Two weeks in and losing motivation

nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
Hi everyone!

So I'm fairly new to this site having joined just over two weeks ago. I've been doing pretty well having lost 9lbs so far (and about 30 more to go) but today I am finding it all a bit of a struggle and am defnitely losing motivation.

Any help/tips/suggestions welcome!



  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Just know that it is human nature to have bad days. Tomorrow, or even later today, could be the complete opposite and you may be super stoked to eat right and workout. We all have days like this so just pamper yourself and know that tomorrow is another day. Good luck!
  • slimline1
    slimline1 Posts: 44 Member

    No don't give in, keep focussed and remember why you are doing this. Try not to let yourself feel swamped but get on top of it and persevere, you have the strength to carry on and this feeling will soon pass.

    Been there and probably will be again but now I have started I intend to stick it out to the end, so I can look back and see what I have achieved, for myself.

    You and me have both lost 9lbs, however, it has taken me 8 weeks, so you are doing pretty good.

    Good luck and stick at it.
  • lisa511
    lisa511 Posts: 14
    Hang in there. Think about the 9lbs that are gone and feed off of that! When I feel the same way, I do something special for myself that day that will make me feel pumped about working out the next day i.e. buy a new album to listen to while walking or go out to lunch or something like that! You will be fine!!!
  • lucifa73
    lucifa73 Posts: 110
    Go easy on yourself today. You've done great to lose 9lb in 2 weeks but this is a marathon not a sprint.

    Take some time out to remind yourself WHY you wanted to do this in the first place. How do you feel in yourself compared to where you were 2 weeks ago?

    Have you set mini goals or are you looking at the next 30 in one big chunk? Are you exercising? Set mini goals there that will give you focus and motivation to keep going. Also - have you taken measurements (hips, waist, bust etc) to keep motivation because those weeks you don't lose lbs you may well lose inches
  • kcoat
    kcoat Posts: 1
    Sometimes it helps the motivation to take a day off. Keep track of what you eat, but go over your daily allowed calories. Eat pizza and ice cream today, but start fresh tomorrow. As long as you're not doing this regularly, it doesn't really hurt your weight loss but it does ease the days when you want to quit. Good luck!
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    Sounds like a great day to plan a reward for when you reach a certain goal point. Make it a non food related gift to yourself but something fun or exciting to you. Hang in there, go for a walk.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Just realize everyone has those days. But also know that you CAN do it. YOU ARE STRONG. just take it a day at a time. If you can get through today you have made it. You don't want to waste the days you have already worked so hard at. You have already lost a good amount of weight do you really want to add them back on. No you don't. Keep your goal in mind. YOU ARE STRONG!!
    YOU CAN DO IT. YOU WILL DO IT. Believe in yourself.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    About Me
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    My Inspirations
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Fill out your profile!
    It helps. Figure out why you are here.
    Why you want to get healthy.
    Be honest and find the strength from with in yourself.
    It's there, you just gotta look for it, and want it.
    Good luck.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Wow! Thanks everyone so much for your replies! Can't believe all the support on here it really is amazing. It's mid afternoon in cloudy London so I'm more than half way through the day! Have just booked in for a gym class tonight and a session tomorrow morning so am starting to look forward to that and perking up already! Also treating myself is a great idea - will download an album for the tube home! Thanks again!

    Lucifa73 - my goal is to lose as much as possible by the end of Sept as I will be turning 30 (and I am told it is much harder after this milestone)!No exact number of lbs although I guess a healthy 10lbs by then would be great!
  • clarkecolin
    clarkecolin Posts: 34 Member

    Same as you I'm 9 lbs down after two weeks, this week no so good even though I've been good.

    Don't give in at this stage, you'll be delighted you stuck it out. Well done in booking into the gym.

    Keep the faith.

  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Don't give up! You will feel miserable if you do. If I can lose more than 100 lbs you can lose 30. I have faith in you, I know you can do this!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Exactly! What She said! haha! 2 weeks in I started having some motivational problems too. The jounaling seemed tedious, the exercise wasn't fun (yet) and I was still feeling overwhelmed with my larger goal of 70 pounds. I did stick with it and it has been over 3 months and 21 pounds. It is soooo worth it, you can do it. Just stay focused! There will be hard days, days when you go over your calories and times when the scales don't move. That's all a part of this journey of becoming healthier and it's hard to change what you've always done. But you know the saying, " If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got" Good luck!
  • Same thing happened to me. Been a month and I am kinda stuck at 10.5 lbs but I feel better than I have in a long time. I exercise when I start feeling blah about things. The Endorphins and serotonin released from a good 2-3 mile walk will get you feeling better quick. Find inner motivation! and, yes... have some chocolate or A slice of pizza or a scoop of icecream. Denying everything will surely not help your success.
  • The weight you want to lose did not appear overnight, I am sure. It will not vanish overnight either. Just remember, the slower you lose it the better and more permanently you will keep it off.
  • The weight you want to lose did not appear overnight, I am sure. It will not vanish overnight either. Just remember, the slower you lose it the better and more permanently you will keep it off.
  • The weight you want to lose did not appear overnight, I am sure. It will not vanish overnight either. Just remember, the slower you lose it the better and more permanently you will keep it off.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    So what is it you do for work? I only ask because I'll bet you didnt start your job one day and be automatically good at it. if like most jobs it took studying and determination and there were probably days in there in which you were like i really just want to quit. this is no different. It takes determination, if you really want it that bad you have to find your niche, your inner 'i will do this' because you want it. not because you'll look good for your husband, bf,, family, party, etc... its so you look good, feel good and are healthy for you.. no one else, no one else got you your job or where you are in life, only you can change the way you are.
    so keep up the good work you really can do it 9 lbs is nothing to turn your nose at.
  • rsua2281
    rsua2281 Posts: 13
    Sweetie we all fall off once in a while and you know what else ....GET YOURSELF UP, DUST IT OFF, AND START A NEW DAY!!!

    I enjoyed my weekend, ate pizza, chicken, wedges, ranch sauce, sushi, chips, & everything in between, I weighed monday morning and was 4 pounds right back on track yesterday, and I've already lost 3 of those pounds. Don't beat yourself up. It's o.k. to crave once in a while and indulge yourself, you have to make your self happy but just remember.

  • bigran82
    About Me
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    My Inspirations
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Fill out your profile!
    It helps. Figure out why you are here.
    Why you want to get healthy.
    Be honest and find the strength from with in yourself.
    It's there, you just gotta look for it, and want it.
    Good luck.

    great post!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    I can't tell you all how glad I am that I found MFP! My lull at lunchtime today put me on a bit of a downer but all your comments and support picked me right up and reminded me of my goals. I've just got back from a gym class and feel great and even more motivated! Thanks my new friends!