Weight Gain on 1200 to 1400 calories



  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 174cm and 83kg. (27 yrs old)
    I did this


    to work out my daily calories.
    I also got a fitbit for Christmas, turns out MFP was over estimating my calorie expenditure quite significantly. I'm VERY non-active! Even if the calorie burn estimate of the Fitbit is off it has encouraged me to be more active and yesterday (day 3 of use) I made it over 10,000 steps as well as my gym workout!
    As a female who has struggled my entire life I watch both carbs and calories as my method of weight control and it is working, although for this year I am only on day 4! (yay for holidays!) and I only put on 600gs over the 3 week Christmas break. For me, and despite what other users will say, carb control is a sustainable method of weight loss for me and a great lifestyle change!
    At the end of the day, cals in vs cals out! being active! and reading food labels will all help, knowing what you are putting into your body is very important!!! (low carb has encouraged me to read labels more to understand both the calories and the carbs in the foods)
    best of luck and add me as a friend if you wish
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    OP, do you have a food scale? If not, I would highly suggest getting one. You want to ensure accuracy as much as possible to be successful.

    BTW, when you try something, it has to be no less than 4 weeks to determine if its working otherwise water weight can effect your results.
  • Gretel086
    OP, do you have a food scale? If not, I would highly suggest getting one. You want to ensure accuracy as much as possible to be successful.

    BTW, when you try something, it has to be no less than 4 weeks to determine if its working otherwise water weight can effect your results.

    Do you think I shouldweigh myself in 4 weeks? I just weighed myself again and it was 93.4. Surely there is no way you can put on nearly 4 Kgs in a week and a half! Can water weight be that much. I have been calculating my calories very accurately but I mean compared to what I was eating before I have definitely reduced my calorie intake dramatically and started exercising so how can I gain nearly 4 Kgs in under 2 weeks!

    I am so worried that there is some underlying problem.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Two data points aren't anywhere near enough to perform any kind of meaningful analysis. Natural weight fluctuations can easily be 3-5 Lbs day to day. Water retention/release, more/less waste in your system, more/less food in your stomach, glycogen storage fluctuation, etc.

    Weight loss is a general trend over a much longer period of time...it's not a linear event. You should weigh yourself at the same time and under roughly the same conditions whenever you do it. If you can't wrap your head around completely natural weight fluctuations I would recommend only weighing in once per week and like I said...same time and under same conditions.

    If you eat something you're going to weigh more...if you need to drop a deuce you're going to weigh more....if you had more sodium than normal you are going to retain more water...all of this goes into your scale weight...it's not all fat.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Are you weighing at different times of the day? I've seen my weight fluctuate as much as 10 lbs from morning to afternoon.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Two data points aren't anywhere near enough to perform any kind of meaningful analysis. Natural weight fluctuations can easily be 3-5 Lbs day to day. Water retention/release, more/less waste in your system, more/less food in your stomach, glycogen storage fluctuation, etc.

    Weight loss is a general trend over a much longer period of time...it's not a linear event. You should weigh yourself at the same time and under roughly the same conditions whenever you do it. If you can't wrap your head around completely natural weight fluctuations I would recommend only weighing in once per week and like I said...same time and under same conditions.

    If you eat something you're going to weigh more...if you need to drop a deuce you're going to weigh more....if you had more sodium than normal you are going to retain more water...all of this goes into your scale weight...it's not all fat.

    This is what I would have said. Yes, you can gain 4 or more lbs of water weight. Heck, I can eat a burrito and gain 7 lbs. Look at trends over 4 weeks at least...
  • lalala541
    Like other people already said, (some) weight fluctuations are normal, even throughout the day...but maybe you are underestimating what you are eating?
  • Gretel086

    This is what I would have said. Yes, you can gain 4 or more lbs of water weight. Heck, I can eat a burrito and gain 7 lbs. Look at trends over 4 weeks at least...

    it is 4kgs that I gained which is 8lbs, thanks for all of the advice, I will just keep doing what I am doing and look at it in 4 weeks. Before this I was eating takeaway food every day and doing no exercise so it will have to make it a difference!