Two weeks in and losing motivation



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    About Me
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    My Inspirations
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Fill out your profile!
    It helps. Figure out why you are here.
    Why you want to get healthy.
    Be honest and find the strength from with in yourself.
    It's there, you just gotta look for it, and want it.
    Good luck.
    what she said and snag about 30 + more friends that you find interesting, motivating, or just wanna be inspired by!! Once you get some peeps on your newsfeed, you'll be so busy chatting about everything you'll be highly motivated, trying new recipes, learning more about how this place works and getting pumped every morning you sign on!! Getting involved in the site is what does it for many ppl, you wanna sign in, log your cals, excercise and catch up with your peeps, by then you'll be addicting and starting a thread about that. bwwwwwahah

    Good luck!
  • rsua2281
    rsua2281 Posts: 13
    Love the qoetes on here!!!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Start reading some of the inspirational stories on here. Look at some before and after pictures. That always makes me feel great. Then this week when I was feeling a little less than positive, I went to the store and bought a size smaller in jeans that I wear normally. They are too tight for me, but I know that with a little work, they are going to fit me and that is my new goal...It will feel so nice to wear them. (I just got into my smallest pair that i previously owned). So do something that will inspire you to move forward. Stay on this website and make friends!
  • deasourus
    deasourus Posts: 16
    DONT STOP NOW! lol When I loose motivation I like to read the success stories. Makes it all seem more realistic =)
  • lcs1211
    lcs1211 Posts: 121 Member
    9 lbs in two weeks is awesome. I only lost 11 in a month and was very excited. You will always have discouraging days, but just keep doing what you are doing because it is obviously working.
  • Solomonre0
    Solomonre0 Posts: 143 Member
    Come on keep going! It takes 30 days to make something a habit, so don't stop now!! 9lbs lost in 2 weeks is absolutely amazing! Think of how fast that weight is coming off and how much better you're going to feel if you continue for just another 2 weeks, and then another 2 weeks after that. Keep up the good work!
  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    Losing 80 lbs I can say that it is trying, and a struggle. I treated the process as a job. Some days I didnt' want to go to "work" but I knew I had to. If you are truly commited, you will keep going. You have to will yourself to do it. You can stay the course. Also google motivational quotes, speeches, people overcoming adversity and you'll realize you have it a lot easier than other people. ITS HARD! I failed many times in the past, but this time I surrounded myself around positive, supportive people and kept pushing.
    YOU CAN!
  • sacfrazier
    Keep your eyes on your goal. When I start feeling that way, I read some of the success stories on here and it keeps me going. You can do it!
  • wiglitt
    wiglitt Posts: 22
    I had that feeling last Saturday, I weighted in and instead of loosing I gained 2 pounds. I really wanted to cry and almost did. I did not understand how that was possible. I was eating right, going to the gym 6 days a week...errrrr!

    Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who would not let me get depressed and quit like I have so many times before. I might not have lost pounds but I am defiantly shrinking. Bottom line….I FEEL GOOD. I have to tell myself to take it slow and keep going and it will come off.

    Keep your head up and keep going......
  • youngchick
    I had that feeling today. I had a half piece of fudge and instantly felt both guilty and great. I entered it right away in my diary to keep my reality in check. I think 9 lbs in 2 weeks is awesome. It's taken me 3 weeks to lose 11 lbs! 20 more to go ... just have to stick with it. So much harder than it was 20 years ago :-)!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Check out this post:

    It's a good one to check-in to every now and then and realize that most people go through the same "cycles" and that you have to just keep sticking with it. You don't want to have to start all over!
  • Chrizzle21
    Chrizzle21 Posts: 95 Member
    9lbs. in two weeks?! Girl keep going! Dayum!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    You are all sooooo lovely! I actually posted this topic towards the end of August 2010 when I was starting out. Thanks to the replies I got I kept at it and now almost 205 days later I have lost a little over 45 lbs, three dress sizes, am much fitter and feeling amazing!!

    Thanks again! I really appreciate it!