I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • Ilovebeagles
    This post inspired me to start weight lifting. I am now on week 3, and today I added 5 lbs. to my bench press.

    I was always intimitaded, as so many women have mentioned, but my brother was kind enough to take me to his gym and show me the ropes. However the first day I got to my gym, the machines were different and I chickened out and did the limited weights in the womens room. I was really disappointed with myself.... so I got on Youtube and watched the same exercise on different machines. Practiced my form in front of the mirror at home, etc...

    The next time I went to the gym I vowed I was going into that weight room come hell or high water. I, afterall, pay my membership as well as the men do, and I refuse to be intimitaded. I must say, we are our own enemies! Nobody at the gym cares or pays any attention to me, but I get the feeling that if I needed a spotter, or advice, I'd have no problem finding it.

    I love lifting. I found it shocking how it got my heart rate up and got me sweating! I love feeling more confident and toned already, but most of all I love feeling strong! I look forward to the day I can benchpress 100 lbs, which to me will be a huge accomplishment! DO IT LADIES!!!
  • Nikkisfitblog
    Nikkisfitblog Posts: 149 Member
    What R CARDIO THO?
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    Just saw this thread. I have been lifting off and on for years but have been 4 times a week for the last 3 months. I love lifting. :)
  • lemurianstar
    lemurianstar Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new to the thread as well, and I greatly prefer heavy weight lifting over cardio, been doing it for a while now. I've been an athlete most of my life so I never considered weights a "men's" thing. If I can pick it up and put it down then it's my thing. Heavy lifting has done wonders for this lady.

    Just saw a girl the other day press nearly 800lbs. Go out there and do it, ladies.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I'm new to the thread as well, and I greatly prefer heavy weight lifting over cardio, been doing it for a while now. I've been an athlete most of my life so I never considered weights a "men's" thing. If I can pick it up and put it down then it's my thing. Heavy lifting has done wonders for this lady.

    Just saw a girl the other day press nearly 800lbs. Go out there and do it, ladies.

    800 lbs. ??? :huh:
  • lemurianstar
    lemurianstar Posts: 9 Member
    I kid you not. She was spotted by 4 men.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I kid you not. She was spotted by 4 men.

    I'm trying to do math on how many plates that is. SHEESH that thing must have been maxed out. Our leg press will only accommodate 12 plates on the sides, and 4 up top.
  • lemurianstar
    lemurianstar Posts: 9 Member
    I thought the same thing. Our leg press machine has one on each side and one up top. It was...interesting to watch. The men, more than her...hiding their excitement about women lifting heavy.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I started lifting in May, thanks to this site and the many awesome women here. My gym doesn't have free barbells, only the Smith machines, so I've been doing what I can with the dumbbells. I'm so excited by the changes in my body due to lifting, though, that I finally ordered my own bench and barbell so I can lift at home. :drinker:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I started lifting in May, thanks to this site and the many awesome women here. My gym doesn't have free barbells, only the Smith machines, so I've been doing what I can with the dumbbells. I'm so excited by the changes in my body due to lifting, though, that I finally ordered my own bench and barbell so I can lift at home. :drinker:

    Awesome......I also love lifting heavy things!! :smile:
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I kid you not. She was spotted by 4 men.

    I'm trying to do math on how many plates that is. SHEESH that thing must have been maxed out. Our leg press will only accommodate 12 plates on the sides, and 4 up top.

    This isn't that far out there. I remember in the highschool weight room, Maxing out leg press at 500-600 lbs. Legs are beasts. Especially if you already weigh 200+ and your legs are used to supporting that sort of weight constantly.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    This thread is awesome!!
  • ishaqishaq
    great ,really love it
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I found doing my research before joining the gym gave me confidence. I practiced my form in the mirror with YouTube videos and learned all of the correct terminology. When I did join the gym I used my "newbie" status to ask lots of questions immediately.

    Thinking about new people, I have spotted lots of other users who don't really know what they're doing. They walk nervously from one area to another, do a couple of reps and then wander on to the next. They are normally young men in pairs. So really, lots of us all in the same boat, and it makes me feel good that I have the confidence to go on my own.
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    Cautious hello. ;) I'm not on the forums here much these days, but am into lifting so why not!

    I've been overweight a long long time, but gained A LOT of weight over the winter and decided I had to do something about it. I joined a gym in April and have been going 2-4 times a week, whatever fits around life with a small child and a partner who works very long days.
    A fortunate side effect, though, is I've fallen in love with lifting. I never would have imagined it, but it's a real thrill seeing how much you can lift and lift well. I have a shiny new barbell at home and have started Stronglifts 5x5 this week, after struggling to fit an actual routine around my random gym visits.

    I haven't lost any weight - in fact I've gained a stone :embarassed: - but I've been watching the weights go up instead. I feel so much more awesome too.
  • smurfzilla
    smurfzilla Posts: 4 Member
    Weights are great. Don't feel intimidated by other people (men or women) using them. Everybody has to start somewhere. The people that have been in there lifting for years? They still had a day one at some point. If you have questions, most people are willing to help you out as well. Your biggest critic and hindrance to getting started is yourself. My weight has gone up from lifting, but I look and feel worlds different. Don't ever convince yourself that you can't do something or let the fear of looking silly stop you from bettering yourself. <3
  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    if im in the weight room alone and a woman comes in and her expression is OH NO. I say hello and then leave. It's uncomfortable I get that so I find something else to do. If a woman comes in and there are other guys besides me in there I stay.
    No one likes being oogled or stared at. Ive had people come up to me and tell me i was doing a set wrong. its like thanks for the tip STRANGER. gyms are weird for everyone not just women. Go enough times and you'll get used to it.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I have chosen to workout at 6:00am. First of all because it works into my scheduled. Secondly, because the gym is quiet - I have learned to not be intimated in the "weight section". However, when I am fighting with the big guy hogging all the dumbbells for one square ft of space it can be intimidating. I enjoy my peace and quiet in order to lift those weights to the best of my abilities !

    Small piece of advice; no matter who is in the way. Earbuds. Easier to walk up and tap someone with earbuds in, just tap and say "Excuse me" they usually move or realize they are sucking up too much space. Works well on machines too(OMG machines?!? nononononono)
  • Mommy23js
    Mommy23js Posts: 31 Member
    After seeing so many women get awesome results lifting, I wanted to try too--but I was scared. Read this post and began trying to work up the confidence to move over to the squat rack. FInally after 3 weeks of hemming and hawing about it--I did it!! It was the best feeling. Totally fell in love, and have been going strong for 4 months now on StrongLifts. I am 45 years old. I have had a couple younger guys tell me I have great form on my squat, and let me say that is better than getting carded for alcohol!! It is scary to try something new, but the results are worth it!
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Well I went and I asked to be shown the free weights. What did I get shown? The treadmill? I asked a second time and got shown the bike. I asked a third time and got told women don't really lift weights so he couldn't show me them. What the actual hell?! I kicke up a fuss and I have an appointment with someone who might be able to help on Thursday, but I'm not that hopeful, particularly as this gym seems to mainly just have weights machines.

    Argh! I definitely need to do this now, so that I have muscles big enough to punch people who say this type of thing.

    Seriously? Lol, show him a Pilates class