need help from FORMER SMOKERS!



  • ksaltkill
    Sorry to hear the e-cig didn't work. That's how I quit, even though it says right on there "this is not designed to help you quit smoking." Isolation also helped me. I work with another guy who was (is) smoking. I couldn't quit knowing he was right there in the truck, 4 ft. away, smoking it up. I was only able to quit when he went on vacation. Best of luck, and stay strong. I feel so much better for having quit. Smoke free since 9/13.
  • cj0725
    cj0725 Posts: 28 Member
    Smoked for 25 years, quit with the patch. Key was that I was really ready. Good luck!
  • Dorothy4208
    Dorothy4208 Posts: 53 Member
    I went cold turkey about 16 months ago, after smoking for 25 years. My thought (and many disagree with me but so what?) is that if you're going to use an e-cigarette why bother quitting at all? But I digress...

    When I quit, I totally went crazy. I couldn't sleep because my body was vibrating from all the energy I had. I cried for weeks. The only thing that saved me was working out hard. I didn't know where else to put that energy. Also "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr helped me and about ten of my friends. Amazing book, available online everywhere.

    You can do this. If I can do it, so can you. Be prepared to take your first real down-to-the-bottom-of-your-lungs deep breath since you started. Smokers can't do that. It's a life change but it sounds like you're ready.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Cold Turkey, but I keep an ecig around for the "I'm ready to say fck it and buy a pack" cravings. I also have to stay away from my friends that smoke. It's too easy to take the drag that leads to buying a pack. Get rid of all ashtrays, lighters and any other crap you carry around that relates to smoking. Remind yourself of all the reasons you can't smoke anymore. Your health, children, smell, teeth, mouth wrinkles, skin, aging, money... Keep telling yourself that tomorrow will be easier, because it's true. All you really need is a solid 3 weeks with no cigarettes and you're golden.

    If you need support, I just jumped back on the wagon and would be happy to help.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I smoked for over 15 years, over a pack a day. I would cut down, only smoke when I drank, then start back up full time again.

    When I finally quit, it was cold turkey. I read the book, "Easy Way" by Allen Carr and it just hit home. When you are finally ready to quit, you will.

    I was a crazy person for about 2 weeks and eventually I got back to normal, well, my normal. I still crave them from time to time, but always come back to the fact that if I have just one, I'll end up a full time smoker once again.

    Good luck to you!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi, Breaking.

    I quit 75 days ago. I had smoked a pack a day for 17 years and couldn't imagine not smoking. I read "The Easy Way to Quit" by Alan Carr. I haven't looked back and it wasn't that bad. I also haven't gained a POUND from not smoking. I put on three over the holidays but I had quit for over two months before they hit and did fine. :)

    I had tried it all... Chantix, eCigarettes, the patch, the gum, you name it. Cold turkey is the only way to go... try the book. It doesn't have to be painful. Good luck!!! GET THE BOOK. It's cheap, it's short, and it works.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    E-Cigs didn't help me. In fact, they made me long for the regular cigarettes.

    Reading Alan Carr's book, The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" was the magic bullet for me.

    Until then, I would feel like I was depriving myself of something every time I tried to quit or temporarily quit in the past. Ultimately, I'd allow myself to smoke again.

    This time, after reading his book, (which is a super fast, easy, inexpensive read) I feel like I've gained everything by quitting and I have not had any moments of panic, wishing I could have a cigarette.

    When my friends at our local go outside for one, I am 100% not tempted at all.

    It could be worth trying if you're really committed to quit. It's helped millions of people.

    p.s. I tried ecigs, nic gum, cold turkey, etc. and failed every single time.

    **after I submitted, saw the poster right above me and what a similar story! I quit October 18, just about the same time as she did...coincidence!
  • latewinterwolf
    I did it with an ecigg, eciggs can be a little stronger then real ciggs at first. If you ever go down that road again I can point you to the good ones.
    This is what my bf does he uses de-bang brand (ikrlol.only on available around here and its at the petrol stationlol)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I smoked for 25 years and can not count the number of times I quit, and started again. I tried everything on the market to, but nothing worked....until the Ecig. I was not planning on stopping smoking, just moving my habit to the ecig but one day after 6 months of having the thing, I realized I had not smoked in 2 months.

    You may have had a higher dosage of nicotine than you needed, that is why you were having chest pains. One thing to keep in mind is that traditional cigarettes are filled with addictive additives other than nicotine, that is why we like are certain brands. So we withdraw not only from nicotine, but all the other crap they put in there as well.

    I tried cold turkey, every week for the last 10 years, it just did not work for me.

    I also recommend bee pollen when you do finally become cig free as it helped me with my insatiable appetite when I quit. I could not stop eating. I gained 8 lbs then when I discovered bee pollen, it changed my world in ways I can not explain. It is not a diet pill, so I ate, just reasonably. I also did not have allergies when spring rolled around. You can get it at GNC if interested.
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    I smoked a pack a day from 17-23 quit cold turkey on June 8, 2010. Threw the rest of the pack I had left in the garbage can and walked away. I was a terrible ***** for 2 weeks but after that I was able to control my emotions better even though I was still craving. After a month it was all good. I did fall off the wagon once while drinking and tried one of my friends cigs (Marlboro Red) lol after not smoking for over a year I promptly vomited and the smell has made me sick ever since.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I smoked my last cig on April 28th 2013. Spent a week with an eCig before I realize I was still doing basically the same thing. Used the patch for about 1 month before I realized In order for me to quit, I had to quit everything. I smoke from the age of 11 to 38 and I probably quit 1000 times. Sadly you will only quit when you are TRULY ready. No one can give you the answer as to when you will be ready. Obviously continue to try and when you are ready it will work however you decide to do it.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I was a two pack a day smoker. The only way for me was cold turkey. Stay away from situations where you'd be more likely to smoke. Good luck, it can definitely be done!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    My daughter ask me to 10 years ago.

    I said I would never smoke again if she promised never to start in which she promised.

    Love trumps everything...
  • YorkshirePanda
    YorkshirePanda Posts: 106 Member
    I taught myself how to crochet (and then knit a few years after)... It kept me so busy I kept forgetting to have a *kitten*... and then finally one day I realised... Oh... I quit smoking!
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    Cold turkey seems the way to go. I chewed tobacco for 15 years. I tried the Nicorette spray to help me quit, I haven't chewed in over a year, however now I am hooked on the damn Nicorette. Stupid, I like it more than chewing... IDIOT I AM! but who knew...
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I smoked too and I quit 21 years ago and never smoked again. For me it was reverse psychology! (I smoke from the time I was 15 until I was 21).

    I set a date on the calendar - it was October 20th (I still remember!) - it was a month and a half away. I said to myself, you HAVE to smoke a pack a day until October 20th. Prior to that I "tried" to quit many times. On October 20th I was so disgusted and entirely sick of smoking that I gladly gave it up!

    I needed to replace the hand to mouth habit - so I took to eating sunflower seeds, did that for about a week until my mouth was raw from salt - and that was that.

    Good luck!!
  • sandikegz
    To me it took true motivation. I watched a co-worker die from lung cancer and that really really hit home. I had been smoking for more time in my life than not and that was embarassing. Also, I wanted (and still do) want to have children and new I couldn't smoke if I got pregnant. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure smoking for so many years effected my fertility and now I'm having a very hard time getting pregnant. Smoking really really does prematurely age you.

    I used smoking cessation counseling offered through my local health network, the patch, and Wellbutrin. I wish you the best of luck doll. Try and find your motivation and it will really really help. Feel free to add me as a friend so I can help support you along the way!
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I quit once with Zyban then started back 9 months later. Tried Zyban again and it didnt work a second time. Used Chantix and quit 6.5 years ago. Havent smoked since. I think the Chantix website and activities helped as much or more than the actual drug but I'll never know for sure. It was hard. I changed physical habits to quit triggering cravings. Even now I still want one sometimes.
  • Headingforhealthier
    So I am trying to quit smoking, I have cut down drastically from over a pack a day to about 6 or 7. I have tried numerous times, Ive done the patch, chantix, gum etc. I recently tried the ecig and that left me with the worst chest pains so I just went back to smoking. I want to quit, I hate smoking, I want to be able to work out HARD!
    I go crazy when I dont smoke, everything makes me cry. Things get broken. I turn into such a B****, the people who are in my corner, who want me to quit, actually TELL me to go smoke.
    Those who have actually quit, how did you do it!?!?

    Cold turkey. You either want to stop, or you don't quiet yet. I live in frozen Canada, so my Mom and I quit at the same time. We decided that to wean ourselves down before the quit date, we would only smoke outside without coats. It worked REALLY well. Then come Feb 1, we threw out any smokes that were left and just stopped. It wasn't easy, but you either want to regain your health or you don't. When a craving came on (usually out of habit and boredom), I would tell myself "Why would you want a cigarette? You don't smoke." I used gum and walks to distract myself, and very shortly it just felt right. I felt cleaner, less tired and gross, and began to taste food properly again. Do your very best to quit ASAP and just decide to do it. Crutches just lead you on for longer.
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    Yep cold turkey here too! Smoked since I was 14. Quit New Years Eve 2 years ago - bought 40 cigs and smoked them all until I didn't want to see another cigarette ever again!!! It's worked and I've now replaced my addiction to nicotine to an addiction to being as fit and healthy as I can :happy:

    I agree though, until you really are truly ready to give up you won't!!

    Good luck