Lost 60 lbs, gained it all back. Need friends



  • I can relate too, I lost a good 40 pounds and then gained it all back plus another 20. Feel free to add me or anyone else for that matter.
  • Mochi915
    Mochi915 Posts: 30 Member
    Friend me and let's do this together! : )
  • NessaWilde
    NessaWilde Posts: 53 Member
    I also gained back some of the weight I lost, I'm trying a new approach now. Let's be friends and work together.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Need friends to help keep me on track and for encouragement. I lost 60 lbs using mfp before and then gained it all back in about 5 months. I am so dissapointed with the fact that I ruined all my hard work. Looking for active users and people who will be encouraging.


    You should first try to learn from your mistakes, or else it will happen again.

    Why did you gain 60 lbs back?

    Did you lose weight too fast at first?

    Did you reach your goal weight, relax, and let it go?

    Unexpected stress/circumstance?

    Be as open and honest about it.
  • blorft
    blorft Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on a 60 pound journey too!!! Feel free to add me! :)
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    Feel free to add me! I did the same thing. I lose 30 & put 40 back on , I am here for you!
  • MTGirl4Life
    MTGirl4Life Posts: 84 Member
    Hi. Please feel free to add me. I have struggled with my weight for over 20 years. As of May 2013, I had lost about 25 lbs. As of January 4, 2014, I had gained it all back, plus one lb. For me, I know my "issue" is that I am an emotional and compulsive eater, and I consider myself to be a food addict (because when I try to eat healthy, I have the same reaction/feelings that an alcoholic or drug addict would have). I finally admitted to myself the addiction issue. I am now on the road to recovery (using my own "program" I have come up with after much research). I try to log everyday, but sometimes with my schedule, it is a bit difficult. But, I will enjoy hearing any suggestions and support you have to offer me, as I will offer to you. Best wishes!! :)
  • longview
    longview Posts: 28 Member
    First time on here I lost 40, stopped logging on daily, gained back 60. Well I back on & hope get back to 220.I'm going to log on everyday, it keeps me honest
  • lois1585
    lois1585 Posts: 25 Member
    You got this! Don't be discouraged...always look at the positives!
  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 268 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    I lost 55 pounds over the past 2 years and gained about 12 back the past 3 months. I had stopped exercising, eating right and just plain was not accountable.
    I am back and ready to be on here everyday. I have started a new fitness plan URX-14 Xtreme Rebounding (mini trampoline) something different and fun, so I am ready to lose those pounds back and more.
  • You can do it, girl!!

    I would love to help you get back to your goals! I am on a mission to help at least 5 people each month hit their health and fitness goals. Each month I have weight loss test groups, it is a very supportive group help on facebook. Completely private, so that way only we can see what were posting in there!

    As for the test group...basically it'll be a 21 day support group where you will have all the support and accountability you need to reach your goals. In the group I share nutrition tips/suggestions, recipes etc., and help you all stay on track. I'll be doing the group right along with you all since I'm getting married in the fall. The programs is easy to follow and comes with some really great tools, like portion control containers.

    I would love to chat some more with you! Feel free to shoot me a message on facebook!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    added you :)
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    How did you lose it in the first place? To gain it all back in five months makes me think you lost it in a manner you couldn't sustain. It might be a good idea to re-think your tactic so it doesn't happen again. I'm so sorry for your disappointment, but we're all here for you to help you back to success!
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    I hear ya, you can add me. A number of years ago I lost 25 lbs and since then (including my pregnancy) I have gained it all back + I'm ashamed to say it 100lbs... since the top end of my weight I've lost 40-50ish pounds but still no where near where I was before I gained all of my weight. I'm feeling relatively determined though so you (or anyone) are welcome to add me and we can back each other up! :)
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    I too know how it feels, only this time I gained even more than what I originally weighed. This is my first time using mfp. I also started insanity. I just finished wk 1. And I can't wait to see some results. So does mfp really work by just staying on track with how many calories it tells you you can have?

    YES it works and it works FAST!.. I would never even dreamed of counting calories...let alone logging them. But I have lost 4lbs already this year. It makes you a CONSCIOUS/responsible eater and drinker.
  • Mrsum3
    Mrsum3 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone, please feel free to add me. I had lost 65lbs in 2009 and gained it all back. We can do this together!
  • Yellowbelly84
    Yellowbelly84 Posts: 33 Member
    Same :-( Feel free to add me :-)
  • LittleMissYoYo
    LittleMissYoYo Posts: 88 Member
    Hey! I've been a member of MFP for two years, I did give up due to personal issues and gained over 42lbs in the process, new year new start! we can do it together ^_^ Add me if you want xxx
  • tessaainge
    tessaainge Posts: 8 Member
    I also say to maintain is harder than losing good luck with your journey x
  • purplemurfy
    purplemurfy Posts: 95 Member
    So many of us are in the same boat. I've lost and gained several times now. Feeling really really disappointed in myself. I hate the way I feel and hate the way I look. But I have zero motivation. Saw this thread and maybe I shouldn't beat myself up so much. I logged in, right? Good step for today.....now, I gotta get myself to continue to do this. I've had a bad habit of loosing 20-25lbs and then "taking a break". That break then turns into doing nothing and I gain it all back. I CAN'T do that again. I need to loose at least 90lbs in the long run. Planning on taking it slow - 1lb a week which is double what my doc even said. I have a goal for my b-day in October and I'd really like to make it this year. :)

    Thanks to everyone that posts because I usually don't. But reading these made me feel a bit better today.