Weight loss gifts



  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm loving these ideas so far!
    I'll have to add some of them!
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    I didn't do mine related to weight loss, because I didn't have a huge amount to lose. I made "health goals", such as: finish C25K, run a fun run, do a mud run, etc. The goals were often part of the reward!

    I also did give myself gifts as well though. They've included;
    - new workout clothes
    - weights to acheive my next goal
    - polar HRM
    - remedial massages
    - fun things like the Colour Run
  • addean1
    addean1 Posts: 119 Member
    A few of my rewards-
    Workout clothes
    running shoes
    Gym membership- (when I was 30lbs down)
    Cycling shoes for spin class
    Hair cut
    Nice shirt or pants- (usually from thrift store, until I was at goal)
  • nicoleisback
    I am aiming to lose weight for my wedding in early 2015, so my end goal (whatever weight I decide looks best on me) is to look awesome in my wedding dress. I will be making my own dress, but when I get down to the right size I will be buying myself a corset to go under the dress.

    My smaller goals (some have already passed) are generally to pick myself up small things along the way. I have brought myself veggie plants as motivation to eat healthy (I have always liked the idea of 'living off the land') and find the upkeep of my garden also helps me to exercise a bit more :)

    My parents got my partner and I gold class (luxury) cinema vouchers for christmas, so when I reach 90kg (currently 93.8) my partner and I will have a night out at the movies sans kid.

    My long term goal at the moment is 80kg, then I will reevaluate based on how I feel, look, etc. When I reach this goal I will be buying a treat for myself. I don't want to get clothes because I may want to lose more weight, but I am thinking maybe a drop saw to use with my crafts.

    Another goal I have is as soon as I am in 'normal' bra sizes (I am currently in specialist sizes) so maybe down to an E cup, I will be buying myself a nice bra and undies set. Due to my size I have only ever in my life found one matching set that fitted, so his one will be a big reward for me.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    my next goal is to be halfway through my weightloss (about 60.5lbs so 10.5lbs more to go!) and I'm getting myself a victoria's secret sports bra. I finally fit into their stuff and they have a really supportive sports bra I want...so I'm using that as incentive!
  • rennacoco
    i'm still in the middle of making my list, but so far i have mani/pedi, perfume, makeup (mac or nars, not the cheap stuff i normally buy, haha!), and a victoria's secret gym bag. i also want to get a couple of tattoos and a piercing, but that won't be until i lose a lot of weight.
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    I live in Sydney and massages are super cheap so I get a quick one everytime I feel disheartened or Iif I have had a really awesome day and my body deserves it.

    I am currently 74.2kg, my rewards are as follows:

    -73kg Spa day
    -69.8kg Registering for a Pole Dancing class that I've always felt too fat to do
    -67kg Haircut at one of the nice salons
    -66.6kg Booking a holiday
    -63.5kg A whole new wardrobe

    P.S I know my goals seem really random but I grew up with Stones and lbs not Kgs so my milestones (college weight, high school weight) are strange when translated!


    Livgetfit, enjoy! Pole dancing is fun and GREAT exercise! I gained so much arm strength!
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    My partner decided when he was 10 pounds down we'd go to Hawaii (we'd already talked about going, then tied it to the weight loss goals). My goal for that was 5 pounds. We went last summer :D

    I haven't since then..most things cost money, which I don't have much of, but I get such a thrill out of getting new clothes (especially down a size) at the thrift store that it's a reward in itself (and a relief since my wardrobe is in major need of overhaul).

    I'm sure I'll celebrate somehow when I get below 120 (I never thought I'd see 125, which was the Hawaii weight goal..these days I'm hovering around 122. It's a lot of work to lose the last few pounds!
  • nicoleisback
    tats. =)

    Wish I still had the money for this... :(.

    If I maintain my goal weight after my wedding (which is 14 months away) I will get my next one as soon as I have the money
  • jodi41086
    jodi41086 Posts: 240
    whenever I have any spare money I treat myself to a new shirt or sports bra even new clips to hold my bangs back! Nothing is more motivating then new clothes though!! Working at a sport store even with my discount I still would rather buy from walmart! They have hoodies and capri workout pants super cheap right now too!!!!
  • godot77
    godot77 Posts: 24

    Buying the next size DOWN pair of pants is the greatest gift I can give myself.
  • fbthebear25
    fbthebear25 Posts: 19 Member
    When i get down to 200 pounds i'm gonna get a new shotgun i've been wanting
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    I have goals for my loss.
    When I reach 250lbs, I want to buy a bike to ride
    At 199lbs I want to buy a cute sundress!
    At 170lbs go to Six Flags and ride roller coasters all day long without worrying about the safety items fitting!

    There are some rather expensive sundresses I want and I refuse to buy them until i'm closer to my goal weight.
  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    % lost = #lost = weight = date = reward
    10% = 06.6# = 199.4 = TBA = tweezers
    20% = 13.2# = 192.8 = TBA = pedicure
    30% = 19.8# = 186.2 = TBA = perfume
    40% = 26.4# = 179.6 = TBA = makeup
    50% = 33.0# = 173.0 = TBA = hairdryer
    60% = 39.6# = 166.4 = TBA = $40 GAP rewards
    70% = 46.2# = 159.8 = TBA = hair color
    80% = 52.8# = 153.2 = TBA = facial treatment
    90% = 59.4# = 146.6 = TBA = hot stone massage
    100% = 66.0# = 140.0 = TBA = vacation

    This is my set of rewards for 2014. I'm looking to reach 140 from my start point of 206.6. I decided to reward myself every 10% closer to my goal I get. Since that's 6.6 pounds between goals, it's basically one reward every month or so, which will keep me motivated and not feeling like my next milestone is super far away and unattainable. I tend to pick things I'd buy anyway, or that I will need (aka hairdryer), and make myself work for them a bit. For 60% and up, those are the more fun things that I can't afford to do all the time.

    Hope this helps for some ideas! Good luck on your progress :)
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    I usually get myself new clothes when I reach goals or stay on track. My ultimate goal is a new tattoo on the side of my stomach, and hopefully that will be achieved by the summer!
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    A mani and pedi are totally on my list!
    Who doesn't like to be pampered? : lol
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    A Louis Vuitton bag whenever I hit 110 lbs!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I usually re-invest it into new work-out gear - new sneakers, yoga pants, stuff like that..............it inspires me to keep going! And you don't have to spend a ton of $ - I'm short - 5'2" - found out this weekend that Target sells 'short' yoga pants - I got a pair - size SMALL!!! WOOT! They were worth the $39.00.

    BUT - new shoes are always nice too...................!

    I have a lot of 'old' skinny clothes that fit me now (again) - so I'm trying NOT to buy too much in the way of clothes.........
  • rhoucheille
    Guilty here! I actually have a spread sheet writing down my progress and mini rewards for myself as soon as I hit the goals.

    SW: 180 lbs
    CW: 154 lbs
    GW: 130-135 lbs

    -10 lbs bought a training shoes that I can use for my zumba kinect (done)
    -15 lbs bought a wedge sneaker that I would like to use during 2014 summer season (done)
    -20 lbs I was planning to get my hair done like new hair color maybe but didn't push it through
    -35 lbs I'm planning to do a mini shopping but I'm holding off doing this coz I'm saving up for something else
    -45 lbs my initial plan is to get a nice LV purse but still need to do extra effort and save
  • nicolen160
    nicolen160 Posts: 197 Member
    I bought myself a really nice elliptical when I hit 100lbs, other than that, it has mainly been just new work out clothes and shoes :) both I really love!