Women Hate



  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    I don't disagree with you but would like to question how you feel about the widespread misandry that exists in western cutlures?

    I...have never witnessed this. I do not and will never agree with hatred of another human being based on their gender or race alone. It's what that human being DOES that deserves hatred; not something that they have absolutely no control over.
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    Misogyny is alive and well in all parts of the world. :(
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Will never understand the whole "only sons carry on family" concept. Prior to genetic testing the only parent you could be 100% certain of is the mother, therefor the only lineage you can be 100% certain of is maternal, and it doesn't take modern science to undertand the basics of this concept.

    There's a reason schools stopped doing bloodtyping labs.... One too many lawsuits when Jr. started asking how s/he could have type A blood when mom and dad are both O......
  • latewinterwolf
    i think its china(i could be wrong) but a daughter cant carry on the family company the son has to / should so if they have a daughter they usually go and adopt a son or something. but yeah some countries are just completely messed up. the only thing i like about china is the one baby limit

    Not trying to change the subject, but curious why you like China's one baby limit...

    Watch jeremy kyle. and lets face it the world is getting more and more and more overpopulated.
    its like those people on benefits who keep on having kids just so they can get more money. those people should have been castrated / spayed at birth
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    We have friends in Beijing who had fraternal twins - one boy, one girl. The parents are professionals and can afford to pay the fees, so they get to keep both children. Sick, I know. The ones who keep a second child are forced to pay high fines and if they can't pay, they are ruined.. they will he hounded by the government, harassed, threatened, living in fear.. .unless they make the problem go away. The one child rule is inhumane.

    edited for spelling
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    Evolution teaches us - with no females, there will be no more males. Their cultures will eventually die, and that will be it.

    That doesn't really have anything to do with evolution. A lot of the cultures that are by modern western standards very misogynistic have been doing the same stuff since pre-history. Their existence in the modern day disproves your second sentence.

    A nation can easily have 20% fewer girls, like most of the the Asian countries do, and still be packed with people. China is a solid example. You can't say that country is dying out and keep a straight face.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I am from india and I know what you mean. Though it has not been the case in my families (I would consider myself lucky) and many others.. but thats still a mentality which exist in india. Very few people actually want a girl. Even if its a girl and she turns out to be of a dark skin tone, there will be no end to her woes. Girls, specially girls with a dark complexion is considered as a burden to family. Its a sick mentality. There are activists, protests but it is going to take a long time to change peoples mentality.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    For population control, wouldn't it make more sense to get rid of the boys? A woman can have (on average) about 4 kids before being tapped out, right? I know there are massive exceptions, and this might not be the right number at all, but roll with me here.
    A man can impregnate 300 women and out of those 300 about 250 will have a smooth birth. Men are more of a population problem than women are, IMO.

    Anyway, I want to turn into a man and be put in that predicament, but whatever.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    I am from india and I know what you mean. Though it has not been the case in my families (I would consider myself lucky) and many others.. but thats still a mentality which exist in india. Very few people actually want a girl. Even if its a girl and she turns out to be of a dark skin tone, there will be no end to her woes. Girls, specially girls with a dark complexion is considered as a burden to family. Its a sick mentality. There are activists, protests but it is going to take a long time to change peoples mentality.

    Wow, over dark skin? How come? Is there some kind of flawed logic that goes along with it, or just a "beauty" thing? (btw, I think dark skinned women are the best, but okay, lol)
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    i think its china(i could be wrong) but a daughter cant carry on the family company the son has to / should so if they have a daughter they usually go and adopt a son or something. but yeah some countries are just completely messed up. the only thing i like about china is the one baby limit

    Not trying to change the subject, but curious why you like China's one baby limit...

    Watch jeremy kyle. and lets face it the world is getting more and more and more overpopulated.
    its like those people on benefits who keep on having kids just so they can get more money. those people should have been castrated / spayed at birth

    Overpopulation is a myth. More and more babies are being born, but plenty of people are dying, too. More people are choosing on their own to have only one or two children, and many are even choosing to not have any at all. The problem we have going on here is not overpopulation, but people having children knowing they can't support them, which is what you mentioned. People on government benefits have children who grow up on government benefits. Then they have children......and on and on it goes. However, I have 4 children. My husband has a job, pays for our own insurance. We are not on any kind of government benefits. Unless you want to count my husband's military benefits, but he has earned those, and they aren't that great anyway. I would hate to be told I shouldn't have more children just because other people are irresponsible. There are parents in China who would love to have more children and it's an absolute shame to deny them their rights. It's not about overpopulation over there. It's about control.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I am from india and I know what you mean. Though it has not been the case in my families (I would consider myself lucky) and many others.. but thats still a mentality which exist in india. Very few people actually want a girl. Even if its a girl and she turns out to be of a dark skin tone, there will be no end to her woes. Girls, specially girls with a dark complexion is considered as a burden to family. Its a sick mentality. There are activists, protests but it is going to take a long time to change peoples mentality.

    Wow, over dark skin? How come? Is there some kind of flawed logic that goes along with it, or just a "beauty" thing? (btw, I think dark skinned women are the best, but okay, lol)

    Our culture is obsessed with fair skin tone. The more fairer you the you will be considered more pretty. darker you are uglier you are. Thats how people think here. I know it sounds all twisted and funny. And frankly very few Indians do actually have a nice fair skin tone. Fairness skin creams and bleaches and tan removers are super hyped here.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    xil 1/12/14

    Women should be cherished
    They are the life-bringers
    They hold the key
    And they are the gatekeepers.

    Women should be cherished
    They dull the sharp edges
    They kiss away the pain
    They are the great healers.

    Women should be cherished
    They are our mothers and sisters
    They are our daughters
    They are our wives and friends.

    Women should be cherished
    They should be protected
    They should be cared for
    They should be died-for.

    I am not so out-of-date to think that women cannot hold their own, they can and often do. But when closed-minded eff'd up ignorant fools actively harm them for being women, rape them, beat them, kill them for being women, commit such hideous and barbarous acts of hatred toward them b/c they are women, it boils my blood.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    My husband travels to India frequently for business and I went with him for 10 days. What an eye opener.

    We were out and I met a very pretty Indian girl, and when it started to get to be dusk she told he she had to go because if a single woman is out alone after dark it is telling men she wants to be raped. :noway: (this was before the New Delhi bus rape).

    Not only is the mentality toward women really effed up over there, the whole caste system blows my mind. In India you are either very rich, or very poor. And I mean VERY poor. If you are poor and a woman, God help you. We were out to dinner one night with a man who calls himself "The Chairman" - what a d!ck. I drank 5 glasses of wine at dinner just to keep my mouth shut since my husband is his structural engineer on his schools he builds over there. This guy was so pompous he wouldn't even talk to the waitress (WAY to beneath him) so he told his architect, in front of the waitress, what he wanted to order and drink - every time she came to the table, and the architect then told the waitress who I am SURE heard him in the first place.

    India pretty much really left me feeling disheartened and sad, which is funny for such a "spiritual" place. I obviously didn't go check myself into an Ashram and meditate for 10 days. All the nice places are behind walls with guards and people (babies and children) live in cardboard boxes built against the walls outside. I guess if I lived in India I'd be hoping for the next life too - especially if I was a woman.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    xil 1/12/14

    Women should be cherished
    They are the life-bringers
    They hold the key
    And they are the gatekeepers.

    Women should be cherished
    They dull the sharp edges
    They kiss away the pain
    They are the great healers.

    Women should be cherished
    They are our mothers and sisters
    They are our daughters
    They are our wives and friends.

    Women should be cherished
    They should be protected
    They should be cared for
    They should be died-for.

    I am not so out-of-date to think that women cannot hold their own, they can and often do. But when closed-minded eff'd up ignorant fools actively harm them for being women, rape them, beat them, kill them for being women, commit such hideous and barbarous acts of hatred toward them b/c they are women, it boils my blood.

    You are awesome!
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Oh - and here is GREAT poem by my favorite spoken word poet, Andrea Gibson: Blue Blanket - (warning -- it's about rape if you are sensitive to this subject).

  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    My husband travels to India frequently for business and I went with him for 10 days. What an eye opener.

    We were out and I met a very pretty Indian girl, and when it started to get to be dusk she told he she had to go because if a single woman is out alone after dark it is telling men she wants to be raped. :noway: (this was before the New Delhi bus rape).

    Not only is the mentality toward women really effed up over there, the whole caste system blows my mind. In India you are either very rich, or very poor. And I mean VERY poor. If you are poor and a woman, God help you. We were out to dinner one night with a man who calls himself "The Chairman" - what a d!ck. I drank 5 glasses of wine at dinner just to keep my mouth shut since my husband is his structural engineer on his schools he builds over there. This guy was so pompous he wouldn't even talk to the waitress (WAY to beneath him) so he told his architect, in front of the waitress, what he wanted to order and drink - every time she came to the table, and the architect then told the waitress who I am SURE heard him in the first place.

    India pretty much really left me feeling disheartened and sad, which is funny for such a "spiritual" place. I obviously didn't go check myself into an Ashram and meditate for 10 days. All the nice places are behind walls with guards and people (babies and children) live in cardboard boxes built against the walls outside. I guess if I lived in India I'd be hoping for the next life too - especially if I was a woman.

    I wonder how much spit was in the Chairman's drinks and food that night!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Our culture is obsessed with fair skin tone. The more fairer you the you will be considered more pretty. darker you are uglier you are. Thats how people think here. I know it sounds all twisted and funny. And frankly very few Indians do actually have a nice fair skin tone. Fairness skin creams and bleaches and tan removers are super hyped here.
    Many, many white women in the UK are obsessed with getting a darker skin tone - so it's not just your country/culture :).
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Well wait a minute, , , aren't the liberals and television media telling us we're supposed to "embrace" cultural diversity???
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    Well wait a minute, , , aren't the liberals and television media telling us we're supposed to "embrace" cultural diversity???

    lol.... I doubt this is what they meant...

    Anyways, it's a shame that it's like this in other countries. Unfortunately, Ideology seems to triumph and attempt to justify immoral actions that are just plain sickening.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Our culture is obsessed with fair skin tone. The more fairer you the you will be considered more pretty. darker you are uglier you are. Thats how people think here. I know it sounds all twisted and funny. And frankly very few Indians do actually have a nice fair skin tone. Fairness skin creams and bleaches and tan removers are super hyped here.
    Many, many white women in the UK are obsessed with getting a darker skin tone - so it's not just your country/culture :).

    this isnt the same thing. it's not a 1:1 correspondence