Why can't I just do it?



  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't think you should be depressed about things. Be patient and kind with yourself, and take credit for the things you ARE doing. Think about the path you want to take long term - and remember each day is a small step. Find people who will help you along the way (which, since you are here, you already have some). Good luck!

    Thank You gsc560
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    cus you dont want it bad enough... yet. nothing wrong with that.

    once you've reached your absolute worst moment with being overweight then you'll find your motivation because at that point you'll be committed to making your lifestyle change.

    and like other people have said, you dont have to motivated. i do many things in my life i dont want to do and am not motivated to do, but i do them because they allow me to do other things i really want to do.
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    You will lose weight. I know you will. You may feel your body is disgusting but It's really not. It's an amazing creation that can do wonderful things- you just need to mold it a little and you CAN do it. I can tell you are a smart, thoughtful woman. Treat yourself well. Get your hair or your nails done, get a massage or cuddle up in front of a fire and read a book. What are your hobbies??? Do some charity work, help someone in need, anything that makes you feel good. What do you do for fun- find something to make you feel good and do it. I hope MFP gets their recipe sharing app up and running and then you can share your recipes with us! And believe me you are doing a good thing with this thread because we are all involved and learning.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Hi OP,

    Well, your diary isn't open, so I can't really tell, but is it possible that the calorie goal you set for yourself is too low and therefore, you're tired? Maybe the depressed version of "hangry"?
    Do you think you'd feel better if you ate a bit more?

    Weightless is mostly about calorie deficit, and exercise helps with that and in many other ways, too.
    Maybe just do the stuff you actually love right now. As you progress, then you might actually WANT to tackle the rest.

    Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Pretty soon, the walk gets easier.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    All of the above, unless you are clinically depressed, in which case you might benefit from a visit to your doc, or therapy, or a combination thereof? I know when I am depressed it feels almost impossible to work on any goals (career, home, self-care, etc.). This time of the year is bad for those of us who battle depression. Good luck to you!

    Yes i am clinically depressed and i do see a doctor and i know that is what makes it so much harder.

    If you want to lose the weight you will....it's that simple really.

    If you enjoy your exercise and the food then your depression will not be that big of a factor.

    I suffer from it as well esp in the winter but exercise and being healthy is proven to help with depression.

    Not to be mean (and this will come off as mean) but I am being blunt actually..

    You either want it bad enough or you don't.
  • ChristineOlivarri
    ChristineOlivarri Posts: 62 Member
    I think it's about changing your thoughts about food, at least that's what I have had to do since starting. I'm not thinking of food as comfort anymore but something you need to survive and that's it. I have also started a new side business that has completely been consuming most of my day so my mind isn't on food like it was before.

    Also when I feel like I want to eat everything in my fridge or pig out on junk food I follow a few steps first #1 stop and think why I want this. #2. Drink water #3 work out for an hour. If after all those steps I still feel like I need extra food out of my regular diet I eat a small healthy meal. I really think 99% of overeating (at least for myself) is due to my mind set at that moment. Being aware of that and what to do about it is the first step, once you figure that out, dieting and changing your life for the better isn't so hard.

    Wish you the best of luck !
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    People who have not been depressed (Major Depression) often have difficulty understanding what it is like... the struggle to do the simplest things. I have been diagnosed for many years. I have tried all the medications. They kept me alive, but not living. I now use cannabis sativa to help boost my mood and motivation. I know it is counter to what everyone has been told. If you smoke marijuana, you are supposed to get munchies and get fat and lazy. I use medical grade cannabis sativa for depression, and it is the only thing that has worked. I have a few tools: motivational videos, green tea, cannabis sativa, my dog, I make bargains with myself, tiny tiny goals: 'I'm just going to walk from here to there", music that motivates me. I wish you the very best.