How do you get motivated to exercise?



  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm 22 years old, about to turn 23 in 2 months. I see 17/18 year olds who are in better shape than me. What is that garbage? I refuse to accept that there are kids just finishing high school and entering college that are stronger than me. No way, buddy. My motivation is to be the best I can be, which is better than everyone else. :bigsmile:
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Pie, Women, and stupid irrational goals/OCD

    I love hiking and I love food and beer. The calorie burns I was getting from all-day hikes over the summer allowed me to eat awesome stuff and drink lots of amazing beer. As the days were getting shorter and colder, I realized I needed I more time-efficient method of getting a big calorie allowance. I did some half-assed attempts at running, but nothing really stuck.

    One day I was out of town for work and was out on a jog. I decided I wanted to go to the world famous pie place, and since I didn't have a car, my feet had to get me there. Since I didn't have time to walk there, eat, and get back to where I was staying in time for that day's activities, I realized I HAD to run. That got me to realize that running was not horrible.

    Over the next month or so I started running. Mainly to build up endurance to play hockey, and also to be ready for a couple week long hking trips I've got planned for the summer. Then I started running with a girl. On the days we didn't run, I had to run harder, faster, longer so I could look better on our "dates". Then she suggested we do a marathon together, and like a schmuck I said yes.

    She got went out of town for a couple weeks at Christmas, so I really cranked up the training. I accidentally let some people at work know what I was doing. Then she came back and said she couldn't do the marathon, but by the point I had already committed myself, and told too many people.

    So now, every morning, I get out of bed and say "Goddamn B*tch, I've gotta run because of the marathon because of her and so I can have duck leg confit and a couple Elysians tonight"
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I don't like my job, I am completely unmotivated to go every single morning. I don't enjoy a single minute whilst I'm there. But I go every single day because I have to, and when I am there I do my best to do a good job because I have to.

    I view exercise in the same light
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    I look at myself in the mirror coming out of the shower and see changes every other day and freakin love it!
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    I don't like my job, I am completely unmotivated to go every single morning. I don't enjoy a single minute whilst I'm there. But I go every single day because I have to, and when I am there I do my best to do a good job because I have to.

    I view exercise in the same light

    More or less you are saying that you don't like what you do at work, you don't like what you do outside of work but you force yourself to do it anyway :noway:
  • ellet123
    ellet123 Posts: 6 Member
    I motivated myself by just going to the sports shop and getting my self a sports kit and trainers. don't think about it just do it, plus you'll feel amazing afterwards!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I just get up, look in the mirror, realise what riding my bike has done for me in the last couple of years, and I can hardly wait to get out riding again... Even if, like today, its only a couple of degree's above freezing, the rain's horizontal in a 20mph wind.

    This is Why...
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I don't like my job, I am completely unmotivated to go every single morning. I don't enjoy a single minute whilst I'm there. But I go every single day because I have to, and when I am there I do my best to do a good job because I have to.

    I view exercise in the same light

    More or less you are saying that you don't like what you do at work, you don't like what you do outside of work but you force yourself to do it anyway :noway:

    :laugh: :laugh: yeah I am either really miserable and at war with the world or you completely missed the point. Are you not very good with analogies :indifferent: