I usually just dip out the tablespoon and lick it off. It really helps me keep my chocolate cravings in tact, and it is so rich that I really don't feel tempted to eat it all day.

    Of course...before I started losing weight, about two years ago, I went through a phase where I ate A LOT of Nutella, and I kinda OD'ed and had to step away for a while, so that might explain why I can hold back now :)

    And to be really evil I will tell you that it is my family's favorite chocolate cupcake topping. My sister read about the new food trend of putting bacon on top of cupcakes, so she made some bacon, some chocolate cupcakes, and then spread Nutella on them and put little bacon pieces on top. :devil: Strange and delicious! I was definitely NOT trying to lose weight then. If you're wondering, my sister is one of those really thin people who has never been overweight, and 90% of the time eats super healthy food, so the other 10% she doesn't feel guilty to eat things like bacon Nutella chocolate cupcakes.

  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    I've never had it but after reading this I think that I would have to go to Nutella's Anonymous :laugh: . I'll have to give it a try.
  • kelbel76
    kelbel76 Posts: 148 Member
    OMG, isn't it the best?? I usually eat it on some healthy type crackers so I don't feel too too bad about it. I actually have a jar open but haven't had any for a few weeks. Hmmm, I may have to go get some right now. Yikes!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    LOL! What a great forum.

    I too am a recent convert to Nutella. Like you, I had heard of it, but never tried it. Until last Christmas. My boyfriend's mother (they are from Bulgaria) put some chocolate coins and a jar of Nutella in our stockings. I was like, "huh?" But then I tried it and was in love!!!! And I am a peanut butter junkie as well. In fact, I loved putting pb on my apples and then I added a bit of nutella as well.....YUMMMYYY!!!!! I also like to toast pita bread, spread a bit of cream cheese on top and then add some Nutella to that.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    It came into the house for the first time 2 weeks ago when my son bought some for his lunches. He has it with Strawberry preserves on multigrain bread.

    Saturday he was cleaning out his car to load it up with stuff to take to college and his lunch was still in there from the day before and it was the above mentioned sandwich. I ATE IT! For the love of all that is great, I swear it tasted like a pastry. And an EXPENSIVE pastry at that!!

    Between that and my Chocolate Peanut Butter, I have everything I need!! :bigsmile:
  • ThompsonH
    OMG! My mom used to give this stuff to me as a child about 20 years ago. spread it on graham crackers..delish! I am like you truely addicted and i actually passed up buying some today..i havent had it in years! It will definately make you wonder what else you can use it on and using it for frosting sounds chocolately awesome :bigsmile: better be careful with it though since it is soo rich it will give you a belly ache quick...its simply yummy goodness!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    "There's also a dark chocolate peanut butter called Dark chocolate dreams from Peanut Butter & Co... "

    Oh, great. Thanks a lot. Are you people trying to kill me??? :explode:

    Just kidding. And sorry to put the idea of this stuff in your heads. I can hear jars coming open all over the world right now...... I should have just kept quiet. Now I've created a monster! Looks like we all need a 12-step program.

    "Hi, my name is Lisa, and I'm a Nutellaholic."
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    My daughter loves the stuff. I've never tried it, afraid it may too dangerous for me and now I knowi was right
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    This stuff is evil and wonderfully delish!! I find that during my TOM I crave it! So I make little s'mores with gram crackers and fluff... Its only 46 calories for 1/4 of a Graham cracker and amazingly sweet for only having 4 sugars.

    2 Graham Crackers
    2tbsp Nutella
    2tbsp Fluff

    I spread 1tbsp of fluff on each cracker and then heat the nutella just a bit and drizzle it over the top of my two crackers with fluff
    I put them in the freezer for about an hour (just long enough for the nutella to cool and then cut each cracker into fours. It usually gets me through my TOM sanely and without going over my calories from chocolate!:smile: